path: root/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/hgweb/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/hgweb/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 783 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/hgweb/ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/hgweb/
deleted file mode 100644
index e290da6..0000000
--- a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/hgweb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,783 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 21 May 2005 - (c) 2005 Jake Edge <>
-# Copyright 2005-2007 Matt Mackall <>
-# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
-# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
-import os, mimetypes, re, cgi, copy
-import webutil
-from mercurial import error, encoding, archival, templater, templatefilters
-from mercurial.node import short, hex
-from mercurial.util import binary
-from common import paritygen, staticfile, get_contact, ErrorResponse
-from mercurial import graphmod
-from mercurial import help as helpmod
-from mercurial.i18n import _
-# __all__ is populated with the allowed commands. Be sure to add to it if
-# you're adding a new command, or the new command won't work.
-__all__ = [
- 'log', 'rawfile', 'file', 'changelog', 'shortlog', 'changeset', 'rev',
- 'manifest', 'tags', 'branches', 'summary', 'filediff', 'diff', 'annotate',
- 'filelog', 'archive', 'static', 'graph', 'help',
-def log(web, req, tmpl):
- if 'file' in req.form and req.form['file'][0]:
- return filelog(web, req, tmpl)
- else:
- return changelog(web, req, tmpl)
-def rawfile(web, req, tmpl):
- path = webutil.cleanpath(web.repo, req.form.get('file', [''])[0])
- if not path:
- content = manifest(web, req, tmpl)
- req.respond(HTTP_OK, web.ctype)
- return content
- try:
- fctx = webutil.filectx(web.repo, req)
- except error.LookupError, inst:
- try:
- content = manifest(web, req, tmpl)
- req.respond(HTTP_OK, web.ctype)
- return content
- except ErrorResponse:
- raise inst
- path = fctx.path()
- text =
- mt = mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0]
- if mt is None:
- mt = binary(text) and 'application/octet-stream' or 'text/plain'
- if mt.startswith('text/'):
- mt += '; charset="%s"' % encoding.encoding
- req.respond(HTTP_OK, mt, path, len(text))
- return [text]
-def _filerevision(web, tmpl, fctx):
- f = fctx.path()
- text =
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- if binary(text):
- mt = mimetypes.guess_type(f)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
- text = '(binary:%s)' % mt
- def lines():
- for lineno, t in enumerate(text.splitlines(True)):
- yield {"line": t,
- "lineid": "l%d" % (lineno + 1),
- "linenumber": "% 6d" % (lineno + 1),
- "parity":}
- return tmpl("filerevision",
- file=f,
- path=webutil.up(f),
- text=lines(),
- rev=fctx.rev(),
- node=hex(fctx.node()),
- author=fctx.user(),
- desc=fctx.description(),
- branch=webutil.nodebranchnodefault(fctx),
- parent=webutil.parents(fctx),
- child=webutil.children(fctx),
- rename=webutil.renamelink(fctx),
- permissions=fctx.manifest().flags(f))
-def file(web, req, tmpl):
- path = webutil.cleanpath(web.repo, req.form.get('file', [''])[0])
- if not path:
- return manifest(web, req, tmpl)
- try:
- return _filerevision(web, tmpl, webutil.filectx(web.repo, req))
- except error.LookupError, inst:
- try:
- return manifest(web, req, tmpl)
- except ErrorResponse:
- raise inst
-def _search(web, req, tmpl):
- query = req.form['rev'][0]
- revcount = web.maxchanges
- if 'revcount' in req.form:
- revcount = int(req.form.get('revcount', [revcount])[0])
