diff options
authorPrabhu Ramachandran2018-01-05 15:47:05 +0530
committerGitHub2018-01-05 15:47:05 +0530
commit65ce10a9057d30e6a7e9a37926abdef97e5fdc48 (patch)
parentfeb295b4107a95621e9430f5c7042cfde4674cc0 (diff)
parentbbf844c6ebf9b29c436930b5d5129ebf77a3aad1 (diff)
Merge pull request #404 from ankitjavalkar/add-docker-compose-test
Add docker compose deployment
19 files changed, 588 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/.sampleenv b/.sampleenv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a31ec1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.sampleenv
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Django settings
+# Yaksh settings
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a7d894..0000000
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-FROM ubuntu:16.04
-# Update Packages and Install Python & net-tools
-RUN apt-get update && \
-apt-get install -y software-properties-common && \
-echo oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | debconf-set-selections && \
-add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java && \
-apt-get update && \
-apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer && \
-apt-get install -y sudo python net-tools git python3-pip vim libmysqlclient-dev scilab build-essential python3-numpy python3-scipy ipython3 ipython3-notebook python3-pandas python3-nose
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b79785..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-Production Deployment
-This README provides documentation to help deploy Yaksh in a production environment. If you wish to take Yaksh on a trial run, here is a [Quickstart Guide] (
-#### Pre-Requisite
- 1. Ensure [pip]( is installed
- 1. Install dependencies using
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- 1. Install MySql Server
- 1. Install Python MySql support
- 1. Install Apache Server for deployment
-#### Configure MySql server
- 1. Create a database named ``yaksh`` by following the steps below
- $> mysql -u root -p
- mysql> create database yaksh
- 1. Add a user named ```yaksh_user``` and give access to it on the database ```yaksh``` by following the steps below
- 1. mysql> grant usage on yaksh.* to yaksh_user@localhost identified by 'mysecretpassword';
- 1. mysql> grant all privileges on yaksh.* to yaksh_user@localhost;
- 1. Add `DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'mysecretpassword'` and `DATABASE_USER = 'yaksh_user'` to online_test/
-To deploy this app follow the steps below:
- 1. Clone this repository and cd to the cloned repo.
- $ git clone
- 1. Run:
- python syncdb
- 1. Add questions by editing the "docs/" or any other file in the same format and then run the following:
- python load_exam docs/
- Note that you can supply multiple Python files as arguments and all of
- those will be added to the database.
- 1. First run the python server provided. This ensures that the code is executed in a safe environment. Do this like so:
- $ sudo python yaksh/
- Put this in the background once it has started since this will not
- return back the prompt. It is important that the server be running
- *before* students start attempting the exam. Using sudo is
- necessary since the server is run as the user "nobody". This runs
- on the ports configured in the file in the variable
- "SERVER_PORTS". The "SERVER_TIMEOUT" also can be changed there.
- This is the maximum time allowed to execute the submitted code.
- Note that this will likely spawn multiple processes as "nobody"
- depending on the number of server ports specified.
- 1. The `````` script should make it
- easy to deploy this using mod_wsgi. You will need to add a line of the form:
- WSGIScriptAlias / "/online_test/"
- to your apache.conf. For more details see the Django docs here:
- 1. Go to http://desired_host_or_ip:desired_port/admin
- 1. Login with your credentials and look at the questions and modify if
- needed. Create a new Quiz, set the date and duration or
- activate/deactivate the quiz.
- 1. Now ask users to login at:
- http://host:port/exam
- And you should be all set.
- 1. Note that the directory "output" will contain directories, one for each
- user. Users can potentially write output into these that can be used
- for checking later.
- 1. As Moderator user you can visit http://host/exam/monitor to view
- results and user data interactively. You could also "grade" the
- papers manually if needed.
- 1. You may dump the results and user data using the results2csv and
- dump_user_data commands.
- 1. The file docs/ is a template that you can use for your own questions.
- 1. Sometimes you might be in the situation where you are not hosted as
- "" but as "" for whatever reason. In
- this case edit "" and set the "URL_ROOT" to the root you
- have to serve at. In the above example for "" set
- URL_ROOT='/foo'.
