{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} Grading papers for {{ data.user.get_full_name.title }} {% endblock title %} {% block content %} <h1> Grading papers for {{ data.user.get_full_name.title }} </h1> <p> Name: {{ data.user.get_full_name.title }} {% if data.profile %} (roll number: {{ data.profile.roll_number }}) <br/> {{ data.profile.position }}, {{ data.profile.department }}, {{ data.profile.institute }} {% endif %} </p> {% if data.papers %} {% for paper in data.papers %} <h2> Quiz: {{ paper.quiz.description }} </h2> <p> Questions correctly answered: {{ paper.get_answered_str }} <br/> Total attempts at questions: {{ paper.answers.count }} <br/> Marks obtained: {{ paper.get_total_marks }} <br/> Start time: {{ paper.start_time }} <br/> </p> {% if paper.answers.count %} <h3> Answers </h3> <form id="q{{ paper.quiz.id }}_form" action="{{URL_ROOT}}/exam/grade_user/{{data.user.username}}/" method="post"> {% csrf_token %} {% for question, answers in paper.get_question_answers.items %} <p><strong> <a href="{{URL_ROOT}}/admin/exam/question/{{question.id}}"> Question: {{ question.id }}. {{ question.summary }} </a> (Points: {{ question.points }})</strong> </p> {% if question.type == "mcq" %} <p> Choices: {% for option in question.options.strip.splitlines %} {{option}}, {% endfor %} </p> <p>Student answer: {{ answers.0|safe }}</p> {% else %}{# non-mcq questions #} <pre> {% for answer in answers %}################################################################################ {{ answer.answer.strip|safe }} # Autocheck: {{ answer.error|safe }} {% endfor %}</pre> {% endif %} {# if question.type #} {% with answers|last as answer %} Marks: <input id="q{{ question.id }}" type="text" name="q{{ question.id }}_marks" size="4" value="{{ answer.marks }}" /> {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {# for question, answers ... #} <h3>Teacher comments: </h3> <textarea id="comments_{{paper.quiz.id}}" rows="10" cols="80" name="comments_{{ paper.quiz.id }}">{{ paper.comments }}</textarea> <br/> <input type="submit" name="submit_{{paper.quiz.id}}" value="Save marks" /> </form> {% endif %} {# if paper.answers.count #} {% endfor %} {# for paper in data.papers #} {% endif %} {# if data.papers #} {% if data.papers.count > 1 %} <a href="{{URL_ROOT}}/exam/monitor/"> Monitor quiz</a> {% else %} {% with data.papers.0 as paper %} <a href="{{URL_ROOT}}/exam/monitor/{{paper.quiz.id}}/"> Monitor quiz</a> {% endwith %} {% endif %} <br /> <a href="{{URL_ROOT}}/admin/">Admin</a> {% endblock content %}