
16 June 2019


The FOSSEE project at IIT Bombay invites practicing engineers and college teachers, who engage in the (teaching of) design of steel structures, to the Osdag Training Program on Steel Connection Design on 16-June-2019.

Osdag is a GUI-based cross-platform free and open-source software for the design (and detailing) of steel structures, following the Indian Standard IS 800:2007.

The hands-on training program on Osdag will cover design (and detailing) of

  1. Moment connections
    • Beam-to-beam cover plate splice
    • Beam-to-column end plate connection
    • ...
  2. Shear connections
    • Fin plate connection
    • Cleat angle connection
    • Seated angle connection
    • ...


Limited seats only.



(₹1000 + 18% GST = ₹1180)
  1. This event is only for practicing engineers and college teachers. Student registrations will not be accepted (nor will be refunded).
  2. Lunch and Tea will be provided at the venue.
  3. The registration fee does not include accommodation, dinner or any other facilities.
  4. All participants will be required to present their ID cards at the venue.
  5. The registration fee is NOT refundable.
Register Now


Computational Lab, Ground Floor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay.

Links: IITB Website    IITB Map

A quick guide:

  • Powai is an eastern suburb in North-Eastern part of Mumbai.
  • Directions


Osdag Training Program on Steel Connection Design is organized by FOSSEE. This project is part of the National Mission on Education through ICT with the thrust area being "Adaptation and deployment of open source simulation packages equivalent to proprietary software", funded by MHRD, based at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.


The FOSSEE project undertaken by IIT Bombay is funded by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, under National Mission on Education through ICT. The aim of Human Resource Development is education and skill development, which plays a significant role in our country.

Questions or Comments?

For queries mail us at : contact-osdag(at)fossee(dot)in