-#### Installation & Usage
-To install this app follow the steps below:
- 1. Clone this repository and cd to the cloned repo.
- ```$ git clone```
- 1. Run:
- python syncdb
- 1. Add questions by editing the "docs/" or any other file in the same format and then run the following:
- python load_exam docs/
- Note that you can supply multiple Python files as arguments and all of
- those will be added to the database.
- 1. First run the python server provided. This ensures that the code is executed in a safe environment. Do this like so:
- $ sudo python yaksh/
- Put this in the background once it has started since this will not
- return back the prompt. It is important that the server be running
- *before* students start attempting the exam. Using sudo is
- necessary since the server is run as the user "nobody". This runs
- on the ports configured in the file in the variable
- "SERVER_PORTS". The "SERVER_TIMEOUT" also can be changed there.
- This is the maximum time allowed to execute the submitted code.
- Note that this will likely spawn multiple processes as "nobody"
- depending on the number of server ports specified.
- You can also use a Dockerized code server (see below)
- 1. Now, Run:
- python runserver <desired_ip>:<desired_port>
- 1. Go to http://desired_host_or_ip:desired_port/admin
- 1. Login with your credentials and look at the questions and modify if
- needed. Create a new Quiz, set the date and duration or
- activate/deactivate the quiz.
- 1. Now ask users to login at:
- http://host:port/exam
- And you should be all set.
- 1. Note that the directory "output" will contain directories, one for each
- user. Users can potentially write output into these that can be used
- for checking later.
- 1. As admin user you can visit http://host/exam/monitor to view
- results and user data interactively. You could also "grade" the
- papers manually if needed.
- 1. You may dump the results and user data using the results2csv and
- dump_user_data commands.
- 1. The file docs/ is a template that you can use for your own questions.
- 1. Sometimes you might be in the situation where you are not hosted as
- "" but as "" for whatever reason. In
- this case edit "" and set the "URL_ROOT" to the root you
- have to serve at. In the above example for "" set
- URL_ROOT='/foo'.
-#### Using Dockerized Code Server
- 1. Install [Docker](
- 1. Got to the directory where the project is located
- cd /path/to/online_test
- 1. Create a docker image. This may take a few minutes
- docker build -t yaksh_code_server .
- 1. Check if the image has been created using the output of,
- docker images
- 1. Run the invoke script using the command ```invoke start```
- The command will create and run a new docker container (that is running the within it), it will also bind the ports of the host with those of the container
-#### Additional commands available
-We provide several convenient commands for you to use:
- - load_exam : load questions and a quiz from a python file. See
- docs/
- - load_questions_xml : load questions from XML file, see
- docs/sample_questions.xml use of this is deprecated in favor of
- load_exam.
- - results2csv : Dump the quiz results into a CSV file for further
- processing.
- - dump_user_data : Dump out relevalt user data for either all users or
- specified users.
-For more information on these do this:
- $ python help [command]
-where [command] is one of the above.
diff --git a/README_production.rst b/README_production.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9bd55b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README_production.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+Production Deployment
+This README provides documentation to help deploy Yaksh in a production
+environment. If you wish to take Yaksh on a trial run, here is a
+`Quickstart Guide <\_test/blob/master/README.rst>`__
+Deploying Locally
+Follow these steps to deploy locally on the server. For deployment instructions using Docker see `Deploying Multiple Dockers <>`__
+1. Ensure `pip <>`__ is
+ installed
+2. Install dependencies, Run;
+ ::
+ pip install -r requirements/requirements-py2.txt # For Python 2
+ pip3 install -r requirements/requirements-py3.txt # For Python 3
+3. Install MySql Server
+4. Install Python MySql support
+5. Install Apache Server for deployment
+6. Create a database named ``yaksh`` by following the steps below
+ ::
+ $> mysql -u root -p
+ $> mysql> create database yaksh
+7. Add a user named ``yaksh_user`` and give access to it on the database
+ ``yaksh`` by following the steps below
+ ::
+ mysql> grant usage on yaksh to yaksh_user@localhost identified
+ by 'mysecretpassword';
+ mysql> grant all privileges on yaksh to yaksh_user@localhost;
+8. Add ``DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'mysecretpassword'`` and
+ ``DATABASE_USER = 'yaksh_user'`` to online\_test/
+Installation & Usage
+To install this app follow the steps below:
+1. Clone this repository and cd to the cloned repo.