- tmpl.defaults['sessionvars']['revcount'] = revcount
- lessvars = copy.copy(tmpl.defaults['sessionvars'])
- lessvars['revcount'] = revcount / 2
- lessvars['rev'] = query
- morevars = copy.copy(tmpl.defaults['sessionvars'])
- morevars['revcount'] = revcount * 2
- morevars['rev'] = query
- def changelist(**map):
- count = 0
- qw = query.lower().split()
- def revgen():
- for i in xrange(len(web.repo) - 1, 0, -100):
- l = []
- for j in xrange(max(0, i - 100), i + 1):
- ctx = web.repo[j]
- l.append(ctx)
- l.reverse()
- for e in l:
- yield e
- for ctx in revgen():
- miss = 0
- for q in qw:
- if not (q in ctx.user().lower() or
- q in ctx.description().lower() or
- q in " ".join(ctx.files()).lower()):
- miss = 1
- break
- if miss:
- continue
- count += 1
- n = ctx.node()
- showtags = webutil.showtag(web.repo, tmpl, 'changelogtag', n)
- files = webutil.listfilediffs(tmpl, ctx.files(), n, web.maxfiles)
- yield tmpl('searchentry',
- author=ctx.user(),
- parent=webutil.parents(ctx),
- child=webutil.children(ctx),
- changelogtag=showtags,
- desc=ctx.description(),
- files=files,
- rev=ctx.rev(),
- node=hex(n),
- tags=webutil.nodetagsdict(web.repo, n),
- inbranch=webutil.nodeinbranch(web.repo, ctx),
- branches=webutil.nodebranchdict(web.repo, ctx))
- if count >= revcount:
- break
- tip = web.repo['tip']
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- return tmpl('search', query=query, node=tip.hex(),
- entries=changelist, archives=web.archivelist("tip"),
- morevars=morevars, lessvars=lessvars)
-def changelog(web, req, tmpl, shortlog=False):
- if 'node' in req.form:
- ctx = webutil.changectx(web.repo, req)
- else:
- if 'rev' in req.form:
- hi = req.form['rev'][0]
- else:
- hi = len(web.repo) - 1
- try:
- ctx = web.repo[hi]
- except error.RepoError:
- return _search(web, req, tmpl) # XXX redirect to 404 page?
- def changelist(limit=0, **map):
- l = [] # build a list in forward order for efficiency
- for i in xrange(start, end):
- ctx = web.repo[i]
- n = ctx.node()
- showtags = webutil.showtag(web.repo, tmpl, 'changelogtag', n)
- files = webutil.listfilediffs(tmpl, ctx.files(), n, web.maxfiles)
- l.insert(0, {"parity":,
- "author": ctx.user(),
- "parent": webutil.parents(ctx, i - 1),
- "child": webutil.children(ctx, i + 1),
- "changelogtag": showtags,
- "desc": ctx.description(),
- "date":,
- "files": files,
- "rev": i,
- "node": hex(n),
- "tags": webutil.nodetagsdict(web.repo, n),
- "inbranch": webutil.nodeinbranch(web.repo, ctx),
- "branches": webutil.nodebranchdict(web.repo, ctx)
- })
- if limit > 0:
- l = l[:limit]
- for e in l:
- yield e
- revcount = shortlog and web.maxshortchanges or web.maxchanges
- if 'revcount' in req.form:
- revcount = int(req.form.get('revcount', [revcount])[0])
- tmpl.defaults['sessionvars']['revcount'] = revcount
- lessvars = copy.copy(tmpl.defaults['sessionvars'])
- lessvars['revcount'] = revcount / 2
- morevars = copy.copy(tmpl.defaults['sessionvars'])
- morevars['revcount'] = revcount * 2
- count = len(web.repo)
- pos = ctx.rev()
- start = max(0, pos - revcount + 1)
- end = min(count, start + revcount)
- pos = end - 1
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount, offset=start - end)
- changenav = webutil.revnavgen(pos, revcount, count, web.repo.changectx)
- return tmpl(shortlog and 'shortlog' or 'changelog', changenav=changenav,
- node=hex(ctx.node()), rev=pos, changesets=count,
- entries=lambda **x: changelist(limit=0,**x),
- latestentry=lambda **x: changelist(limit=1,**x),
- archives=web.archivelist("tip"), revcount=revcount,
- morevars=morevars, lessvars=lessvars)
-def shortlog(web, req, tmpl):
