path: root/yaksh/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-03-22Resolve conflicts and update to latest changesadityacp
2018-03-21Merge branch 'master' of into ↵maheshgudi
2018-03-21Rebase changes for shuffle testcasemaheshgudi
2018-03-21Merge pull request #450 from adityacp/change_student_dashboardPrabhu Ramachandran
Student Dashboard Changes
2018-03-21Merge pull request #446 from adityacp/fix_clone_coursePrabhu Ramachandran
Fix clone course
2018-03-21Show student grade in course status pageadityacp
2018-03-21Change default grading system behaviourprathamesh
Cannot edit default system. Code as per PEP8 standards. Updates grade after regrade or manual grading Field change from total marks to percentage Removed unused fields from grades app
2018-03-21Add weightage for Quiz and Create Grading System Appprathamesh
App Name: grades Grading System provides with the grade for a given value. It contains different grade ranges. Has its own default grading system. Allows you to modify and add grading system wth grade ranges. To be done: - Need to add README - Good UI - There are fields like can_be_used and order in models for future use. - More tests App name: Yaksh Now every quiz has a default weightage of 100%, can be changed. An aggregate is calculated for a given course. Using grades app a grade is provide to the aggregate value.
2018-03-21Add condition to get quiz status if answerpaper is createdadityacp
2018-03-16TestCaseOrder created only mcc/mcq questionsmahesh
2018-03-16Add shuffle_testcases to QuestionPaper model instead of Questionmahesh
2018-03-16Improve test cases for TestCaseOrder modelmahesh
2018-03-16Change TestcaseOrder to TestCaseOrdermahesh
2018-03-16Add shuffle testcases option to questionsmahesh
2018-03-16Remove lists from variable namemaheshgudi
2018-03-16Change question type name to Arrange in correct ordermahesh
2018-03-16Change custom filter function to get_answer_for_arrange_optionsmahesh
2018-03-16Add testcases for custom templatetag filtersmahesh
2018-03-16Add test cases for Arrange question typemahesh
2018-03-16Add jumble question typemahesh
2018-03-16TestCaseOrder created only mcc/mcq questionsmahesh
2018-03-16Add shuffle_testcases to QuestionPaper model instead of Questionmahesh
2018-03-16Improve test cases for TestCaseOrder modelmahesh
2018-03-16Change TestcaseOrder to TestCaseOrdermahesh
2018-03-16Add shuffle testcases option to questionsmahesh
2018-03-08Change model method name in course modeladityacp
2018-02-28Change,, and templatesadityacp
- Add help text for timezone field in user registration form - Add new method in course model to get days remaining to start a course - Show start time and end time of a course to the students - Disallow to enroll to a course which is not active - Add model test for the new course method
2018-02-27Change in,,,, courses.htmladityacp
- Allow only deep cloning of a course - Remove tests for shallow course clone
2018-02-20Update to latest changesadityacp
2018-02-20Change in, and ursl.pyadityacp
- Change urls to take two types of course clone - Change view duplicate_course to copy or clone depending on type - Change view function prof_manage to avoid error while deleting trial answerpapers - Add new model methods for course, module, unit, lesson and quiz to create copies
2018-02-15Merge pull request #436 from adityacp/fixes_lesson_featurePrabhu Ramachandran
Additions and fixes for lesson feature
2018-02-15Merge pull request #430 from maheshgudi/multiple_answerpaperPrabhu Ramachandran
Fix multiple Answerpaper objects returned error
2018-02-15Merge pull request #417 from ankitjavalkar/time-between-attemptsPrabhu Ramachandran
Change time_between_attempts field unit Hours
2018-02-15Change in models, test_models and viewsadityacp
- Change learning module test to remove units from course status after successful test run - Remove unnecessary comments from views - Remove unnecessary condition from module get_status method
2018-02-08Change in, and models.pyadityacp
- Add new attribute active in lesson and learningmodule model - Change learningmodule get_status method - Add condition in lesson, quiz and module views to check if module is active or not
2018-02-07Add course as a unique constraintmahesh
2018-01-30Add test cases to check for duplicate answerpapersmahesh
2018-01-30Fix bug in make_answerpapermahesh
2018-01-18Update to latest changes from masteradityacp
2018-01-18Change in and models.pyadityacp
- Fetch all the answerpapers using questionpaper and course instead of only questionpaper
2018-01-14Change in, course.js and course_detail.htmladityacp
- Merge future imports in models into one - Add table sorter in course.js and course_detail.html
2018-01-12Add views and models tests for course statusadityacp
2018-01-12Change in, and urls.pyadityacp
- Add new model methods to calculate percent of module and course completion - Add new view function for displaying course status - Add new url to redirect to course status
2018-01-11- Change time_between_attempts field unit Hoursankitjavalkar
- Fix bug causing exception when only a single quiz exists with no questionpaper
2018-01-08Merge pull request #416 from adityacp/enhance_yaksh_uiPrabhu Ramachandran
Enhance yaksh design
2018-01-08Change in and views.pyadityacp
- Add new model method for course to check last unit and get next module - Change views to allow student to redirect to next module
2018-01-08Add instructions for demo quizmaheshgudi
2018-01-04Replace hardcoded codeserver URL in regrade method within modelsankitjavalkar
2018-01-04Fix bug to allow tests to run successfullyankitjavalkar
2018-01-04- Add python-decouple package to requirementsankitjavalkar
- Use sane defaults and python-decouple in yaksh.settings module - Replace hard coded localhost domain name referring to code server with dynamic settings variable