path: root/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ce2eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# - email notifications for mercurial
+# Copyright 2006 Vadim Gelfer <>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+'''hooks for sending email notifications at commit/push time
+Subscriptions can be managed through a hgrc file. Default mode is to
+print messages to stdout, for testing and configuring.
+To use, configure the notify extension and enable it in hgrc like
+ [extensions]
+ notify =
+ [hooks]
+ # one email for each incoming changeset
+ incoming.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook
+ # batch emails when many changesets incoming at one time
+ changegroup.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook
+ [notify]
+ # config items go here
+Required configuration items::
+ config = /path/to/file # file containing subscriptions
+Optional configuration items::
+ test = True # print messages to stdout for testing
+ strip = 3 # number of slashes to strip for url paths
+ domain = # domain to use if committer missing domain
+ style = ... # style file to use when formatting email
+ template = ... # template to use when formatting email
+ incoming = ... # template to use when run as incoming hook
+ changegroup = ... # template when run as changegroup hook
+ maxdiff = 300 # max lines of diffs to include (0=none, -1=all)
+ maxsubject = 67 # truncate subject line longer than this
+ diffstat = True # add a diffstat before the diff content
+ sources = serve # notify if source of incoming changes in this list
+ # (serve == ssh or http, push, pull, bundle)
+ merge = False # send notification for merges (default True)
+ [email]
+ from = # email address to send as if none given
+ [web]
+ baseurl = http://hgserver/... # root of hg web site for browsing commits
+The notify config file has same format as a regular hgrc file. It has
+two sections so you can express subscriptions in whatever way is
+handier for you.
+ [usersubs]
+ # key is subscriber email, value is ","-separated list of glob patterns
+ user@host = pattern
+ [reposubs]
+ # key is glob pattern, value is ","-separated list of subscriber emails
+ pattern = user@host
+Glob patterns are matched against path to repository root.
+If you like, you can put notify config file in repository that users
+can push changes to, they can manage their own subscriptions.
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from mercurial import patch, cmdutil, templater, util, mail
+import email.Parser, email.Errors, fnmatch, socket, time
+# template for single changeset can include email headers.
+single_template = '''
+Subject: changeset in {webroot}: {desc|firstline|strip}
+From: {author}
+changeset {node|short} in {root}
+details: {baseurl}{webroot}?cmd=changeset;node={node|short}
+# template for multiple changesets should not contain email headers,
+# because only first set of headers will be used and result will look
+# strange.
+multiple_template = '''
+changeset {node|short} in {root}
+details: {baseurl}{webroot}?cmd=changeset;node={node|short}
+summary: {desc|firstline}
+deftemplates = {
+ 'changegroup': multiple_template,
+class notifier(object):
+ '''email notification class.'''
+ def __init__(self, ui, repo, hooktype):
+ self.ui = ui
+ cfg = self.ui.config('notify', 'config')
+ if cfg:
+ self.ui.readconfig(cfg, sections=['usersubs', 'reposubs'])
+ self.repo = repo
+ self.stripcount = int(self.ui.config('notify', 'strip', 0))
+ self.root = self.strip(self.repo.root)
+ self.domain = self.ui.config('notify', 'domain')
+ self.test = self.ui.configbool('notify', 'test', True)
+ self.charsets = mail._charsets(self.ui)
+ self.subs = self.subscribers()
+ self.merge = self.ui.configbool('notify', 'merge', True)
+ mapfile = self.ui.config('notify', 'style')
+ template = (self.ui.config('notify', hooktype) or
+ self.ui.config('notify', 'template'))
+ self.t = cmdutil.changeset_templater(self.ui, self.repo,
+ False, None, mapfile, False)
+ if not mapfile and not template:
+ template = deftemplates.get(hooktype) or single_template
+ if template:
+ template = templater.parsestring(template, quoted=False)
+ self.t.use_template(template)
+ def strip(self, path):
+ '''strip leading slashes from local path, turn into web-safe path.'''
+ path = util.pconvert(path)
+ count = self.stripcount
+ while count > 0:
+ c = path.find('/')
+ if c == -1:
+ break
+ path = path[c + 1:]
+ count -= 1
+ return path
+ def fixmail(self, addr):
+ '''try to clean up email addresses.'''
+ addr =
+ if self.domain:
+ a = addr.find('@localhost')
+ if a != -1:
+ addr = addr[:a]
+ if '@' not in addr:
+ return addr + '@' + self.domain
+ return addr
+ def subscribers(self):
+ '''return list of email addresses of subscribers to this repo.'''
+ subs = set()
+ for user, pats in self.ui.configitems('usersubs'):
+ for pat in pats.split(','):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(self.repo.root, pat.strip()):
+ subs.add(self.fixmail(user))
+ for pat, users in self.ui.configitems('reposubs'):
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(self.repo.root, pat):
+ for user in users.split(','):
+ subs.add(self.fixmail(user))
+ return [mail.addressencode(self.ui, s, self.charsets, self.test)
+ for s in sorted(subs)]
+ def url(self, path=None):
+ return self.ui.config('web', 'baseurl') + (path or self.root)
+ def node(self, ctx, **props):
+ '''format one changeset, unless it is a suppressed merge.'''
