path: root/yaksh/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-03-21Merge branch 'master' of into arrange_o...maheshgudi
2018-03-21Merge pull request #450 from adityacp/change_student_dashboardPrabhu Ramachandran
2018-03-16Add shuffle_testcases to QuestionPaper model instead of Questionmahesh
2018-03-16Change question type name to Arrange in correct ordermahesh
2018-03-16Change custom filter function to get_answer_for_arrange_optionsmahesh
2018-03-16Add testcases for custom templatetag filtersmahesh
2018-03-16Include Rebase changes from shuffle testcasesmaheshgudi
2018-03-16Add shuffle_testcases to QuestionPaper model instead of Questionmahesh
2018-02-28Change,, and templatesadityacp
2018-02-08Change in, and models.pyadityacp
2018-01-19Change in views and templatesadityacp
2018-01-03Made UI changes as per suggestionprathamesh
2017-12-27Exercise feature in video lessonsprathamesh
2017-11-22Change,,, templates, templatetagsadityacp
2017-11-20Change in forms.pyadityacp
2017-05-31Fix conditional logic to pass testankitjavalkar
2017-05-31Validate quiz prerequisite fieldankitjavalkar
2017-05-03Change, and urls.pyadityacp
2017-04-27Remove conflicts from views after rebaseadityacp
2017-04-27Hide field in CourseFormankitjavalkar
2017-04-27Add course_code field allows access only to users with relevant course code s...ankitjavalkar
2017-04-27Changes in,, forms.pyadityacp
2017-04-07Change in forms, models, urls, viewsadityacp
2017-04-05Add multiple fixes based on code reviewankitjavalkar
2017-03-31Multiple changes to Course:ankitjavalkar
2017-03-02changed string check namesmaheshgudi
2017-03-02added float based questionsmaheshgudi
2017-03-02added string based questions.maheshgudi
2017-03-02added integer based question typemaheshgudi
2017-01-23Add course instructionsankitjavalkar
2017-01-09added hook evaluator type tuple in forms and fixed limit=0 mistake in gradermaheshgudi
2017-01-03modified editing instructions. Instructions are now initialized in forms and ...maheshgudi
2016-12-20Fix errors and rename resourcesankitjavalkar
2016-10-13Hide questions instead of deletionankitjavalkar
2016-10-04Merge branch 'master' of into edit_ques...prathamesh
2016-10-04Edit Question Paper Feature.prathamesh
2016-09-30modified views, models, forms for django as per python 3adityacp
2016-09-07removed initial form field from QuizForm and minor fixes in add_quiz view fun...maheshgudi
2016-09-06added 'add new quiz' button to each coursemaheshgudi
2016-08-03rebase changes with stdio evaluatormaheshgudi
2016-07-28added files upload for questionsadityacp
2016-07-27changed model class name Stdout to Stdiomaheshgudi
2016-07-05Merge pull request #108 from adityacp/fix_questions_uploadPrabhu Ramachandran
2016-07-05changed questions upload, testcases can also be uploadedadityacp
2016-05-27removed exclude from course formmaheshgudi
2016-05-27excludes is_trial in course, quiz formsmaheshgudi
2016-05-12rebase changes and comments changesadityacp
2016-05-12display datetime as per user timezoneadityacp
2016-05-09- Fix testsankitjavalkar
2016-05-05Remove commented code and cleanupankitjavalkar