path: root/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/
diff options
authorNishanth Amuluru2011-01-11 22:41:51 +0530
committerNishanth Amuluru2011-01-11 22:41:51 +0530
commitb03203c8cb991c16ac8a3d74c8c4078182d0bb48 (patch)
tree7cf13b2deacbfaaec99edb431b83ddd5ea734a52 /eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/
parent0c50203cd9eb94b819883c3110922e873f003138 (diff)
removed all the buildout files
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d9b9a9..0000000
--- a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-# - file-level merge handling for Mercurial
-# Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Matt Mackall <>
-# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
-# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
-from node import short
-from i18n import _
-import util, simplemerge, match, error
-import os, tempfile, re, filecmp
-def _toolstr(ui, tool, part, default=""):
- return ui.config("merge-tools", tool + "." + part, default)
-def _toolbool(ui, tool, part, default=False):
- return ui.configbool("merge-tools", tool + "." + part, default)
-def _toollist(ui, tool, part, default=[]):
- return ui.configlist("merge-tools", tool + "." + part, default)
-_internal = ['internal:' + s
- for s in 'fail local other merge prompt dump'.split()]
-def _findtool(ui, tool):
- if tool in _internal:
- return tool
- k = _toolstr(ui, tool, "regkey")
- if k:
- p = util.lookup_reg(k, _toolstr(ui, tool, "regname"))
- if p:
- p = util.find_exe(p + _toolstr(ui, tool, "regappend"))
- if p:
- return p
- return util.find_exe(_toolstr(ui, tool, "executable", tool))
-def _picktool(repo, ui, path, binary, symlink):
- def check(tool, pat, symlink, binary):
- tmsg = tool
- if pat:
- tmsg += " specified for " + pat
- if not _findtool(ui, tool):
- if pat: # explicitly requested tool deserves a warning
- ui.warn(_("couldn't find merge tool %s\n") % tmsg)
- else: # configured but non-existing tools are more silent
- ui.note(_("couldn't find merge tool %s\n") % tmsg)
- elif symlink and not _toolbool(ui, tool, "symlink"):
- ui.warn(_("tool %s can't handle symlinks\n") % tmsg)
- elif binary and not _toolbool(ui, tool, "binary"):
- ui.warn(_("tool %s can't handle binary\n") % tmsg)
- elif not util.gui() and _toolbool(ui, tool, "gui"):
- ui.warn(_("tool %s requires a GUI\n") % tmsg)
- else:
- return True
- return False
- # forcemerge comes from command line arguments, highest priority
- force = ui.config('ui', 'forcemerge')
- if force:
- toolpath = _findtool(ui, force)
- if toolpath:
- return (force, '"' + toolpath + '"')
- else:
- # mimic HGMERGE if given tool not found
- return (force, force)
- # HGMERGE takes next precedence
- hgmerge = os.environ.get("HGMERGE")
- if hgmerge:
- return (hgmerge, hgmerge)
- # then patterns
- for pat, tool in ui.configitems("merge-patterns"):
- mf = match.match(repo.root, '', [pat])
- if mf(path) and check(tool, pat, symlink, False):
- toolpath = _findtool(ui, tool)
- return (tool, '"' + toolpath + '"')
- # then merge tools
- tools = {}
- for k, v in ui.configitems("merge-tools"):
- t = k.split('.')[0]
- if t not in tools:
- tools[t] = int(_toolstr(ui, t, "priority", "0"))
- names = tools.keys()
- tools = sorted([(-p, t) for t, p in tools.items()])
- uimerge = ui.config("ui", "merge")
- if uimerge:
- if uimerge not in names:
- return (uimerge, uimerge)
- tools.insert(0, (None, uimerge)) # highest priority
- tools.append((None, "hgmerge")) # the old default, if found
- for p, t in tools:
- if check(t, None, symlink, binary):
- toolpath = _findtool(ui, t)
- return (t, '"' + toolpath + '"')
- # internal merge as last resort
- return (not (symlink or binary) and "internal:merge" or None, None)
-def _eoltype(data):
- "Guess the EOL type of a file"
- if '\0' in data: # binary
- return None
- if '\r\n' in data: # Windows
- return '\r\n'
- if '\r' in data: # Old Mac
- return '\r'
- if '\n' in data: # UNIX
- return '\n'
- return None # unknown
-def _matcheol(file, origfile):
- "Convert EOL markers in a file to match origfile"
- tostyle = _eoltype(open(origfile, "rb").read())
- if tostyle:
- data = open(file, "rb").read()
- style = _eoltype(data)
- if style:
- newdata = data.replace(style, tostyle)
- if newdata != data:
- open(file, "wb").write(newdata)
-def filemerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca):
- """perform a 3-way merge in the working directory
- mynode = parent node before merge
- orig = original local filename before merge
- fco = other file context
- fca = ancestor file context
- fcd = local file context for current/destination file
- """
- def temp(prefix, ctx):
- pre = "%s~%s." % (os.path.basename(ctx.path()), prefix)
- (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=pre)
- data = repo.wwritedata(ctx.path(),
- f = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
- f.write(data)
- f.close()
- return name
- def isbin(ctx):
- try:
- return util.binary(
- except IOError:
- return False
- if not fco.cmp(fcd): # files identical?
