#!/usr/bin/env python
import traceback
import pwd
import os
from os.path import join, isfile
import subprocess
import importlib

# local imports
from code_evaluator import CodeEvaluator

class JavaCodeEvaluator(CodeEvaluator):
    """Tests the Java code obtained from Code Server"""
    def setup(self):
        super(JavaCodeEvaluator, self).setup()
        self.submit_code_path = self.create_submit_code_file('Test.java')
        self.compiled_user_answer = None
        self.compiled_test_code = None

    def teardown(self):
        super(JavaCodeEvaluator, self).teardown()
        # Delete the created file.

    def get_commands(self, clean_ref_code_path, user_code_directory):
        compile_command = 'javac  {0}'.format(self.submit_code_path),
        compile_main = ('javac {0} -classpath '
                        '{1} -d {2}').format(clean_ref_code_path,
        return compile_command, compile_main

    def set_file_paths(self, directory, file_name):
        output_path = "{0}{1}.class".format(directory, file_name)
        return output_path

    def compile_code(self, user_answer, test_case):
        if self.compiled_user_answer and self.compiled_test_code:
            return None
            ref_code_path = test_case
            clean_ref_code_path, clean_test_case_path = self._set_test_code_file_path(ref_code_path)

            if not isfile(clean_ref_code_path):
                return False, "No file at %s or Incorrect path" % clean_ref_code_path
            if not isfile(self.submit_code_path):
                return False, 'No file at %s or Incorrect path' % self.submit_code_path

            user_code_directory = os.getcwd() + '/'
            self.write_to_submit_code_file(self.submit_code_path, user_answer)
            ref_file_name = (clean_ref_code_path.split('/')[-1]).split('.')[0]
            # user_output_path = "{0}{1}.class".format(user_code_directory,
            #                                              'Test')
            # ref_output_path = "{0}{1}.class".format(user_code_directory,
            #                                              ref_file_name)
            # user_output_path, ref_output_path = self.set_file_paths(user_code_directory, clean_ref_code_path)
            self.user_output_path = self.set_file_paths(user_code_directory, 'Test')
            self.ref_output_path = self.set_file_paths(user_code_directory, ref_file_name)
            compile_command, self.compile_main = self.get_commands(clean_ref_code_path, user_code_directory)
            self.run_command_args = "java -cp {0} {1}".format(user_code_directory,
            # self.compiled_output = self._compile_command(compile_command)
            self.compiled_user_answer = self._run_command(compile_command,

            self.compiled_test_code = self._run_command(self.compile_main,

            return self.compiled_user_answer, self.compiled_test_code

    def check_code(self, user_answer, test_case):
        """ Function validates student code using instructor code as
        reference.The first argument ref_code_path, is the path to
        instructor code, it is assumed to have executable permission.
        The second argument submit_code_path, is the path to the student
        code, it is assumed to have executable permission.


        returns (True, "Correct answer") : If the student function returns
        expected output when called by reference code.

        returns (False, error_msg): If the student function fails to return
        expected output when called by reference code.

        Returns (False, error_msg): If mandatory arguments are not files or
        if the required permissions are not given to the file(s).

        # ref_code_path = test_case
        # clean_ref_code_path, clean_test_case_path = self._set_test_code_file_path(ref_code_path)

        # if not isfile(clean_ref_code_path):
        #     return False, "No file at %s or Incorrect path" % clean_ref_code_path
        # if not isfile(self.submit_code_path):
        #     return False, 'No file at %s or Incorrect path' % self.submit_code_path

        # success = False
        # user_code_directory = os.getcwd() + '/'
        # self.write_to_submit_code_file(self.submit_code_path, user_answer)
        # ref_file_name = (clean_ref_code_path.split('/')[-1]).split('.')[0]
        # # user_output_path = "{0}{1}.class".format(user_code_directory,
        # #                                              'Test')
        # # ref_output_path = "{0}{1}.class".format(user_code_directory,
        # #                                              ref_file_name)
        # # user_output_path, ref_output_path = self.set_file_paths(user_code_directory, clean_ref_code_path)
        # user_output_path = self.set_file_paths(user_code_directory, 'Test')
        # ref_output_path = self.set_file_paths(user_code_directory, ref_file_name)

        # compile_command, compile_main = self.get_commands(clean_ref_code_path, user_code_directory)
        # run_command_args = "java -cp {0} {1}".format(user_code_directory,
        #                                              ref_file_name)
        # ret = self._compile_command(compile_command)
        # proc, stdnt_stderr = ret
        success = False
        proc, stdnt_out, stdnt_stderr = self.compiled_user_answer
        stdnt_stderr = self._remove_null_substitute_char(stdnt_stderr)