+ ::
+ $ git clone
+2. Rename the ``.sampleenv`` to ``.env``
+3. In the ``.env`` file, uncomment the following and replace the values (please keep the remaining settings as is);
+ ::
+ DB_ENGINE=mysql # Or psycopg (postgresql), sqlite3 (SQLite)
+ DB_NAME=yaksh
+ DB_USER=root
+ DB_PASSWORD=mypassword # Or the password used while creating a Database
+ DB_PORT=3306
+4. Run:
+ ::
+ $ python makemigrations yaksh
+ $ python migrate yaksh
+5. Run the python server provided. This ensures that the code is
+ executed in a safe environment. Do this like so:
+ ::
+ $ sudo python -m yaksh.code_server # For Python 2.x
+ $ sudo python3 -m yaksh.code_server # For Python 3.x
+ Put this in the background once it has started since this will not
+ return back the prompt. It is important that the server be running
+ *before* students start attempting the exam. Using sudo is necessary
+ since the server is run as the user "nobody". This runs the number
+ ports configured in the file in the variable
+ "N\_CODE\_SERVERS". The "SERVER\_TIMEOUT" also can be changed there.
+ This is the maximum time allowed to execute the submitted code. Note
+ that this will likely spawn multiple processes as "nobody" depending
+ on the number of server ports specified.
+ You can also use a Dockerized code server, see `Dockerized Code Server <>`__
+6. The ```` script should make it easy to deploy this using
+ mod\_wsgi. You will need to add a line of the form:
+ ::
+ WSGIScriptAlias / "/online_test/"
+ to your apache.conf. For more details see the Django docs here:
+7. Create a Superuser/Administrator:
+ ::
+ python createsuperuser
+8. Go to http://desired\_host\_or\_ip:desired\_port/exam
+ And you should be all set.
+9. Note that the directory "output" will contain directories, one for
+ each user. Users can potentially write output into these that can be
+ used for checking later.
+10. As admin user you can visit http://desired\_host\_or\_ip/exam/monitor to view results and user data interactively. You could also "grade" the papers manually if needed.
+.. _dockerized-code-server:
+Using Dockerized Code Server
+1. Install
+ `Docker <>`__
+2. Go to the directory where the project is located
+ ::
+ cd /path/to/online_test
+3. Create a docker image. This may take a few minutes,
+ ::
+ docker build -t yaksh_code_server -f ./docker/Dockerfile_codeserver
+4. Check if the image has been created using the output of ``docker
+ images``
+5. Run the invoke script using the command ``invoke start`` The command
+ will create and run a new docker container (that is running the
+ code\ within it), it will also bind the ports of the host
+ with those of the container
+6. You can use ``invoke --list`` to get a list of all the available commands
+.. _deploying-multiple-dockers:
+Deploying Multiple Dockers
+Follow these steps to deploy and run the Django Server, MySQL instance and Code Server in seperate Docker instances.
+1. Install `Docker <>`__
+2. Install `Docker Compose <>`__
+3. Rename the ``.sampleenv`` to ``.env``
+4. In the ``.env`` file, uncomment all the values and keep the default values as is.
+5. Go to the ``docker`` directory where the project is located:
+ ::
+ cd /path/to/online_test/docker
+6. Build the docker images
+ ::
+ invoke build
+7. Run the containers and scripts necessary to deploy the web
+ application
+ ::
+ invoke begin
+8. Make sure that all the containers are ``Up`` and stable
+ ::
+ invoke status
+8. Run the containers and scripts necessary to deploy the web
+ application, ``--fixtures`` allows you to load fixtures.
+ ::
+ invoke deploy --fixtures
+10. Stop the containers, you can use ``invoke restart`` to restart the containers without removing them
+ ::
+ invoke halt
+11. Remove the containers
+ ::
+ invoke remove
+12. You can use ``invoke --list`` to get a list of all the available commands
+.. _add-commands:
+Additional commands available
+We provide several convenient commands for you to use:
+- load\_exam : load questions and a quiz from a python file. See
+ docs/sample\
+- load\_questions\_xml : load questions from XML file, see
+ docs/sample\_questions.xml use of this is deprecated in favor of
+ load\_exam.