+ if not self.merge and len(ctx.parents()) > 1:
+ return False
+, changes=ctx.changeset(),
+ baseurl=self.ui.config('web', 'baseurl'),
+ root=self.repo.root, webroot=self.root, **props)
+ return True
+ def skipsource(self, source):
+ '''true if incoming changes from this source should be skipped.'''
+ ok_sources = self.ui.config('notify', 'sources', 'serve').split()
+ return source not in ok_sources
+ def send(self, ctx, count, data):
+ '''send message.'''
+ p = email.Parser.Parser()
+ try:
+ msg = p.parsestr(data)
+ except email.Errors.MessageParseError, inst:
+ raise util.Abort(inst)
+ # store sender and subject
+ sender, subject = msg['From'], msg['Subject']
+ del msg['From'], msg['Subject']
+ if not msg.is_multipart():
+ # create fresh mime message from scratch
+ # (multipart templates must take care of this themselves)
+ headers = msg.items()
+ payload = msg.get_payload()
+ # for notification prefer readability over data precision
+ msg = mail.mimeencode(self.ui, payload, self.charsets, self.test)
+ # reinstate custom headers
+ for k, v in headers:
+ msg[k] = v
+ msg['Date'] = util.datestr(format="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %1%2")
+ # try to make subject line exist and be useful
+ if not subject:
+ if count > 1:
+ subject = _('%s: %d new changesets') % (self.root, count)
+ else:
+ s = ctx.description().lstrip().split('\n', 1)[0].rstrip()
+ subject = '%s: %s' % (self.root, s)
+ maxsubject = int(self.ui.config('notify', 'maxsubject', 67))
+ if maxsubject:
+ subject = util.ellipsis(subject, maxsubject)
+ msg['Subject'] = mail.headencode(self.ui, subject,
+ self.charsets, self.test)
+ # try to make message have proper sender
+ if not sender:
+ sender = self.ui.config('email', 'from') or self.ui.username()
+ if '@' not in sender or '@localhost' in sender:
+ sender = self.fixmail(sender)
+ msg['From'] = mail.addressencode(self.ui, sender,
+ self.charsets, self.test)
+ msg['X-Hg-Notification'] = 'changeset %s' % ctx
+ if not msg['Message-Id']:
+ msg['Message-Id'] = ('<hg.%s.%s.%s@%s>' %
+ (ctx, int(time.time()),
+ hash(self.repo.root), socket.getfqdn()))
+ msg['To'] = ', '.join(self.subs)
+ msgtext = msg.as_string()
+ if self.test:
+ self.ui.write(msgtext)
+ if not msgtext.endswith('\n'):
+ self.ui.write('\n')
+ else:
+ self.ui.status(_('notify: sending %d subscribers %d changes\n') %
+ (len(self.subs), count))
+ mail.sendmail(self.ui,['From']),
+ self.subs, msgtext)
+ def diff(self, ctx, ref=None):
+ maxdiff = int(self.ui.config('notify', 'maxdiff', 300))
+ prev = ctx.parents()[0].node()
+ ref = ref and ref.node() or ctx.node()
+ chunks = patch.diff(self.repo, prev, ref, opts=patch.diffopts(self.ui))
+ difflines = ''.join(chunks).splitlines()
+ if self.ui.configbool('notify', 'diffstat', True):
+ s = patch.diffstat(difflines)
+ # s may be nil, don't include the header if it is
+ if s:
+ self.ui.write('\ndiffstat:\n\n%s' % s)
+ if maxdiff == 0:
+ return
+ elif maxdiff > 0 and len(difflines) > maxdiff:
+ msg = _('\ndiffs (truncated from %d to %d lines):\n\n')
+ self.ui.write(msg % (len(difflines), maxdiff))
+ difflines = difflines[:maxdiff]
+ elif difflines:
+ self.ui.write(_('\ndiffs (%d lines):\n\n') % len(difflines))
+ self.ui.write("\n".join(difflines))
+def hook(ui, repo, hooktype, node=None, source=None, **kwargs):
+ '''send email notifications to interested subscribers.
+ if used as changegroup hook, send one email for all changesets in
+ changegroup. else send one email per changeset.'''
+ n = notifier(ui, repo, hooktype)
+ ctx = repo[node]
+ if not n.subs:
+ ui.debug('notify: no subscribers to repository %s\n' % n.root)
+ return
+ if n.skipsource(source):
+ ui.debug('notify: changes have source "%s" - skipping\n' % source)
+ return
+ ui.pushbuffer()
+ data = ''
+ count = 0
+ if hooktype == 'changegroup':
+ start, end = ctx.rev(), len(repo)
+ for rev in xrange(start, end):
+ if n.node(repo[rev]):
+ count += 1
+ else:
+ data += ui.popbuffer()
+ ui.note(_('notify: suppressing notification for merge %d:%s\n') %
+ (rev, repo[rev].hex()[:12]))
+ ui.pushbuffer()
+ if count:
+ n.diff(ctx, repo['tip'])
+ else:
+ if not n.node(ctx):
+ ui.popbuffer()
+ ui.note(_('notify: suppressing notification for merge %d:%s\n') %
+ (ctx.rev(), ctx.hex()[:12]))
+ return
+ count += 1
+ n.diff(ctx)
+ data += ui.popbuffer()
+ if count:
+ n.send(ctx, count, data)