Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
1. Due to the new evaluator, an unchecked bug, which marked all mcq and mcc attempts as correct, despite actually marking the wrong answer, has been fixed.
2. Added Test case to check for incorrect mcq and mcc questions
3. question.html would also render error msg for mcq and mcc questions. This has also been fixed.
1. added search option in answerpaper admin page, helpful to find specific answerpapers
2. modified gitinore file, ignores _builds in docs now
Update docs and fix minor issues
Added side navigation bar.
Edit and view Profile base template set properly.
Added a tab "Enrolled Courses" for students to only view the courses
they are enrolled in.
Edit instructions modified and MCQ choices html rendered
[Minor] Bug Fix: Add permissions for all models related to yaksh
Add floating point mark_weight to control test case weightage
not fetched from a file
Looks better in small devices as well.
- Earlier only permissions related to Answer models were being added to the group, fixed so that all model permissions are added
Fixed get_test_cases method