+- results2csv : Dump the quiz results into a CSV file for further
+ processing.
+- dump\_user\_data : Dump out relevalt user data for either all users
+ or specified users.
+For more information on these do this:
+ $ python help [command]
+where [command] is one of the above.
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile_codeserver b/docker/Dockerfile_codeserver
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f030d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile_codeserver
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+FROM ubuntu:16.04
+RUN apt-get update && \
+apt-get install git python3-pip libmysqlclient-dev sudo default-jre default-jdk -y
+VOLUME /Sites/online_test
+ADD Files/requirements-* /tmp/
+RUN pip3 install -r /tmp/requirements-codeserver.txt && mkdir -p /Sites/online_test/yaksh_data/output /Sites/online_test/yaksh_data/data
+WORKDIR /Sites/online_test
+ADD Files/ /Sites
+EXPOSE 53579
+CMD [ "/bin/bash" , "/Sites/" ]
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile_django b/docker/Dockerfile_django
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daddc45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile_django
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+FROM ubuntu:16.04
+RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install git python3-pip vim libmysqlclient-dev sudo -y
+RUN apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 python3-django -y && mkdir -p /Sites/online_test
+VOLUME /Sites/online_test
+ADD Files/requirements-* /tmp/
+RUN cd /Sites/online_test && pip3 install -r /tmp/requirements-py3.txt
+ADD Files/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
+ADD Files/ /Sites/
+WORKDIR /Sites/online_test
+CMD [ "/bin/bash" , "/Sites/" ]
diff --git a/docker/Files/000-default.conf b/docker/Files/000-default.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bcb382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Files/000-default.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+ ServerName localhost
+ ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
+ DocumentRoot /Sites/online_test
+ WSGIDaemonProcess yaksh threads=5 python-path=/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages home=/Sites/online_test
+ WSGIScriptAlias / /Sites/online_test/online_test/
+ WSGIProcessGroup yaksh
+ Alias /static/ /Sites/online_test/yaksh/static/
+ <Directory /Sites/online_test >
+ WSGIProcessGroup yaksh
+ WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
+ Order deny,allow
+ Allow from all
+ Require all granted
+ </Directory>
+ ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
+ CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
diff --git a/docker/Files/ b/docker/Files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc35a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Files/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+chown -R www-data /Sites/online_test
+chown -R www-data /Sites/online_test/yaksh
+chown -R nobody /Sites/online_test/yaksh_data
+chmod -R 664 /Sites/online_test
+chmod -R +X /Sites
+/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND
diff --git a/docker/Files/ b/docker/Files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..019a31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Files/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+chown -R nobody /Sites/online_test/yaksh_data
+chmod -R a+rwX yaksh_data/output
+chmod -R a+rX yaksh_data/data
+chmod -R o-w yaksh_data/data
+/usr/bin/sudo -su nobody python3 -m yaksh.code_server
diff --git a/docker/docker-compose.yml b/docker/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee3860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+version: '2'
+ yaksh-django:
+ build:
+ context: .
+ dockerfile: Dockerfile_django
+ image: yaksh.django
+ container_name: yaksh_django
+ volumes:
+ - ../.:/Sites/online_test
+ depends_on:
+ - yaksh-db
+ - yaksh-codeserver
+ links:
+ - yaksh-db
+ - yaksh-codeserver
+ ports:
+ - 8000:80
+ restart: always
+ yaksh-codeserver:
+ build:
+ context: .
