path: root/yaksh/templates/manage.html
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-09-23Regrade Featureprathamesh
A question can be regraded for a given quiz. Whole quiz can be regraded. Particular user paper can be regraded. Moved validate_answer from views to models. regrade method also updates the answer i.e. marks and correctness. Also, the answer paper percentage is updated.
2016-09-08changed input name in html from delete_quiz to delete_papermaheshgudi
2016-09-07only answerpapers are deleted and not the entire trial quizmaheshgudi
2016-09-06users and not course creator will see their own trial papersmaheshgudi
2016-08-25Students can view their submission i.e. answer paperprathamesh
A simple interface for students to view their answerpaper. Moderator has an option where he can allow to students to view their answerpaper.
2016-07-05moderator can now select and delete trial papersmaheshgudi
2016-04-22added jquery file in base.html and manage.htmladityacp
2016-04-18changes for profile editadityacp
2016-04-15EditProfile, ChangePassword, StudentsEnrollment facilityadityacp
2016-03-02Course module implementedprathamesh
Moderator can now create courses. Under his courses he can create quizzes. Students can enroll for the course. Moderator can approve or reject enrollment request of the student. Student can view quizzes only for the enrolled course.
2015-09-15Remove testapp dir, remove reference to testapp in paths, filesankitjavalkar