Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Change time_between_attempts field unit Hours
- Change learning module test to remove units from course status after successful test run
- Remove unnecessary comments from views
- Remove unnecessary condition from module get_status method
- Add new attribute active in lesson and learningmodule model
- Change learningmodule get_status method
- Add condition in lesson, quiz and module views to check if module is active or not
- Fetch all the answerpapers using questionpaper and course instead of only questionpaper
- Merge future imports in models into one
- Add table sorter in course.js and course_detail.html
- Add new model methods to calculate percent of module and course completion
- Add new view function for displaying course status
- Add new url to redirect to course status
- Fix bug causing exception when only a single quiz exists with no questionpaper
Enhance yaksh design
- Add new model method for course to check last unit and get next module
- Change views to allow student to redirect to next module
- Use sane defaults and python-decouple in yaksh.settings module
- Replace hard coded localhost domain name referring to code server with dynamic settings variable
Conflicts Resolved:
Added solution attribute to the Question model.
- Rename learning_type to type in Lesson model
- Change error message in views and change redirection
- Change templates to rename learning_type to type for unit
- Add new dialog for embedding Video URL
Exercise is same as quiz except for following differences:
- no time limit
- no marks weightage
- no instruction page
- skip denied for a particular time
An attribute 'is_exercise' in Quiz determines whether the quiz is
exercise or not.
Questions contains 'min_time' attribute.
For an exercise a question cannot be skipped for an allotted minimum
time, after which either django or JavaScript makes Next button
Implementation is as such due to complexity of our existing views and
Also, after min_time, same question with Next button is available to
move on, assuming that solution is present in the video.
into yaksh_video_lessons
Also, added "markdown" to requirements
- Add start_time, end_time enrollement in course form
- Change get_quiz_details in course model
- Add validation to check if course is active and not expired
- Template changes for cleaner dashboard
- Add validation to check if prerequisite module is completed
- Fix User mode and God mode for quiz
- View proper message to user on failure
- Add new models LearningModule, LearningUnit, CourseStatus, Lesson, LessonFile
- Change model associations
- Add new model methods
- Answerpaper method validate_validate takes server port as an argument.
- Added tests for all question types
- Modify image name in
CSV download for a quiz now shows question wise grades.
Also, for a given attempt all the users from the course are entered in
the CSV. If the user has not attempted then a dash '-' is put under the
Also, handles random questions, if a question paper has questions
selected from pool of questions then all the questions are entered in
the CSV. 'NA' is put under the question grade if that question has not
come in the question/answer paper for that given user.
Grade User bugfix
Fix revisit with one question
- Fix god-mode/user-mode url pattern
- Change question_order field from charfield to textfield
- Refactor has_questions and current_question functions
- Add else condition in make_answerpaper instead of direct return
- Remove while loop in shuffle questions testcase