+ dockerfile: Dockerfile_codeserver
+ image: yaksh.codeserver
+ container_name: yaksh_codeserver
+ volumes:
+ - ..:/Sites/online_test
+ restart: always
+ yaksh-db:
+ image: mariadb:10.2
+ container_name: yaksh_db
+ volumes:
+ - ./mysql:/var/lib/mysql
+ environment:
+ restart: always
diff --git a/ b/
index 1addc41..1addc41 100755..100644
--- a/
+++ b/
diff --git a/online_test/ b/online_test/
index 790083e..c55a056 100644
--- a/online_test/
+++ b/online_test/
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ For the full list of settings and their values, see
from yaksh.pipeline.settings import AUTH_PIPELINE
-# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
import os
+from decouple import config
+# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
# The directory where user data can be saved. This directory will be
@@ -21,12 +23,11 @@ OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "yaksh_data", "output")
# See
# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
-SECRET_KEY = '0=fsi3g5dw*7ze1cyh441_e^5^$2ay@&z(5(n7mhir0xb267=6'
+SECRET_KEY = config('SECRET_KEY', default='dUmMy_s3cR3t_k3y')
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True
@@ -64,11 +65,17 @@ WSGI_APPLICATION = 'online_test.wsgi.application'
# Database
'default': {
- 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
- 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
+ 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.{0}'.format(
+ config('DB_ENGINE', default='sqlite3')
+ ),
+ 'NAME': config('DB_NAME', default=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3')),
+ # The following settings are not used with sqlite3:
+ 'USER': config('DB_USER', default=''),
+ 'PASSWORD': config('DB_PASSWORD', default=''),
+ 'HOST': config('DB_HOST', default='localhost'), # Empty for localhost through domain sockets or '1$
+ 'PORT': config('DB_PORT', default=''),
@@ -100,6 +107,8 @@ MEDIA_URL = "/data/"
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "yaksh_data", "data")
# Set this varable to <True> if smtp-server is not allowing to send email.
diff --git a/requirements/requirements-codeserver.txt b/requirements/requirements-codeserver.txt
index a4f419c..e9585fa 100644
--- a/requirements/requirements-codeserver.txt
+++ b/requirements/requirements-codeserver.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/ b/
index 68d9967..8396723 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
+from distutils.file_util import copy_file
import invoke
from invoke import task
-import os
from yaksh.settings import SERVER_POOL_PORT
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
@@ -9,6 +15,7 @@ TARGET_CONTAINER_NAME = 'yaksh_code_server'
SRC_IMAGE_NAME = 'fossee/yaksh_codeserver'
CHECK_FILE = 'server_running.txt'
CHECK_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'yaksh_data', CHECK_FILE)
+OS_NAME = sys.platform
def create_dir(path):
@@ -19,14 +26,36 @@ def remove_check_file(path):
if os.path.isfile(path):
+def remove_dir(path):
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+def run_as(os_name):
+ if os_name.startswith('linux') or os_name == 'darwin' or os_name.startswith('freebsd'):
+ return 'sudo'
+ else: # For os_name = 'Win32'
+ return None
+def get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd):
+ if run_as_cmd:
+ return '{0} {1}'.format(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
+ else:
+ return base_cmd
def setupdb(ctx):
print("** Setting up & migrating database **")"python makemigrations")"python migrate")
+ print("** Done! Migrations complete **")
+def loadfixtures(ctx):
+ print("** Loading fixtures into database **")"python loaddata demo_fixtures.json")
+ print("** Done! Loaded fixtures into database **")
+@task(setupdb, loadfixtures)
def serve(ctx):
print("** Running the Django web server. Press Ctrl-C to Exit **")"python runserver")
@@ -34,16 +63,22 @@ def serve(ctx):
def clean(ctx):
print("** Discarding database **")
-"rm -rf {0}".format(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'db.sqlite3')))
+ remove_check_file(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'))
def getimage(ctx, image=SRC_IMAGE_NAME):
- result ="sudo docker inspect {0}".format(image), hide=True)
+ base_cmd = "docker inspect {0}".format(image)
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
+, hide=True)
except invoke.exceptions.Failure:
print("The docker image {0} does not exist locally".format(image))
print("\n** Pulling latest image <{0}> from docker hub **".format(image))
-"sudo docker pull {0}".format(image))
+ base_cmd = "docker pull {0}".format(image)
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
print("\n** Done! Successfully pulled latest image <{0}> **".format(image))
