path: root/exam/management/commands
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'exam/management/commands')
2 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/exam/management/commands/ b/exam/management/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exam/management/commands/
diff --git a/exam/management/commands/ b/exam/management/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..336ed92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exam/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# System library imports.
+from os.path import basename
+from xml.dom.minidom import parse
+from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
+import re
+# Django imports.
+from import BaseCommand
+# Local imports.
+from exam.models import Question
+def decode_html(html_str):
+ """Un-escape or decode HTML strings to more usable Python strings.
+ From here:
+ """
+ return re.sub('&(%s);' % '|'.join(name2codepoint),
+ lambda m: unichr(name2codepoint[]), html_str)
+def clear_questions():
+ """Delete all questions from the database."""
+ for question in Question.objects.all():
+ question.delete()
+def load_questions(filename):
+ """Load questions from the given XML file."""
+ q_bank = parse(filename).getElementsByTagName("question")
+ for question in q_bank:
+ summary_node = question.getElementsByTagName("summary")[0]
+ summary = (summary_node.childNodes[0].data).strip()
+ desc_node = question.getElementsByTagName("description")[0]
+ description = (desc_node.childNodes[0].data).strip()
+ points_node = question.getElementsByTagName("points")[0]
+ points = int((points_node.childNodes[0].data).strip()) \
+ if points_node else 1
+ test_node = question.getElementsByTagName("test")[0]
+ test = decode_html((test_node.childNodes[0].data).strip())
+ new_question = Question(summary=summary,
+ description=description,
+ points=points,
+ test=test)
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ args = '<q_file1.xml q_file2.xml>'
+ help = 'loads the questions from given XML files'
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ """Handle the command."""
+ # Delete existing stuff.
+ clear_questions()
+ # Load from files.
+ for fname in args:
+ self.stdout.write('Importing from {0} ... '.format(basename(fname)))
+ load_questions(fname)
+ self.stdout.write('Done\n')