- return changelog(web, req, tmpl, shortlog = True)
-def changeset(web, req, tmpl):
- ctx = webutil.changectx(web.repo, req)
- showtags = webutil.showtag(web.repo, tmpl, 'changesettag', ctx.node())
- showbranch = webutil.nodebranchnodefault(ctx)
- files = []
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- for f in ctx.files():
- template = f in ctx and 'filenodelink' or 'filenolink'
- files.append(tmpl(template,
- node=ctx.hex(), file=f,
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- style = web.config('web', 'style', 'paper')
- if 'style' in req.form:
- style = req.form['style'][0]
- diffs = webutil.diffs(web.repo, tmpl, ctx, None, parity, style)
- return tmpl('changeset',
- diff=diffs,
- rev=ctx.rev(),
- node=ctx.hex(),
- parent=webutil.parents(ctx),
- child=webutil.children(ctx),
- changesettag=showtags,
- changesetbranch=showbranch,
- author=ctx.user(),
- desc=ctx.description(),
- files=files,
- archives=web.archivelist(ctx.hex()),
- tags=webutil.nodetagsdict(web.repo, ctx.node()),
- branch=webutil.nodebranchnodefault(ctx),
- inbranch=webutil.nodeinbranch(web.repo, ctx),
- branches=webutil.nodebranchdict(web.repo, ctx))
-rev = changeset
-def manifest(web, req, tmpl):
- ctx = webutil.changectx(web.repo, req)
- path = webutil.cleanpath(web.repo, req.form.get('file', [''])[0])
- mf = ctx.manifest()
- node = ctx.node()
- files = {}
- dirs = {}
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- if path and path[-1] != "/":
- path += "/"
- l = len(path)
- abspath = "/" + path
- for f, n in mf.iteritems():
- if f[:l] != path:
- continue
- remain = f[l:]
- elements = remain.split('/')
- if len(elements) == 1:
- files[remain] = f
- else:
- h = dirs # need to retain ref to dirs (root)
- for elem in elements[0:-1]:
- if elem not in h:
- h[elem] = {}
- h = h[elem]
- if len(h) > 1:
- break
- h[None] = None # denotes files present
- if mf and not files and not dirs:
- raise ErrorResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'path not found: ' + path)
- def filelist(**map):
- for f in sorted(files):
- full = files[f]
- fctx = ctx.filectx(full)
- yield {"file": full,
- "parity":,
- "basename": f,
- "date":,
- "size": fctx.size(),
- "permissions": mf.flags(full)}
- def dirlist(**map):
- for d in sorted(dirs):
- emptydirs = []
- h = dirs[d]
- while isinstance(h, dict) and len(h) == 1:
- k, v = h.items()[0]
- if v:
- emptydirs.append(k)
- h = v
- path = "%s%s" % (abspath, d)
- yield {"parity":,
- "path": path,
- "emptydirs": "/".join(emptydirs),
- "basename": d}
- return tmpl("manifest",
- rev=ctx.rev(),
- node=hex(node),
- path=abspath,
- up=webutil.up(abspath),
- fentries=filelist,
- dentries=dirlist,
- archives=web.archivelist(hex(node)),
- tags=webutil.nodetagsdict(web.repo, node),
- inbranch=webutil.nodeinbranch(web.repo, ctx),
- branches=webutil.nodebranchdict(web.repo, ctx))
-def tags(web, req, tmpl):
- i = web.repo.tagslist()
- i.reverse()
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- def entries(notip=False, limit=0, **map):
- count = 0
- for k, n in i:
- if notip and k == "tip":
- continue
- if limit > 0 and count >= limit:
- continue
- count = count + 1
- yield {"parity":,
- "tag": k,
- "date": web.repo[n].date(),
- "node": hex(n)}
- return tmpl("tags",
- node=hex(web.repo.changelog.tip()),
- entries=lambda **x: entries(False, 0, **x),
- entriesnotip=lambda **x: entries(True, 0, **x),
- latestentry=lambda **x: entries(True, 1, **x))
-def branches(web, req, tmpl):
- tips = (web.repo[n] for t, n in web.repo.branchtags().iteritems())
- heads = web.repo.heads()
