path: root/testapp/exam/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testapp/exam/')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/testapp/exam/ b/testapp/exam/
index 5b980f5..464bc3c 100644
--- a/testapp/exam/
+++ b/testapp/exam/
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404, redirect
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.http import Http404
from django.db.models import Sum
+from taggit.models import Tag
+from itertools import chain
# Local imports.
from exam.models import Quiz, Question, QuestionPaper, Profile, Answer, User
from exam.forms import UserRegisterForm, UserLoginForm, QuizForm , QuestionForm
@@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ from settings import URL_ROOT
# The directory where user data can be saved.
OUTPUT_DIR = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), pardir, 'output'))
+set1 = set()
+set2 = set()
def my_redirect(url):
"""An overridden redirect to deal with URL_ROOT-ing. See
@@ -245,7 +248,7 @@ def add_quiz(request,quiz_id=None):
for tag in tags:
tag = tag.strip()
- return my_redirect("/exam/manage/showquiz")
+ return my_redirect("/exam/manage/designquestionpaper")
d = Quiz.objects.get(id=quiz_id)
d.start_date = form['start_date'].data
@@ -291,6 +294,107 @@ def add_quiz(request,quiz_id=None):
return my_render_to_response('exam/add_quiz.html',{'form':form},context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+def design_questionpaper(request,questionpaper_id=None):
+ user=request.user
+ if not user.is_authenticated() or user.groups.filter(name='moderator').count() == 0 :
+ raise Http404('You are not allowed to view this page!')
+ return my_render_to_response('exam/add_questionpaper.html',{},context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+def show_all_questionpapers(request,questionpaper_id=None):
+ user=request.user
+ if not user.is_authenticated() or user.groups.filter(name='moderator').count() == 0 :
+ raise Http404('You are not allowed to view this page!')
+ if request.method=="POST" and request.POST.get('add') == "add":
+ return my_redirect("/exam/manage/designquestionpaper/" + questionpaper_id)
+ if questionpaper_id == None:
+ qu_papers = QuestionPaper.objects.all()
+ context = {'papers':qu_papers}
+ return my_render_to_response('exam/showquestionpapers.html',context,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+ else:
+ qu_papers = QuestionPaper.objects.get(id=questionpaper_id)
+ quiz = qu_papers.quiz
+ questions = qu_papers.questions.all()
+ q = []
+ for i in questions:
+ q.append(i)
+ context = {'papers':{'quiz':quiz,'questions':q}}
+ return my_render_to_response('exam/editquestionpaper.html',context,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+def automatic_questionpaper(request,questionpaper_id=None):
+ user=request.user
+ global set1
+ global set2
+ if not user.is_authenticated() or user.groups.filter(name='moderator').count() == 0 :
+ raise Http404('You are not allowed to view this page!')
+ if questionpaper_id == None:
+ if request.method=="POST":
+ if request.POST.get('save') == 'save' :
+ quiz = Quiz.objects.order_by("-id")[0]
+ quest_paper = QuestionPaper()
+ quest_paper.quiz = quiz
+ for i in set2:
+ print str( + " " + i.summary
+ q = Question.objects.get(summary=i)
+ quest_paper.questions.add(q)
+ return my_redirect('/exam/manage/showquiz')
+ else:
+ set1 = set()
+ set2 = set()
+ no_questions = int(request.POST.get('questions'))
+ first_tag = request.POST.get('first_tag')
+ first_condition = request.POST.get('first_condition')
+ second_tag = request.POST.get('second_tag')
+ second_condition = request.POST.get('second_condition')
+ third_tag = request.POST.get('third_tag')
+ question1 = set(Question.objects.filter(tags__name__in=[first_tag]))
+ question2 = set(Question.objects.filter(tags__name__in=[second_tag]))
+ question3 = set(Question.objects.filter(tags__name__in=[third_tag]))
+ if first_condition == 'and':
+ set1 = question1.intersection(question2)
+ if second_condition == 'and':
+ set2 = set1.intersection(question3)
+ else:
+ set2 = set1.union(question3)
+ else:
+ set1 = question1.union(question2)
+ if second_condition == 'and':
+ set2 = set1.intersection(question3)
+ else:
+ set2 = set1.union(question3)
+ n = len(set2)
+ msg = ''
+ if (no_questions < n ) :
+ i = n - no_questions
+ for i in range(0,i):
+ set2.pop()
+ elif( no_questions > n):
+ msg = 'The given Criteria does not satisfy the number of Questions...'
+ tags = Tag.objects.all()
+ context = {'data':{'questions':set2,'tags':tags,'msg':msg}}
+ return my_render_to_response('exam/automatic_questionpaper.html',context,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+ else:
+ tags = Tag.objects.all()
+ context = {'data':{'tags':tags}}
+ return my_render_to_response('exam/automatic_questionpaper.html',context,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+ else:
+ return HttpResponse("eni mane pochi gaya ayan... ")
+def manual_questionpaper(request):
+ user=request.user
+ if not user.is_authenticated() or user.groups.filter(name='moderator').count() == 0 :
+ raise Http404('You are not allowed to view this page!')
+ return my_render_to_response('exam/manual_questionpaper.html',{},context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def prof_manage(request):
"""Take credentials of the user with professor/moderator rights/permissions and log in."""