#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import traceback import os from os.path import join import importlib from contextlib import contextmanager # local imports from code_evaluator import CodeEvaluator @contextmanager def redirect_stdout(): from StringIO import StringIO new_target = StringIO() old_target, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, new_target # replace sys.stdout try: yield new_target # run some code with the replaced stdout finally: sys.stdout = old_target # restore to the previous value class PythonStdoutEvaluator(CodeEvaluator): """Tests the Python code obtained from Code Server""" def compile_code(self, user_answer, expected_output): if hasattr(self, 'output_value'): return None else: submitted = compile(user_answer, '', mode='exec') with redirect_stdout() as output_buffer: exec_scope = {} exec submitted in exec_scope self.output_value = output_buffer.getvalue() return self.output_value def check_code(self, user_answer, expected_output): success = False tb = None # submitted = compile(user_answer, '', mode='exec') # with redirect_stdout() as output_buffer: # g = {} # exec submitted in g # raw_output_value = output_buffer.getvalue() # output_value = raw_output_value.strip() if expected_output in user_answer: success = False err = "Incorrect Answer: Please avoid printing the expected output directly" elif self.output_value == expected_output: success = True err = "Correct answer" else: success = False err = "Incorrect Answer" del tb return success, err