# System library imports. import sys from os.path import basename # Django imports. from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand from django.template import Template, Context # Local imports. from exam.models import Quiz, QuestionPaper result_template = Template('''\ "name","username","rollno","email","answered","total","attempts","position",\ "department","institute" {% for paper in papers %}\ "{{ paper.user.get_full_name.title }}",\ "{{ paper.user.username }}",\ "{{ paper.profile.roll_number }}",\ "{{ paper.user.email }}",\ "{{ paper.get_answered_str }}",\ {{ paper.get_total_marks }},\ {{ paper.answers.count }},\ "{{ paper.profile.position }}",\ "{{ paper.profile.department }}",\ "{{ paper.profile.institute }}" {% endfor %}\ ''') def results2csv(filename, stdout): """Write exam data to a CSV file. It prompts the user to choose the appropriate quiz. """ qs = Quiz.objects.all() if len(qs) > 1: print "Select quiz to save:" for q in qs: stdout.write('%d. %s\n'%(q.id, q.description)) quiz_id = int(raw_input("Please select quiz: ")) try: quiz = Quiz.objects.get(id=quiz_id) except Quiz.DoesNotExist: stdout.write("Sorry, quiz %d does not exist!\n"%quiz_id) sys.exit(1) else: quiz = qs[0] papers = QuestionPaper.objects.filter(quiz=quiz, user__profile__isnull=False) stdout.write("Saving results of %s to %s ... "%(quiz.description, basename(filename))) # Render the data and write it out. f = open(filename, 'w') context = Context({'papers': papers}) f.write(result_template.render(context)) f.close() stdout.write('Done\n') class Command(BaseCommand): args = '<results.csv>' help = '''Writes out the results of a quiz to a CSV file. Prompt user to select appropriate quiz if there are multiple. ''' def handle(self, *args, **options): """Handle the command.""" # Save to file. results2csv(args[0], self.stdout)