path: root/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e72680..0000000
--- a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007-8 Brendan Cully <>
-# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
-# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
-"""hooks for integrating with the notification service
-This is meant to be run as a changegroup or incoming hook. To
-configure it, set the following options in your hgrc::
- [cia]
- # your registered CIA user name
- user = foo
- # the name of the project in CIA
- project = foo
- # the module (subproject) (optional)
- #module = foo
- # Append a diffstat to the log message (optional)
- #diffstat = False
- # Template to use for log messages (optional)
- #template = {desc}\\n{baseurl}/rev/{node}-- {diffstat}
- # Style to use (optional)
- #style = foo
- # The URL of the CIA notification service (optional)
- # You can use mailto: URLs to send by email, eg
- #
- # Make sure to set email.from if you do this.
- #url =
- # print message instead of sending it (optional)
- #test = False
- [hooks]
- # one of these:
- changegroup.cia = python:hgcia.hook
- #incoming.cia = python:hgcia.hook
- [web]
- # If you want hyperlinks (optional)
- baseurl = http://server/path/to/repo
-from mercurial.i18n import _
-from mercurial.node import bin, short
-from mercurial import cmdutil, patch, templater, util, mail
-import email.Parser
-import xmlrpclib
-from xml.sax import saxutils
-socket_timeout = 30 # seconds
- # set a timeout for the socket so you don't have to wait so looooong
- # when is having problems. requires python >= 2.3:
- import socket
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(socket_timeout)
- pass
-class ciamsg(object):
- """ A CIA message """
- def __init__(self, cia, ctx):
- self.cia = cia
- self.ctx = ctx
- self.url = self.cia.url
- def fileelem(self, path, uri, action):
- if uri:
- uri = ' uri=%s' % saxutils.quoteattr(uri)
- return '<file%s action=%s>%s</file>' % (
- uri, saxutils.quoteattr(action), saxutils.escape(path))
- def fileelems(self):
- n = self.ctx.node()
- f = self.cia.repo.status(self.ctx.parents()[0].node(), n)
- url = self.url or ''
- elems = []
- for path in f[0]:
- uri = '%s/diff/%s/%s' % (url, short(n), path)
- elems.append(self.fileelem(path, url and uri, 'modify'))
- for path in f[1]:
- # TODO: copy/rename ?
- uri = '%s/file/%s/%s' % (url, short(n), path)
- elems.append(self.fileelem(path, url and uri, 'add'))
- for path in f[2]:
- elems.append(self.fileelem(path, '', 'remove'))
- return '\n'.join(elems)
- def sourceelem(self, project, module=None, branch=None):
- msg = ['<source>', '<project>%s</project>' % saxutils.escape(project)]
- if module:
- msg.append('<module>%s</module>' % saxutils.escape(module))
- if branch:
- msg.append('<branch>%s</branch>' % saxutils.escape(branch))
- msg.append('</source>')
- return '\n'.join(msg)
- def diffstat(self):
- class patchbuf(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.lines = []
- # diffstat is stupid
- = 'cia'
- def write(self, data):
- self.lines.append(data)
- def close(self):
- pass
- n = self.ctx.node()
- pbuf = patchbuf()
- cmdutil.export(self.cia.repo, [n], fp=pbuf)
- return patch.diffstat(pbuf.lines) or ''
- def logmsg(self):
- diffstat = self.cia.diffstat and self.diffstat() or ''
- self.cia.ui.pushbuffer()
-, changes=self.ctx.changeset(),
- url=self.cia.url, diffstat=diffstat)
- return self.cia.ui.popbuffer()
- def xml(self):
- n = short(self.ctx.node())
- src = self.sourceelem(self.cia.project, module=self.cia.module,
- branch=self.ctx.branch())
- # unix timestamp
- dt =
- timestamp = dt[0]
- author = saxutils.escape(self.ctx.user())
- rev = '%d:%s' % (self.ctx.rev(), n)
- log = saxutils.escape(self.logmsg())
- url = self.url and '<url>%s/rev/%s</url>' % (saxutils.escape(self.url),
- n) or ''
- msg = """
- <generator>
- <name>Mercurial (hgcia)</name>
- <version>%s</version>
- <url>%s</url>
- <user>%s</user>
- </generator>
- %s
- <body>
- <commit>
- <author>%s</author>
- <version>%s</version>
- <log>%s</log>
- %s
- <files>%s</files>
- </commit>
- </body>
- <timestamp>%d</timestamp>
-""" % \
- (HGCIA_VERSION, saxutils.escape(HGCIA_URL),
- saxutils.escape(self.cia.user), src, author, rev, log, url,
- self.fileelems(), timestamp)
- return msg
-class hgcia(object):
- """ CIA notification class """
- deftemplate = '{desc}'
- dstemplate = '{desc}\n-- \n{diffstat}'
- def __init__(self, ui, repo):
- self.ui = ui
- self.repo = repo
- self.ciaurl = self.ui.config('cia', 'url', '')
- self.user = self.ui.config('cia', 'user')
- self.project = self.ui.config('cia', 'project')
- self.module = self.ui.config('cia', 'module')
- self.diffstat = self.ui.configbool('cia', 'diffstat')
- self.emailfrom = self.ui.config('email', 'from')
- self.dryrun = self.ui.configbool('cia', 'test')
- self.url = self.ui.config('web', 'baseurl')
- style = self.ui.config('cia', 'style')
- template = self.ui.config('cia', 'template')
- if not template:
- template = self.diffstat and self.dstemplate or self.deftemplate
- template = templater.parsestring(template, quoted=False)
- t = cmdutil.changeset_templater(self.ui, self.repo, False, None,
- style, False)
- t.use_template(template)
- self.templater = t
- def sendrpc(self, msg):
- srv = xmlrpclib.Server(self.ciaurl)
- res = srv.hub.deliver(msg)
- if res is not True:
- raise util.Abort(_('%s returned an error: %s') %
- (self.ciaurl, res))
- def sendemail(self, address, data):
- p = email.Parser.Parser()
- msg = p.parsestr(data)
- msg['Date'] = util.datestr(format="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %1%2")
- msg['To'] = address
- msg['From'] = self.emailfrom
- msg['Subject'] = 'DeliverXML'
- msg['Content-type'] = 'text/xml'
- msgtext = msg.as_string()
- self.ui.status(_('hgcia: sending update to %s\n') % address)
- mail.sendmail(self.ui,,
- [address], msgtext)
-def hook(ui, repo, hooktype, node=None, url=None, **kwargs):
- """ send CIA notification """
- def sendmsg(cia, ctx):
- msg = ciamsg(cia, ctx).xml()
- if cia.dryrun:
- ui.write(msg)
- elif cia.ciaurl.startswith('mailto:'):
- if not cia.emailfrom:
- raise util.Abort(_('email.from must be defined when '
- 'sending by email'))
- cia.sendemail(cia.ciaurl[7:], msg)
- else:
- cia.sendrpc(msg)
- n = bin(node)
- cia = hgcia(ui, repo)
- if not cia.user:
- ui.debug('cia: no user specified')
- return
- if not cia.project:
- ui.debug('cia: no project specified')
- return
- if hooktype == 'changegroup':
- start = repo.changelog.rev(n)
- end = len(repo.changelog)
- for rev in xrange(start, end):
- n = repo.changelog.node(rev)
- ctx = repo.changectx(n)
- sendmsg(cia, ctx)
- else:
- ctx = repo.changectx(n)
- sendmsg(cia, ctx)