from datetime import date questions = [ [Question( summary='Factorial', points=2, language='python', type='code', description=''' Write a function called <code>fact</code> which takes a single integer argument (say <code>n</code>) and returns the factorial of the number. For example:<br/> <code>fact(3) -> 6</code> ''', test=''' assert fact(0) == 1 assert fact(5) == 120 ''', snippet="def fact(num):" ), #Add tags here as a list of string. ['Python','function','factorial'], ], [Question( summary='Simple function', points=1, language='python', type='code', description='''Create a simple function called <code>sqr</code> which takes a single argument and returns the square of the argument. For example: <br/> <code>sqr(3) -> 9</code>.''', test=''' import math assert sqr(3) == 9 assert abs(sqr(math.sqrt(2)) - 2.0) < 1e-14 ''', snippet="def sqr(num):" ), #Add tags here as a list of string. ['Python','function'], ], [Question( summary='Bash addition', points=2, language='bash', type='code', description='''Write a shell script which takes two arguments on the command line and prints the sum of the two on the output.''', test='''\ docs/ docs/sample.args ''', snippet="#!/bin/bash" ), #Add tags here as a list of string. [''], ], [Question( summary='Size of integer in Python', points=0.5, language='python', type='mcq', description='''What is the largest integer value that can be represented in Python?''', options='''No Limit 2**32 2**32 - 1 None of the above ''', test = "No Limit" ), #Add tags here as a list of string. ['mcq'], ], ] #list of questions ends here quiz = Quiz(, duration=10, description='Basic Python Quiz 1' )