from django import forms from exam.models import Profile,Quiz,Question from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from django.contrib.auth.models import User from taggit.managers import TaggableManager from taggit.forms import TagField from taggit_autocomplete_modified.managers import TaggableManagerAutocomplete from taggit_autocomplete_modified.widgets import TagAutocomplete from taggit_autocomplete_modified import settings from string import letters, punctuation, digits import datetime QUESTION_TYPE_CHOICES = ( ("python", "Python"), ("bash", "Bash"), ("mcq", "MCQ"), ) UNAME_CHARS = letters + "._" + digits PWD_CHARS = letters + punctuation + digits class UserRegisterForm(forms.Form): """A Class to create new form for User's Registration. It has the various fields and functions required to register a new user to the system""" username = forms.CharField(max_length=30, help_text='Letters, digits, period and underscores only.') email = forms.EmailField() password = forms.CharField(max_length=30, widget=forms.PasswordInput()) confirm_password = forms.CharField(max_length=30, widget=forms.PasswordInput()) first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30) last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30) roll_number = forms.CharField(max_length=30, help_text="Use a dummy if you don't have one.") institute = forms.CharField(max_length=128, help_text='Institute/Organization') department = forms.CharField(max_length=64, help_text='Department you work/study at') position = forms.CharField(max_length=64, help_text='Student/Faculty/Researcher/Industry/etc.') def clean_username(self): u_name = self.cleaned_data["username"] if u_name.strip(UNAME_CHARS): msg = "Only letters, digits, period and underscore characters are "\ "allowed in username" raise forms.ValidationError(msg) try: User.objects.get(username__exact = u_name) raise forms.ValidationError("Username already exists.") except User.DoesNotExist: return u_name def clean_password(self): pwd = self.cleaned_data['password'] if pwd.strip(PWD_CHARS): raise forms.ValidationError("Only letters, digits and punctuation are \ allowed in password") return pwd def clean_confirm_password(self): c_pwd = self.cleaned_data['confirm_password'] pwd =['password'] if c_pwd != pwd: raise forms.ValidationError("Passwords do not match") return c_pwd def save(self): u_name = self.cleaned_data["username"] u_name = u_name.lower() pwd = self.cleaned_data["password"] email = self.cleaned_data['email'] new_user = User.objects.create_user(u_name, email, pwd) new_user.first_name = self.cleaned_data["first_name"] new_user.last_name = self.cleaned_data["last_name"] cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data new_profile = Profile(user=new_user) new_profile.roll_number = cleaned_data["roll_number"] = cleaned_data["institute"] new_profile.department = cleaned_data["department"] new_profile.position = cleaned_data["position"] return u_name, pwd class UserLoginForm(forms.Form): """Creates a form which will allow the user to log into the system.""" username = forms.CharField(max_length = 30) password = forms.CharField(max_length=30, widget=forms.PasswordInput()) def clean(self): super(UserLoginForm, self).clean() try: u_name, pwd = self.cleaned_data["username"], self.cleaned_data["password"] user = authenticate(username = u_name, password = pwd) except Exception: raise forms.ValidationError("Username and/or Password is not entered") if not user: raise forms.ValidationError("Invalid username/password") return user class QuizForm(forms.Form): """Creates a form to add or edit a Quiz. It has the related fields and functions required.""" start_date = forms.DateField( duration = forms.IntegerField() active = forms.BooleanField(required = False) tags = TagField(widget=TagAutocomplete()) description = forms.CharField(max_length=256, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols':20,'rows':1})) def save(self): start_date = self.cleaned_data["start_date"] duration = self.cleaned_data["duration"] active = self.cleaned_data['active'] description = self.cleaned_data["description"] new_quiz = Quiz() new_quiz.start_date=start_date new_quiz.duration=duration new_quiz.description=description class QuestionForm(forms.Form): """Creates a form to add or edit a Question. It has the related fields and functions required.""" summary = forms.CharField(widget = forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 40, 'rows': 1})) description = forms.CharField(widget = forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 40, 'rows': 1})) points = forms.FloatField() test = forms.CharField(widget = forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 40, 'rows': 1})) options = forms.CharField(widget = forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 40, 'rows': 1}),required=False) type = forms.CharField(max_length=8, widget=forms.Select(choices=QUESTION_TYPE_CHOICES)) active = forms.BooleanField(required=False) tags = TagField(widget=TagAutocomplete(),required=False) snippet = forms.CharField(widget = forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 40, 'rows': 1}),required=False) def save(self): summary = self.cleaned_data["summary"] description = self.cleaned_data["description"] points = self.cleaned_data['points'] test = self.cleaned_data["test"] options = self.cleaned_data['options'] type = self.cleaned_data["type"] active = self.cleaned_data["active"] new_question = Question() new_question.summary = summary new_question.description = description new_question.points = points new_question.test = test new_question.options = options new_question.type = type = active