{% extends "manage.html" %} {% load static %} {% block title %} Lesson Video Stats {% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% with objects.object_list as trackings %}

Statistics for {% with trackings|first as entry %} {{entry.lesson}} {% endwith %}


{% include "yaksh/paginator.html" %}
{% for track in trackings %} {% endfor %}
Sr No. Student Name  Last access on  Started on  Current Duration  Video Duration  Percentage  Watched  Total Time Spent  Total Visits 
{{ forloop.counter0 }} {{track.user.get_full_name}} {{track.get_last_access_time}} {{track.creation_time}} {{track.get_current_time}} {{track.get_video_duration}} {{track.get_percentage_complete}} % {% with track.get_watched as watched %} {% if watched %} {{watched}} {% else %} {{watched}} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {{track.time_spent}} {{track.get_no_of_vists}}
{% endwith %}
{% include "yaksh/paginator.html" %}
{% endblock %}