# Yaml Template for writing questions
# Always keep the name of this file as questions_dump.yaml
# Zip this file with necessary dependent files.
active: true
# question status = true or false
description: "Write a function product(a,b)
which will take
two integers and return the product of it.
# Entire question description.
files: []
# [[file name, zip_extract_status=true or false]]
language: python
# bash, scilab, python, c/c++, java
points: 1.0
# marks in float
snippet: "def sum(a,b):"
# adds in the student's code area
summary: Product of two numbers
# one line short Summary
- test_case_type: standardtestcase
test_case: assert sum(3,5) == 15
test_case_args: ""
weight: 1.0
#testcase 1
- test_case_type: standardtestcase
test_case: assert sum(10,10) == 100
test_case_args: ""
weight: 1.0
#testcase 2
# for standard testcase:
# - test_case_type: standardtestcase
# test_case: test case in the selected language
# test_case_args: command line args (only for bash)
# weight: weightage for each course
# for stdIO testcase:
# - test_case_type: stdiobasedtestcase
# expected_input: Standard input given to the students' code. (Optional)
# expected_input: Standard output expected from the students' code.
# weight: weightage for each course
# for MCQ/MCC testcase:
# - test_case_type: mcqtestcase
# options: MCQ/MCC option.
# correct: true or false.
# for Hook testcase:
# - test_case_type: hooktestcase
# hook_code: Selected language code written by moderator (Optional)
# weight: weightage for each course
# for Integer testcase:
# - test_case_type: integertestcase
# correct: Correct integer value
# for Float testcase:
# - test_case_type: floattestcase
# correct: Correct float value
# error_margin: Margin of error allowed
# for String testcase:
# - test_case_type: stringtestcase
# correct: Exact string to be compared
# string_check: lower or exact.(case insensitive or sensitive)
type: code
# mcq, Single Correct Choice,
# mcc, Multiple Correct Choices,
# code, Code Question,
# upload, Assignment Upload,
# integer, Answer in Integer,
# string, Answer in String,
# float, Answer in Float
grade_assignment_upload: false
# Grade uploaded assignment (works with hook)true or false
partial_grading: false
# partial grading with respect to each testcase.