
For students to take a quiz, it is imperative for the moderator to create a course first. 

Setting up a new course
    To create a course, click on the Add New Course button on the moderator's dashboard. This will lead you to a create add course page, where you need to fill in the following fields.

        .. image:: ../images/create_course.png

        * Name
            Name of the Course
        * Enrollment
             Open enrollment is open to all students. Enroll Request requires students to send a request which the moderator can accept or reject.
        * Active
            If the course should be active for students to take the quiz. The status of the course can be edited later.
        * Code
            If the course should be hidden and only accessible to students possessing the correct course code.
        * Instructions
            Instructions for the course
        * Start Date and Time for enrollment of course
            If the enrollment of the course should be available only after a set date and time
        * End Date and Time for enrollment of course
            If the enrollment of the course should be available only before a set date and time

Features in Courses

     Click on the Courses link on the navigation bar.

     .. image:: ../images/course_features.jpg

     This page shows all the courses created by a moderator and all the courses allotted to a moderator.

     The following features are available for courses

        * Course Name
            Clicking on course name link will display all the enrolled, rejected and requested students list. Moderator can accept or reject the student.
        * Quiz Name
            Clicking on the quiz name will let you edit the quiz.
        * Question Paper
            Click on the **Add** link to create a Question Paper for associated Quiz.
            If a question paper is already created, click on the Question Paper link to edit question paper.
        * Add Teacher
            Clicking on Add teacher can let you add teachers for the course. The teachers can edit and modify only the specific course that are allotted to them.
        * Teachers added to the course
            This shows all the teachers added to a particular course.
        * Download CSV for the entire course
            This downloads the CSV file containing the performance of all students in every quiz for a given course.
        * Edit Course
            Clicking on the edit course button will let you edit the details of an existing course.

Features in Course Details

    Click on a given course name to go to the course details page.

    .. image:: ../images/course_details_features.jpg

    Following are the features for course details -

        * Requests
            This is a list of students who have requested to be enrolled in the course. Moderator can enroll or reject selected students.
        * Enrolled
            This is a list of students who have been enrolled in the course. Moderator can reject enrolled students.
        * Rejected
            This is a list of students who have been rejected for enrollment in a course. Moderator can enroll rejected students.
        * Deactivate/Activate Course
            Clicking on this will deactivate or activate the course.
        * Upload Users
            Create and enroll users automatically by uploading a csv of the users. The mandatory fields for this csv are - **firstname, lastname, email**. Other fields like **username, password, institute, roll_no, department, remove** fields are optionals.
        * Clone Course
            This will create a clone of the course for the moderator.
        * Send Mail
            Moderator can send mail to all enrolled students or selected students.