help: @echo "Docker Compose Help for Deploying Yaksh interface" @echo "-----------------------\n" @echo "Clone yaksh online interface from github :" @echo " make clone" @echo "" @echo "Build docker images:" @echo " make build" @echo "" @echo "To run containers:" @echo " make start" @echo "" @echo "You need to create super a user to work with yaksh:" @echo " make createsuperuser" @echo "" @echo "Now Your interface is ready. You can access it using browser just go to http://localhost:8000" @echo "" @echo "Really, really start over:" @echo " make clean" @echo "" @echo "other utilities:restart,tail,status" begin: migrate fixtures start clone: @/bin/bash start: @docker-compose up -d stop: @docker-compose stop status: @docker-compose ps restart: stop start clean: stop @docker-compose rm --force build: @docker-compose build --no-cache @docker pull mariadb:10.2 createsuperuser: migrate superuser migrate: @docker exec -it yaksh_django python3 makemigrations @docker exec -it yaksh_django python3 migrate superuser: @docker exec -it yaksh_django python3 createsuperuser @docker exec -it yaksh_django python3 add_group @docker exec -it yaksh_django python3 collectstatic @echo "You can access it using browser, just go to http://localhost:8000" tail: @docker-compose logs -f .PHONY: start stop status restart clean build migrate tail clone superuser createsuperuser