Testcase No. {{ forloop.counter }}
{% if not error.type %}
{% elif error.type == 'assertion' %}
We tried the calling your function with the following test case:
But the following error took place:
Exception Name |
Exception Message | {{error.message}} |
{% elif error.type == 'stdio' %}
{% if error.given_input %}
For given Input value(s): |
{{error.given_input}} |
{% endif %}
Line No. |
Expected Output |
User output |
Status |
{% for expected,user in error.expected_output|zip:error.user_output %}
{{forloop.counter}} |
{{expected|default:""}} |
{{user|default:""}} |
{% if forloop.counter0 in error.error_line_numbers or not expected or not user %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Error: |
{{error.error_msg}} |
{% endif %}