        # Only if compilation is successful, the program is executed
        # And tested with testcases
        if stdnt_stderr == '':
            # ret = self._compile_command(self.compile_main)
            # ret = self._run_command(self.compile_main,
            #                          shell=True,
            #                          stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
            #                          stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

            proc, main_out, main_err = self.compiled_test_code
            main_err = self._remove_null_substitute_char(main_err)

            if main_err == '':
                ret = self._run_command(self.run_command_args, shell=True,
                proc, stdout, stderr = ret
                if proc.returncode == 0:
                    success, err = True, "Correct answer"
                    err = stdout + "\n" + stderr
                err = "Error:"
                    error_lines = main_err.splitlines()
                    for e in error_lines:
                        if ':' in e:
                            err = err + "\n" + e.split(":", 1)[1]
                            err = err + "\n" + e
                        err = err + "\n" + main_err
            err = "Compilation Error:"
                error_lines = stdnt_stderr.splitlines()
                for e in error_lines:
                    if ':' in e:
                        err = err + "\n" + e.split(":", 1)[1]
                        err = err + "\n" + e
                err = err + "\n" + stdnt_stderr

        return success, err

    # def __init__(self, test_case_data, test, language, user_answer,
    #                  ref_code_path=None, in_dir=None):
    #     super(JavaCodeEvaluator, self).__init__(test_case_data, test,
    #                                              language, user_answer,
    #                                              ref_code_path, in_dir)
    #     self.test_case_args = self.setup()

    # def setup(self):
    #     super(JavaCodeEvaluator, self).setup()

    #     ref_path, test_case_path = self._set_test_code_file_path(self.ref_code_path)
    #     self.submit_path = self.create_submit_code_file('Test.java')

    #     # Set file paths
    #     java_student_directory = os.getcwd() + '/'
    #     java_ref_file_name = (ref_path.split('/')[-1]).split('.')[0]

    #     # Set command variables
    #     compile_command = 'javac  {0}'.format(self.submit_path),
    #     compile_main = ('javac {0} -classpath '
    #                     '{1} -d {2}').format(ref_path,
    #                                          java_student_directory,
    #                                          java_student_directory)
    #     run_command_args = "java -cp {0} {1}".format(java_student_directory,
    #                                                  java_ref_file_name)
    #     remove_user_output = "{0}{1}.class".format(java_student_directory,
    #                                                  'Test')
    #     remove_ref_output = "{0}{1}.class".format(java_student_directory,
    #                                                  java_ref_file_name)

    #     return (ref_path, self.submit_path, compile_command, compile_main,
    #                  run_command_args, remove_user_output, remove_ref_output)

    # def teardown(self):
    #     # Delete the created file.
    #     super(JavaCodeEvaluator, self).teardown()
    #     os.remove(self.submit_path)

    # def check_code(self, ref_code_path, submit_code_path, compile_command,
    #                  compile_main, run_command_args, remove_user_output,
    #                  remove_ref_output):
    #     """ Function validates student code using instructor code as
    #     reference.The first argument ref_code_path, is the path to
    #     instructor code, it is assumed to have executable permission.
    #     The second argument submit_code_path, is the path to the student
    #     code, it is assumed to have executable permission.

    #     Returns
    #     --------

    #     returns (True, "Correct answer") : If the student function returns
    #     expected output when called by reference code.

    #     returns (False, error_msg): If the student function fails to return
    #     expected output when called by reference code.

    #     Returns (False, error_msg): If mandatory arguments are not files or
    #     if the required permissions are not given to the file(s).

    #     """
    #     if not isfile(ref_code_path):
    #         return False, "No file at %s or Incorrect path" % ref_code_path
    #     if not isfile(submit_code_path):
    #         return False, 'No file at %s or Incorrect path' % submit_code_path

    #     success = False
    #     ret = self._compile_command(compile_command)
    #     proc, stdnt_stderr = ret
    #     stdnt_stderr = self._remove_null_substitute_char(stdnt_stderr)

    #     # Only if compilation is successful, the program is executed
    #     # And tested with testcases
    #     if stdnt_stderr == '':
    #         ret = self._compile_command(compile_main)
    #         proc, main_err = ret
    #         main_err = self._remove_null_substitute_char(main_err)

    #         if main_err == '':
    #             ret = self._run_command(run_command_args, shell=True,
    #                                      stdin=None,
    #                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    #                                      stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    #             proc, stdout, stderr = ret
    #             if proc.returncode == 0:
    #                 success, err = True, "Correct answer"
    #             else:
    #                 err = stdout + "\n" + stderr
    #             os.remove(remove_ref_output)
    #         else:
    #             err = "Error:"
    #             try:
    #                 error_lines = main_err.splitlines()
    #                 for e in error_lines:
    #                     if ':' in e:
    #                         err = err + "\n" + e.split(":", 1)[1]
    #                     else:
    #                         err = err + "\n" + e
    #             except:
    #                     err = err + "\n" + main_err
    #         os.remove(remove_user_output)
    #     else:
    #         err = "Compilation Error:"
    #         try:
    #             error_lines = stdnt_stderr.splitlines()
    #             for e in error_lines:
    #                 if ':' in e:
    #                     err = err + "\n" + e.split(":", 1)[1]
    #                 else:
    #                     err = err + "\n" + e
    #         except:
    #             err = err + "\n" + stdnt_stderr

    #     return success, err