""" settings for yaksh app. """ from decouple import config # The number of code server processes to run.. N_CODE_SERVERS = config('N_CODE_SERVERS', default=5, cast=int) # The server pool port. This is the server which returns available server # ports so as to minimize load. This is some random number where no other # service is running. It should be > 1024 and less < 65535 though. SERVER_POOL_PORT = config('SERVER_POOL_PORT', default=55555, cast=int) # Server host name SERVER_HOST_NAME = config('SERVER_HOST_NAME', default='http://localhost') # Timeout for the code to run in seconds. This is an integer! SERVER_TIMEOUT = config('SERVER_TIMEOUT', default=6, cast=int) # The root of the URL, for example you might be in the situation where you # are not hosted as host.org/exam/ but as host.org/foo/exam/ for whatever # reason set this to the root you have to serve at. In the above example # host.org/foo/exam set URL_ROOT='/foo' URL_ROOT = '' code_evaluators = { "python": { "standardtestcase": "yaksh.python_assertion_evaluator.PythonAssertionEvaluator", "stdiobasedtestcase": "yaksh.python_stdio_evaluator.PythonStdIOEvaluator", "hooktestcase": "yaksh.hook_evaluator.HookEvaluator" }, "c": {"standardtestcase": "yaksh.cpp_code_evaluator.CppCodeEvaluator", "stdiobasedtestcase": "yaksh.cpp_stdio_evaluator.CppStdIOEvaluator", "hooktestcase": "yaksh.hook_evaluator.HookEvaluator" }, "cpp": {"standardtestcase": "yaksh.cpp_code_evaluator.CppCodeEvaluator", "stdiobasedtestcase": "yaksh.cpp_stdio_evaluator.CppStdIOEvaluator", "hooktestcase": "yaksh.hook_evaluator.HookEvaluator" }, "java": {"standardtestcase": "yaksh.java_code_evaluator.JavaCodeEvaluator", "stdiobasedtestcase": "yaksh.java_stdio_evaluator.JavaStdIOEvaluator", "hooktestcase": "yaksh.hook_evaluator.HookEvaluator" }, "bash": {"standardtestcase": "yaksh.bash_code_evaluator.BashCodeEvaluator", "stdiobasedtestcase": "yaksh.bash_stdio_evaluator.BashStdIOEvaluator", "hooktestcase": "yaksh.hook_evaluator.HookEvaluator" }, "scilab": { "standardtestcase": "yaksh.scilab_code_evaluator.ScilabCodeEvaluator", "hooktestcase": "yaksh.hook_evaluator.HookEvaluator" }, }