Yaksh ======== [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/FOSSEE/online_test.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/FOSSEE/online_test) This is a Quickstart guide to help users setup a trial instance. If you wish to deploy Yaksh in a production environment here is a [Production Deployment Guide] (https://github.com/FOSSEE/online_test/blob/master/README_production.md) #### Introduction This project provides an "exam" app that lets users take an online programming quiz. #### Features * Define fairly complicated programming problems and have users solve the problem. * Immediate verification of code solution. * Supports pretty much arbitrary coding questions in Python, C, C++ and simple Bash and uses "test cases" to test the implementations of the students. * Supports simple multiple choice questions and File uploads. * Since it runs on your Python, you could technically test any Python based library. * Scales to over 500+ simultaneous users. * Distributed under the BSD license. Quick Start =========== #### Pre-Requisite 1. Ensure [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing.html) is installed #### Installation 1. Install the yaksh - For latest stable release $ pip install yaksh - For the development version $ pip install git+https://github.com/FOSSEE/online_test.git 1. In the terminal run yaksh create_demo [-p PATH] [project_name] - ```project_name``` is the desired name of the django project. - In case a ```project_name``` is not specified, the project is initialised with the name ```yaksh_demo``` - PATH is an optional flag to specify where the django project will be installed - If PATH is not provided, the project is created in the current directory 1. The script does the following; 1. Creates a new django project called `project_name` 1. Creates a new demo database 1. Creates two users, test moderator and test examinee 1. Loads demo questions 1. Loads demo quiz 1. Run: $ yaksh run_demo 1. In a new terminal run: $ sudo yaksh run_code_server 1. Open your browser and open the URL ```http://localhost:8000/exam``` 1. Login as a teacher to edit the quiz or as a student to take the quiz Credentials: - Student - Username: student | Password: student - Teacher - Username: teacher | Password: teacher 1. User can also login to the Default Django admin using; - Admin - Username: admin | Password: admin Inspiration =========== At FOSSEE, Nishanth had implemented a nice django based app to test for multiple-choice questions. I was inspired by a programming contest that I saw at PyCon APAC 2011. Chris Boesch, who administered the contest, used a nice web application [Singpath](http://singpath.com) that he had built on top of GAE that basically checked your Python code, live. This made it fun and interesting. I wanted an implementation that was not tied to GAE and decided to write one myself and the result is the "exam" app. The idea being that I can use this to test students programming skills and not have to worry about grading their answers myself and I can do so on my machines. Contact ======= For further information and support you can contact * Forum Link * Email Address License ======= This is distributed under the terms of the BSD license. Copyright information is at the bottom of this file. Authors ======= Main author: Prabhu Ramachandran I gratefully acknowledge help from the following: - Nishanth Amuluru originally from FOSSEE who wrote bulk of the login/registration code. He wrote an initial first cut of a quiz app which supported only simple questions which provided motivation for this app. The current codebase does not share too much from his implementation although there are plenty of similarities. - Harish Badrinath (FOSSEE) -- who provided a first cut of the bash related scripts. - Srikant Patnaik and Thomas Stephen Lee, who helped deploy and test the code. Copyright (c) 2011 Prabhu Ramachandran and FOSSEE (fossee.in)