path: root/yaksh/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-03-06- Change function names and urls to 'preview_questionpaper'ankitjavalkar
- Add snippet to the questionpaper preview
2018-03-06Add a view to preview and download questionpapersankitjavalkar
2018-02-27Change in,,,, courses.htmladityacp
- Allow only deep cloning of a course - Remove tests for shallow course clone
2018-02-22Change templates,,, views.pyadityacp
- Change copy_type to shallow and deep
2018-02-20Change in, and ursl.pyadityacp
- Change urls to take two types of course clone - Change view duplicate_course to copy or clone depending on type - Change view function prof_manage to avoid error while deleting trial answerpapers - Add new model methods for course, module, unit, lesson and quiz to create copies
2018-01-19Merge pull request #426 from adityacp/fix_lessons_redirectPrabhu Ramachandran
Fix lessons related bug
2018-01-18Update to latest changes from masteradityacp
2018-01-16Change template,, views.pyadityacp
- Change show_video.html to empty module - Add condition to check if module is completed for the corresponding unit
2018-01-16Change in template, test_views, urls and viewsadityacp
- Allow teacher to edit questionpaper for a quiz - Add test to check if teacher is allowed to edit questionpaper for a quiz
2018-01-12Change in, and urls.pyadityacp
- Add new model methods to calculate percent of module and course completion - Add new view function for displaying course status - Add new url to redirect to course status
2018-01-02Allowed user to skip and view solution if the answer is correct.prathamesh
Added solution attribute to the Question model.
2017-12-27Exercise feature in video lessonsprathamesh
Exercise is same as quiz except for following differences: - no time limit - no marks weightage - no instruction page - skip denied for a particular time An attribute 'is_exercise' in Quiz determines whether the quiz is exercise or not. Questions contains 'min_time' attribute. For an exercise a question cannot be skipped for an allotted minimum time, after which either django or JavaScript makes Next button available. Implementation is as such due to complexity of our existing views and templates. Also, after min_time, same question with Next button is available to move on, assuming that solution is present in the video.
2017-12-14Change and urls.pyadityacp
- Add new views function to view course modules - Add new url to view course modules
2017-11-28Change in and urls.pyadityacp
- Change view function name from show_video to show_lesson - Change add quiz, lesson, module view function
2017-11-23Change urls, views, template, test_viewsadityacp
- Fix view answer paper for student - Fix existing views test cases
2017-11-20Change in urls.pyadityacp
- Add new urls for creating course with module and units - Fix existing urls
2017-11-14Added sample csv for user to download and upload.prathamesh
2017-11-10Merge branch 'master' of into ↵prathamesh
2017-11-06Upload user to the course via csv.prathamesh
The csv takes firstname, lastname and email. User and Profile are created with username and password been same as email. Following cases are handled for csv upload: - wrong csv headders - missing csv values - already existing users - invalid csv
2017-10-26Merge branch 'master' of into ↵prathamesh
detailed_csv_download_quiz RESOLVED Conflicts: yaksh/
2017-10-26CSV download for quiz enhancedprathamesh
CSV download for a quiz now shows question wise grades. Also, for a given attempt all the users from the course are entered in the CSV. If the user has not attempted then a dash '-' is put under the grades. Also, handles random questions, if a question paper has questions selected from pool of questions then all the questions are entered in the CSV. 'NA' is put under the question grade if that question has not come in the question/answer paper for that given user.
2017-10-25- Fix and add test casesankitjavalkar
- Fix god-mode/user-mode url pattern
2017-10-04Add tests to check updated Answerpaper marksadityacp
2017-09-08Modification as per comments on the PRprathamesh
2017-09-01Merge branch 'master' of into ↵prathamesh
improve-code-server Conflicts Resolved: yaksh/templates/yaksh/question.html
2017-08-24Merge branch 'master' of into ↵mahesh
2017-08-14Front-end modification for improved code serverprathamesh
Added JQuery to handle request. Sends ajax request and gets json as response. json contains token i.e uid which is answer id. Using uid, an ajax request is sent after every 2 secs till the server gives the desire result. If the code result has error then html is written on the document. If the result has correct answer then next question is displayed. *includes function for string will not work for older browers. Will substitute with a different function in next commit.
2017-08-03Modifies UI for questions sectionmahesh
2017-06-13Resolve conflicts with latest changesadityacp
2017-06-12Change and
- Add new url for sending email - Add new view function to send email to students
2017-05-19Add reverse resolutions in urlsadityacp
2017-05-15Change and views.pyadityacp
- Change views to send mails to students enrolled in a course - Add reverse resolution in
2017-05-03Change, and urls.pyadityacp
- Store activation key expiry time according to timezone for email verification and activation - Add reverse resolution in
2017-04-28Add feature to allow cloning a courseankitjavalkar
2017-04-27Change activation_status template and add update_email url in urls.pyadityacp
2017-04-26Merge into email_verificationadityacp
2017-04-24Change views and grade user for assignments downloadadityacp
2017-04-23Merge pull request #271 from adityacp/fix_course_templatesPrabhu Ramachandran
Fix Grade User, Monitor Templates
2017-04-19Change urls, models, viewsadityacp
- Add Assignment upload model manager - Change views to update marks for user if updated manually - Change variable names in views - Add url to provide assignment download for student
2017-04-10Change download assignemnts to get files using quizadityacp
2017-04-10Change in templates and js and urlsadityacp
- Add urls to download quiz assignments in urls.p - Catch Http404 exception message in 404.html template - Add download assignment links for quiz in grade_user.html - Fix javascript validation in add_question.js
2017-04-07Change in forms, models, urls, viewsadityacp
- Add is_email_expired, activation_key, key_expiry_time in Profile model - Add new functions activate_user and new_activation in views for verifying and activating user via email - Change user_login and user_register functions in views for email verification - Change in to verify email during registration - Add activation urls in
2017-04-05Add multiple fixes based on code reviewankitjavalkar
2017-04-04Change in views and urlsadityacp
- Change monitor and grade_user function in views - Change url to get quiz id instead of question paper id
2017-03-31Multiple changes to Course:ankitjavalkar
- Allow a start and end time for Course enrollment - Allow Course to be editable
2017-02-21Add a new view for logoutankitjavalkar
2017-02-01Forgot Password and Reset Issue Resolvedprathamesh
The problem was: We have included yaksh urls to the project urls with the namespace "yaksh". So whenever we call the url name i.e "yaksh:<url>" a reverse match is made. But for Forgot Password and Change Password we are using django's in-built functionality, where the reverse url is hardcoded. So the reverse match fails as the namespace is not specified! To resolve this, created a urls_password_reset URL dispatcher file and included to the project urls.
2017-01-18Can download csv of students' performance per coursemaheshgudi
Moderator can now download the csv dump of the performance of students in each quiz (best attempt of the quiz) for a course.
2017-01-04Student UI modification.prathamesh
Added side navigation bar. Edit and view Profile base template set properly. Added a tab "Enrolled Courses" for students to only view the courses they are enrolled in.
2016-12-19change in add question interfaceprathamesh