- return None
- ui = repo.ui
- fd = fcd.path()
- binary = isbin(fcd) or isbin(fco) or isbin(fca)
- symlink = 'l' in fcd.flags() + fco.flags()
- tool, toolpath = _picktool(repo, ui, fd, binary, symlink)
- ui.debug("picked tool '%s' for %s (binary %s symlink %s)\n" %
- (tool, fd, binary, symlink))
- if not tool or tool == 'internal:prompt':
- tool = "internal:local"
- if ui.promptchoice(_(" no tool found to merge %s\n"
- "keep (l)ocal or take (o)ther?") % fd,
- (_("&Local"), _("&Other")), 0):
- tool = "internal:other"
- if tool == "internal:local":
- return 0
- if tool == "internal:other":
- repo.wwrite(fd,, fco.flags())
- return 0
- if tool == "internal:fail":
- return 1
- # do the actual merge
- a = repo.wjoin(fd)
- b = temp("base", fca)
- c = temp("other", fco)
- out = ""
- back = a + ".orig"
- util.copyfile(a, back)
- if orig != fco.path():
- ui.status(_("merging %s and %s to %s\n") % (orig, fco.path(), fd))
- else:
- ui.status(_("merging %s\n") % fd)
- ui.debug("my %s other %s ancestor %s\n" % (fcd, fco, fca))
- # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
- try:
- premerge = _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not (binary or symlink))
- except error.ConfigError:
- premerge = _toolstr(ui, tool, "premerge").lower()
- valid = 'keep'.split()
- if premerge not in valid:
- _valid = ', '.join(["'" + v + "'" for v in valid])
- raise error.ConfigError(_("%s.premerge not valid "
- "('%s' is neither boolean nor %s)") %
- (tool, premerge, _valid))
- if premerge:
- r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, quiet=True)
- if not r:
- ui.debug(" premerge successful\n")
- os.unlink(back)
- os.unlink(b)
- os.unlink(c)
- return 0
- if premerge != 'keep':
- util.copyfile(back, a) # restore from backup and try again
- env = dict(HG_FILE=fd,
- HG_MY_NODE=short(mynode),
- HG_OTHER_NODE=str(fco.changectx()),
- HG_BASE_NODE=str(fca.changectx()),
- HG_MY_ISLINK='l' in fcd.flags(),
- HG_OTHER_ISLINK='l' in fco.flags(),
- HG_BASE_ISLINK='l' in fca.flags())
- if tool == "internal:merge":
- r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=['local', 'other'])
- elif tool == 'internal:dump':
- a = repo.wjoin(fd)
- util.copyfile(a, a + ".local")
- repo.wwrite(fd + ".other",, fco.flags())
- repo.wwrite(fd + ".base",, fca.flags())
- return 1 # unresolved
- else:
- args = _toolstr(ui, tool, "args", '$local $base $other')
- if "$output" in args:
- out, a = a, back # read input from backup, write to original
- replace = dict(local=a, base=b, other=c, output=out)
- args = util.interpolate(r'\$', replace, args,
- lambda s: '"%s"' % util.localpath(s))
- r = util.system(toolpath + ' ' + args, cwd=repo.root, environ=env)
- if not r and (_toolbool(ui, tool, "checkconflicts") or
- 'conflicts' in _toollist(ui, tool, "check")):
- if"^(<<<<<<< .*|=======|>>>>>>> .*)$",,
- r = 1
- checked = False
- if 'prompt' in _toollist(ui, tool, "check"):
- checked = True
- if ui.promptchoice(_("was merge of '%s' successful (yn)?") % fd,
- (_("&Yes"), _("&No")), 1):
- r = 1
- if not r and not checked and (_toolbool(ui, tool, "checkchanged") or
- 'changed' in _toollist(ui, tool, "check")):
- if filecmp.cmp(repo.wjoin(fd), back):
- if ui.promptchoice(_(" output file %s appears unchanged\n"
- "was merge successful (yn)?") % fd,
- (_("&Yes"), _("&No")), 1):
- r = 1
- if _toolbool(ui, tool, "fixeol"):
- _matcheol(repo.wjoin(fd), back)
- if r:
- ui.warn(_("merging %s failed!\n") % fd)
- else:
- os.unlink(back)
- os.unlink(b)
- os.unlink(c)
- return r