#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import unicode_literals import traceback import os from os.path import join, isfile import subprocess import re import importlib # Local imports from .code_evaluator import CodeEvaluator from .file_utils import copy_files, delete_files class ScilabCodeEvaluator(CodeEvaluator): """Tests the Scilab code obtained from Code Server""" def setup(self): super(ScilabCodeEvaluator, self).setup() self.files = [] self.submit_code_path = \ self.create_submit_code_file('function.sci') def teardown(self): # Delete the created file. os.remove(self.submit_code_path) if self.files: delete_files(self.files) super(ScilabCodeEvaluator, self).teardown() def check_code(self, user_answer, file_paths, partial_grading, test_case, weightage): if file_paths: self.files = copy_files(file_paths) ref_code_path = test_case clean_ref_path, clean_test_case_path = \ self._set_test_code_file_path(ref_code_path) user_answer, terminate_commands = \ self._remove_scilab_exit(user_answer.lstrip()) success = False test_case_weightage = 0.0 self.write_to_submit_code_file(self.submit_code_path, user_answer) # Throw message if there are commmands that terminates scilab add_err = "" if terminate_commands: add_err = "Please do not use exit, quit and abort commands in your\ code.\n Otherwise your code will not be evaluated\ correctly.\n" cmd = 'printf "lines(0)\nexec(\'{0}\',2);\nquit();"'.format( clean_ref_path ) cmd += ' | timeout 8 scilab-cli -nb' ret = self._run_command(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) proc, stdout, stderr = ret # Get only the error. stderr = self._get_error(stdout) if stderr is None: # Clean output stdout = self._strip_output(stdout) if proc.returncode == 5: success, err = True, "Correct answer" test_case_weightage = float(weightage) if partial_grading else 0.0 else: err = add_err + stdout else: err = add_err + stderr return success, err, test_case_weightage def _remove_scilab_exit(self, string): """ Removes exit, quit and abort from the scilab code """ new_string = "" terminate_commands = False for line in string.splitlines(): new_line = re.sub(r"exit.*$", "", line) new_line = re.sub(r"quit.*$", "", new_line) new_line = re.sub(r"abort.*$", "", new_line) if line != new_line: terminate_commands = True new_string = new_string + '\n' + new_line return new_string, terminate_commands def _get_error(self, string): """ Fetches only the error from the string. Returns None if no error. """ obj = re.search("!.+\n.+", string) if obj: return obj.group() return None def _strip_output(self, out): """ Cleans whitespace from the output """ strip_out = "Message" for l in out.split('\n'): if l.strip(): strip_out = strip_out+"\n"+l.strip() return strip_out