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- sortkey = lambda ctx: ('close' not in ctx.extra(), ctx.rev())
- def entries(limit, **map):
- count = 0
- for ctx in sorted(tips, key=sortkey, reverse=True):
- if limit > 0 and count >= limit:
- return
- count += 1
- if ctx.node() not in heads:
- status = 'inactive'
- elif not web.repo.branchheads(ctx.branch()):
- status = 'closed'
- else:
- status = 'open'
- yield {'parity':,
- 'branch': ctx.branch(),
- 'status': status,
- 'node': ctx.hex(),
- 'date':}
- return tmpl('branches', node=hex(web.repo.changelog.tip()),
- entries=lambda **x: entries(0, **x),
- latestentry=lambda **x: entries(1, **x))
-def summary(web, req, tmpl):
- i = web.repo.tagslist()
- i.reverse()
- def tagentries(**map):
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- count = 0
- for k, n in i:
- if k == "tip": # skip tip
- continue
- count += 1
- if count > 10: # limit to 10 tags
- break
- yield tmpl("tagentry",
- tag=k,
- node=hex(n),
- date=web.repo[n].date())
- def branches(**map):
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- b = web.repo.branchtags()
- l = [(-web.repo.changelog.rev(n), n, t) for t, n in b.iteritems()]
- for r, n, t in sorted(l):
- yield {'parity':,
- 'branch': t,
- 'node': hex(n),
- 'date': web.repo[n].date()}
- def changelist(**map):
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount, offset=start - end)
- l = [] # build a list in forward order for efficiency
- for i in xrange(start, end):
- ctx = web.repo[i]
- n = ctx.node()
- hn = hex(n)
- l.insert(0, tmpl(
- 'shortlogentry',
- author=ctx.user(),
- desc=ctx.description(),
- rev=i,
- node=hn,
- tags=webutil.nodetagsdict(web.repo, n),
- inbranch=webutil.nodeinbranch(web.repo, ctx),
- branches=webutil.nodebranchdict(web.repo, ctx)))
- yield l
- tip = web.repo['tip']
- count = len(web.repo)
- start = max(0, count - web.maxchanges)
- end = min(count, start + web.maxchanges)
- return tmpl("summary",
- desc=web.config("web", "description", "unknown"),
- owner=get_contact(web.config) or "unknown",
- tags=tagentries,
- branches=branches,
- shortlog=changelist,
- node=tip.hex(),
- archives=web.archivelist("tip"))
-def filediff(web, req, tmpl):
- fctx, ctx = None, None
- try:
- fctx = webutil.filectx(web.repo, req)
- except LookupError:
- ctx = webutil.changectx(web.repo, req)
- path = webutil.cleanpath(web.repo, req.form['file'][0])
- if path not in ctx.files():
- raise
- if fctx is not None:
- n = fctx.node()
- path = fctx.path()
- else:
- n = ctx.node()
- # path already defined in except clause
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- style = web.config('web', 'style', 'paper')
- if 'style' in req.form:
- style = req.form['style'][0]
- diffs = webutil.diffs(web.repo, tmpl, fctx or ctx, [path], parity, style)
- rename = fctx and webutil.renamelink(fctx) or []
- ctx = fctx and fctx or ctx
- return tmpl("filediff",
- file=path,
- node=hex(n),
- rev=ctx.rev(),
- desc=ctx.description(),
- author=ctx.user(),
- rename=rename,
- branch=webutil.nodebranchnodefault(ctx),
- parent=webutil.parents(ctx),
- child=webutil.children(ctx),
- diff=diffs)
-diff = filediff
-def annotate(web, req, tmpl):
- fctx = webutil.filectx(web.repo, req)
- f = fctx.path()
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount)
- def annotate(**map):
- last = None
- if binary(
- mt = (mimetypes.guess_type(fctx.path())[0]
- or 'application/octet-stream')
- lines = enumerate([((fctx.filectx(fctx.filerev()), 1),
- '(binary:%s)' % mt)])
- else:
- lines = enumerate(fctx.annotate(follow=True, linenumber=True))
- for lineno, ((f, targetline), l) in lines:
- fnode = f.filenode()
- if last != fnode:
- last = fnode
- yield {"parity":,
- "node": hex(f.node()),
- "rev": f.rev(),
- "author": f.user(),
- "desc": f.description(),
- "file": f.path(),
- "targetline": targetline,
- "line": l,
- "lineid": "l%d" % (lineno + 1),
- "linenumber": "% 6d" % (lineno + 1)}
- return tmpl("fileannotate",
- file=f,
- annotate=annotate,
- path=webutil.up(f),
- rev=fctx.rev(),
- node=hex(fctx.node()),
- author=fctx.user(),
- desc=fctx.description(),
- rename=webutil.renamelink(fctx),
- branch=webutil.nodebranchnodefault(fctx),
- parent=webutil.parents(fctx),
- child=webutil.children(fctx),
- permissions=fctx.manifest().flags(f))
-def filelog(web, req, tmpl):
- try:
- fctx = webutil.filectx(web.repo, req)
- f = fctx.path()
- fl = fctx.filelog()
- except error.LookupError:
- f = webutil.cleanpath(web.repo, req.form['file'][0])
- fl = web.repo.file(f)
- numrevs = len(fl)
- if not numrevs: # file doesn't exist at all
- raise
- rev = webutil.changectx(web.repo, req).rev()
- first = fl.linkrev(0)
- if rev < first: # current rev is from before file existed
- raise
- frev = numrevs - 1
- while fl.linkrev(frev) > rev:
- frev -= 1
- fctx = web.repo.filectx(f, fl.linkrev(frev))
- revcount = web.maxshortchanges
- if 'revcount' in req.form:
- revcount = int(req.form.get('revcount', [revcount])[0])
- tmpl.defaults['sessionvars']['revcount'] = revcount
- lessvars = copy.copy(tmpl.defaults['sessionvars'])
- lessvars['revcount'] = revcount / 2
- morevars = copy.copy(tmpl.defaults['sessionvars'])
- morevars['revcount'] = revcount * 2
- count = fctx.filerev() + 1
- start = max(0, fctx.filerev() - revcount + 1) # first rev on this page
- end = min(count, start + revcount) # last rev on this page
- parity = paritygen(web.stripecount, offset=start - end)
- def entries(limit=0, **map):
- l = []
- repo = web.repo
- for i in xrange(start, end):
- iterfctx = fctx.filectx(i)
- l.insert(0, {"parity":,
- "filerev": i,
- "file": f,
- "node": hex(iterfctx.node()),
- "author": iterfctx.user(),
- "date":,
- "rename": webutil.renamelink(iterfctx),
- "parent": webutil.parents(iterfctx),
- "child": webutil.children(iterfctx),
- "desc": iterfctx.description(),
- "tags": webutil.nodetagsdict(repo, iterfctx.node()),
- "branch": webutil.nodebranchnodefault(iterfctx),
- "inbranch": webutil.nodeinbranch(repo, iterfctx),
- "branches": webutil.nodebranchdict(repo, iterfctx)})
- if limit > 0:
- l = l[:limit]
- for e in l:
- yield e
- nodefunc = lambda x: fctx.filectx(fileid=x)
- nav = webutil.revnavgen(end - 1, revcount, count, nodefunc)
- return tmpl("filelog", file=f, node=hex(fctx.node()), nav=nav,
- entries=lambda **x: entries(limit=0, **x),
- latestentry=lambda **x: entries(limit=1, **x),
- revcount=revcount, morevars=morevars, lessvars=lessvars)
-def archive(web, req, tmpl):
- type_ = req.form.get('type', [None])[0]
- allowed = web.configlist("web", "allow_archive")
- key = req.form['node'][0]
- if type_ not in web.archives:
- msg = 'Unsupported archive type: %s' % type_
- raise ErrorResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, msg)
- if not ((type_ in allowed or
- web.configbool("web", "allow" + type_, False))):
- msg = 'Archive type not allowed: %s' % type_
- raise ErrorResponse(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, msg)
- reponame = re.sub(r"\W+", "-", os.path.basename(web.reponame))
- cnode = web.repo.lookup(key)
- arch_version = key
- if cnode == key or key == 'tip':
- arch_version = short(cnode)
- name = "%s-%s" % (reponame, arch_version)
- mimetype, artype, extension, encoding = web.archive_specs[type_]
- headers = [
- ('Content-Type', mimetype),