@@ -52,10 +87,12 @@ def start(ctx, ports=SERVER_POOL_PORT, image=SRC_IMAGE_NAME, unsafe=False,
if unsafe:
print("** Initializing local code server **")
-"sudo python{0} -m yaksh.code_server".format(
- version
- )
+ base_cmd = "python{0} -m yaksh.code_server".format(
+ version
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
cmd_params = {'ports': ports,
'image': SRC_IMAGE_NAME,
@@ -74,39 +111,149 @@ def start(ctx, ports=SERVER_POOL_PORT, image=SRC_IMAGE_NAME, unsafe=False,
create_dir(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'yaksh_data', 'data'))
create_dir(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'yaksh_data', 'output'))
-'cp -r {0} {1}'.format(
- os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'yaksh'),
- os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'yaksh_data')
- )
+ copy_tree(
+ os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'yaksh'),
+ os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'yaksh_data', 'yaksh')
-'cp {0} {1}'.format(
- os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'requirements', 'requirements-codeserver.txt'),
- os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'yaksh_data')
- )
+ copy_file(
+ os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'requirements', 'requirements-codeserver.txt'),
+ os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'yaksh_data')
print("** Initializing code server within docker container **")
- "sudo docker run \
+ base_cmd = "docker run \
-dp {ports}:{ports} --name={name} \
-v {vol_mount}:{vol_mount} \
-w {vol_mount} \
{image} {command}".format(**cmd_params)
- )
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
while not os.path.isfile(CHECK_FILE_PATH):
print("** Checking code server status. Press Ctrl-C to exit **\r", end="")
- print("** Code server is up and running successfully **")
+ print("\n** Code server is up and running successfully **")
def stop(ctx, container=TARGET_CONTAINER_NAME, hide=True):
- result ="sudo docker ps -q --filter='name={0}'".format(container))
+ base_filter_cmd = "docker ps -q --filter='name={0}'".format(container)
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_filter_cmd)
+ result =
if result.stdout:
- print ("** Discarding the docker container <{0}>".format(container))
-"sudo docker stop {0}".format(container))
-"sudo docker rm {0}".format(container))
- print ("** Done! Discarded the docker container <{0}>".format(container))
+ print ("** Stopping the docker container <{0}> **".format(container))
+ base_stop_cmd = "docker stop {0}".format(container)
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_stop_cmd)
+ print ("** Done! Stopped the docker container <{0}> **".format(container))
+ print ("** Discarding the docker container <{0}> **".format(container))
+ base_rm_cmd = "docker rm {0}".format(container)
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_rm_cmd)
+ print ("** Done! Discarded the docker container <{0}> **".format(container))
print("** Docker container <{0}> not found **".format(container))
+# Docker compose based deployment
+def build(ctx):
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ copy_tree(
+ os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'requirements'),
+ os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'docker', 'Files')
+ )
+ base_build_cmd = "docker-compose build --no-cache"
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_build_cmd)
+ print ("** Building docker images **")
+ print ("** Done! Built the docker images **")
+ base_build_cmd = "docker pull mariadb:10.2 "
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_build_cmd)
+ print ("** Pulling maria-db base image **")
+ print ("** Done! Pulled maria-db base image **")
+def begin(ctx):
+ print("** Initializing docker containers **")
+ base_cmd = "docker-compose up -d"
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
+ print ("** Done! Initialized the docker containers **")
+def deploy(ctx, fixtures=False, static=True):
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ print("** Setting up & migrating database **")
+ base_make_migrate_cmd = "docker exec -i yaksh_django" \
+ " python3 makemigrations"
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_make_migrate_cmd)
+ base_migrate_cmd = "docker exec -i yaksh_django" \
+ " python3 migrate"
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_migrate_cmd)
+ print("** Done! Migrations complete **")
+ if fixtures:
+ base_fixture_cmd = "docker exec -i yaksh_django" \
+ " python3 loaddata demo_fixtures.json"
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_fixture_cmd)
+ print("** Loading fixtures into database **")
