=== 0.9 (13-07-2018) ===

* Questions can be searched using tags while creating/editing question papers.
* Fixed a bug that would not select all questions in Question page.
* Fixed a bug in QuestionFilterForm that would force marks value to be selected
  in Question page.
* Added a feature that can download all lessons of a course for offline viewing.
* Yaml files can be used to upload Questions along with zip files.
  Support for uploading multiple Yaml files at once also added.
* Moderator can switch between student and moderator from the dashboard.
* Updated Yaksh to act like a Django app. Updated pip package.
* Appropriate Exceptions are raised for C, C++ and Java assertion and
  STDIO questions.
* Fixed a bug that would create multiple TestCaseOrder objects for an
* Updated README.rst.

=== 0.8.1 (18-06-2018) ===

* Fixed a bug where quiz completion shows inprogress even after completing.
* Changed send bulk mail to add recipients to BCC list instead of TO list.
* Changed course status feature to view student progress more easily and quickly.
* Changed student course dashboard to view completion percentage per module and
  overall course.
* Added support for nose asserts for python assertion based evaluation.
* Added a new feature to show error line number in student code for python
  based questions only.
* Replaced django render_to_response function with render function in views.
* Upgraded Django version from 1.9.5 to 1.10.
* Fixed pep8 for the code base.
* Fixed a bug that allows answer to be true if there are no test cases to a code

=== 0.8.0 (23-03-2018) ===

* Refactored the add_group command to allow creation of moderator group and add users to moderator group and renamed to create_moderator.
* Deprecated multiple management commands: dump_user_data, load_exam, load_question_xml, results2csv.
* Changed the unit of time_between_attempts field within Quiz model from days to hours.
* Fixed assignment upload feature.
* Error output is displayed using Ajax instead of reloading the entire page.
* Added Mathjax to the repository.
* Added Yaksh logo on the website.
* Changed travis build distribution from precise (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) to trusty (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS).
* Fixed a bug that allowed creation of multiple answerpapers.
* Added MCQ/MCC Shuffle testcases feature for question paper.
* Added Arrange in Correct Order question type feature.
* Added a feature to create a course with lessons, quizzes and exercises.
* Fixed a bug where a oauth users' email is not verified.
* Added a feature to show per student course completion status.
* Fixed a bug where a moderator could change question paper of other moderator.
* Fixed a bug where a teacher could not access question paper for a course.
* Fixed a bug where a teacher could become the course creator while editing a course.
* Updated clone course feature to create copy of course, lessons, quizzes and learning modules.
* Changed Student dashboard to show the days remaining for a course to start.
* Changed UI for student and moderator dashboard.
* Updated documentation
* Added a feature where a moderator can create exercises.
* Added grading feature which allows a moderator to create a grading system and apply it for a course.

=== 0.7.0 (15-11-2017) ===

* Simplified Standard I/O type question error output.
* Added the facility to search questions using tags.
* Added the facility to search for user profiles on admin site.
* Replaced json format with yaml format for downloading and uploading questions.
* Fixed a bug that returned multiple answerpaper objects for a user.
* Fixed a bug that allowed anonymous users access quit exam page.
* Fixed a bug that prevented moderators from changing passwords.
* Fixed a bug that returned nonetype object as the last attempted answer.
* Updated the validation of MCQ/MCC type question.
* Fixed a bug that did not allow expected input in Standard I/O type question to be none.
* UI changes in grade user, view answerpaper and monitor pages.
* Added the facility to create users by uploading CSV.
* Fixed a bug that would require shebang to be put in for Bash assertion based questions.
* Bug fixed that did not allow to edit a profile.
* Updated Courses Page to show active courses on top.
* Added a Datetimepicker to edit course Page.
* Added invoke script for quickstart and docker deployment.
* Added the facility to send mails to all students enrolled in a course.
* Fixed a bug that would cause issue during email activation key check.
* Added comprehensive tests for views.py.
* Fixed a bug that allowed moderators to set cyclic quiz prerequisites in a course.
* Added a feature that redirects to edit profile page if user has no profile.
* Fixed a bug that would allow enrolled students to attempt quizzes for deactivated courses.
* Added link on the landing page to Online test Github repository.
* Updated Code server to tornado server which takes a post request to submit a job asynchronously.
* Updated bulk email editor from Froala editor to TinyMCE editor.
* Fixed a bug that would take the maximum marks scored by a user in all attempts for non coding questions.
* Added a feature that would allow a user to see previously submitted answers for non code questions.
* Last submitted answer is updated instead of appending for non coding questions.
* User answers for code questions are stored but not evaluated during skipping questions.
* Added logged in user information in footer of the base html page.
* Fixed a bug that would not shuffle questions in a quiz.
* Updated a feature that allows user to quit the paper manually and revisit the paper if necessary.
* Updated snippets for questions to be multilines.
* Fixed a bug that did not reset answer during quiz.
* Updated download quiz details feature to be more informative.
* Simplified Assertion type question error output for Python.
* Added a feature that prepopulates the test case type field when adding test cases to questions.

=== 0.6.0 (11-05-2017) ===

* Added a course code field that can be used to search a course.
* Updated the documentation to describe the course code feature.
* Fixed a bug that prevented redirection based on 'next' parameter after login.
* Fixed a bug that littered residual system processes created by code evaluators.
* Added the facility to allow moderators to see and download uploaded assignments.
* Fixed a bug that prevented teachers of a course from editing Question papers.
* Added a start time and end time for enrollment of a course.
* Added the facility to allow moderators to edit the details of a course.
* Added a test_settings.py file to avoid using the committed migrations and rebuild database from scratch while running tests.

=== 0.5.0 (22-03-2017) ===

* Fixed a bug that prevented question tags from being saved when saving questions.
* Added new question types: 'String Type', 'Integer Type' and 'Float Type'.
* Fixed a bug that prevented questions from appearing in the same order as they had been added.
* Added the feature to allow moderators to check uploaded assignments using code hooks.
* Added error handling for question json upload.
* Added mathjax rendering to text boxes.
* Added migration commands to the script.
* Added migrations folder to the yaksh app.
* Removed a function call to datetime.now() to set defaults for quiz start time.
* Fixed a bug that displayed the elements of stdout testcase output as unicode.
* Fixed a bug that prevented users from logging in using Google OAuth.
* Added coverage reports to travis.yml.