- ('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s%s' % (name, extension))
- ]
- if encoding:
- headers.append(('Content-Encoding', encoding))
- req.header(headers)
- req.respond(HTTP_OK)
- archival.archive(web.repo, req, cnode, artype, prefix=name)
- return []
-def static(web, req, tmpl):
- fname = req.form['file'][0]
- # a repo owner may set web.static in .hg/hgrc to get any file
- # readable by the user running the CGI script
- static = web.config("web", "static", None, untrusted=False)
- if not static:
- tp = web.templatepath or templater.templatepath()
- if isinstance(tp, str):
- tp = [tp]
- static = [os.path.join(p, 'static') for p in tp]
- return [staticfile(static, fname, req)]
-def graph(web, req, tmpl):
- rev = webutil.changectx(web.repo, req).rev()
- bg_height = 39
- revcount = web.maxshortchanges
- if 'revcount' in req.form:
- revcount = int(req.form.get('revcount', [revcount])[0])
- tmpl.defaults['sessionvars']['revcount'] = revcount
- lessvars = copy.copy(tmpl.defaults['sessionvars'])
- lessvars['revcount'] = revcount / 2
- morevars = copy.copy(tmpl.defaults['sessionvars'])
- morevars['revcount'] = revcount * 2
- max_rev = len(web.repo) - 1
- revcount = min(max_rev, revcount)
- revnode = web.repo.changelog.node(rev)
- revnode_hex = hex(revnode)
- uprev = min(max_rev, rev + revcount)
- downrev = max(0, rev - revcount)
- count = len(web.repo)
- changenav = webutil.revnavgen(rev, revcount, count, web.repo.changectx)
- dag = graphmod.revisions(web.repo, rev, downrev)
- tree = list(graphmod.colored(dag))
- canvasheight = (len(tree) + 1) * bg_height - 27
- data = []
- for (id, type, ctx, vtx, edges) in tree:
- if type != graphmod.CHANGESET:
- continue
- node = short(ctx.node())
- age = templatefilters.age(
- desc = templatefilters.firstline(ctx.description())
- desc = cgi.escape(templatefilters.nonempty(desc))
- user = cgi.escape(templatefilters.person(ctx.user()))
- branch = ctx.branch()
- branch = branch, web.repo.branchtags().get(branch) == ctx.node()
- data.append((node, vtx, edges, desc, user, age, branch, ctx.tags()))
- return tmpl('graph', rev=rev, revcount=revcount, uprev=uprev,
- lessvars=lessvars, morevars=morevars, downrev=downrev,
- canvasheight=canvasheight, jsdata=data, bg_height=bg_height,
- node=revnode_hex, changenav=changenav)
-def _getdoc(e):
- doc = e[0].__doc__
- if doc:
- doc = doc.split('\n')[0]
- else:
- doc = _('(no help text available)')
- return doc
-def help(web, req, tmpl):
- from mercurial import commands # avoid cycle
- topicname = req.form.get('node', [None])[0]
- if not topicname:
- topic = []
- def topics(**map):
- for entries, summary, _ in helpmod.helptable:
- entries = sorted(entries, key=len)
- yield {'topic': entries[-1], 'summary': summary}
- early, other = [], []
- primary = lambda s: s.split('|')[0]
- for c, e in commands.table.iteritems():
- doc = _getdoc(e)
- if 'DEPRECATED' in doc or c.startswith('debug'):
- continue
- cmd = primary(c)
- if cmd.startswith('^'):
- early.append((cmd[1:], doc))
- else:
- other.append((cmd, doc))
- early.sort()
- other.sort()
- def earlycommands(**map):
- for c, doc in early:
- yield {'topic': c, 'summary': doc}
- def othercommands(**map):
- for c, doc in other:
- yield {'topic': c, 'summary': doc}
- return tmpl('helptopics', topics=topics, earlycommands=earlycommands,
- othercommands=othercommands, title='Index')
- u = webutil.wsgiui()
- u.pushbuffer()
- try:
- commands.help_(u, topicname)
- except error.UnknownCommand:
- raise ErrorResponse(HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
- doc = u.popbuffer()
- return tmpl('help', topic=topicname, doc=doc)