+ print("** Done! Loaded fixtures into database **")
+ if static:
+ base_static_cmd = "docker exec -i yaksh_django python3 collectstatic"
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_static_cmd)
+ print ("** Setting up static assets **")
+ print ("** Done! Set up static assets **")
+def status(ctx):
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ base_cmd = "docker-compose ps"
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
+ print ("** Fetching container status **")
+def halt(ctx):
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ base_cmd = "docker-compose stop"
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
+ print ("** Stopping containers **")
+ print ("** Done! Stopped containers **")
+def restart(ctx):
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ base_cmd = "docker-compose restart"
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
+ print ("** Restarting containers **")
+ print ("** Done! Restarted containers **")
+def remove(ctx):
+ run_as_cmd = run_as(OS_NAME)
+ base_cmd = "docker-compose rm --force"
+ cmd = get_cmd(run_as_cmd, base_cmd)
+ sql_dir = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'docker', 'mysql')
+ print ("** Removing containers **")
+ remove_dir(sql_dir)
+ print ("** Done! Removed containers **")
diff --git a/yaksh/ b/yaksh/
index 75dd9b2..75dd9b2 100755..100644
--- a/yaksh/
+++ b/yaksh/
diff --git a/yaksh/docs/ b/yaksh/docs/
index e935cb3..e935cb3 100755..100644
--- a/yaksh/docs/
+++ b/yaksh/docs/
diff --git a/yaksh/ b/yaksh/
index 1d24bda..2f616cf 100644
--- a/yaksh/
+++ b/yaksh/
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ import tempfile
from textwrap import dedent
from ast import literal_eval
from .file_utils import extract_files, delete_files
-from yaksh.code_server import(submit,
- get_result as get_result_from_code_server
- )
-from yaksh.settings import SERVER_POOL_PORT
+from yaksh.code_server import (
+ submit, get_result as get_result_from_code_server
+from yaksh.settings import SERVER_POOL_PORT, SERVER_HOST_NAME
from django.conf import settings
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@ class AnswerPaper(models.Model):
elif question.type == 'code' or question.type == "upload":
user_dir = self.user.profile.get_user_dir()
- url = 'http://localhost:%s' % server_port
+ url = '{0}:{1}'.format(SERVER_HOST_NAME, server_port)
submit(url, uid, json_data, user_dir)
result = {'uid': uid, 'status': 'running'}
return result
@@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ class AnswerPaper(models.Model):
if question.type == "code":
- url = 'http://localhost:%s' % server_port
+ url = '{0}:{1}'.format(SERVER_HOST_NAME, server_port)
check_result = get_result_from_code_server(url, result['uid'],
diff --git a/yaksh/ b/yaksh/
index d500d93..d895d19 100644
--- a/yaksh/
+++ b/yaksh/
@@ -2,16 +2,21 @@
settings for yaksh app.
+from decouple import config
# The number of code server processes to run..
+N_CODE_SERVERS = config('N_CODE_SERVERS', default=5, cast=int)
# The server pool port. This is the server which returns available server
# ports so as to minimize load. This is some random number where no other
# service is running. It should be > 1024 and less < 65535 though.
+SERVER_POOL_PORT = config('SERVER_POOL_PORT', default=55555, cast=int)
+SERVER_HOST_NAME = config('SERVER_HOST_NAME', default='http://localhost')
# Timeout for the code to run in seconds. This is an integer!
+SERVER_TIMEOUT = config('SERVER_TIMEOUT', default=4, cast=int)
# The root of the URL, for example you might be in the situation where you
# are not hosted as but as for whatever
diff --git a/yaksh/ b/yaksh/
index a4d9e78..8fe4523 100644
--- a/yaksh/
+++ b/yaksh/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ except ImportError:
from io import BytesIO as string_io
import re
# Local imports.
-from yaksh.code_server import get_result as get_result_from_code_server, SERVER_POOL_PORT
+from yaksh.code_server import get_result as get_result_from_code_server
from yaksh.models import (
Answer, AnswerPaper, AssignmentUpload, Course, FileUpload, FloatTestCase,
HookTestCase, IntegerTestCase, McqTestCase, Profile,
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ from yaksh.forms import (
UploadFileForm, get_object_form, FileForm, QuestionPaperForm, LessonForm,
LessonFileForm, LearningModuleForm, ExerciseForm
+from yaksh.settings import SERVER_POOL_PORT, SERVER_HOST_NAME
from .settings import URL_ROOT
from .file_utils import extract_files, is_csv
from .send_emails import send_user_mail, generate_activation_key, send_bulk_mail
@@ -782,7 +783,7 @@ def check(request, q_id, attempt_num=None, questionpaper_id=None,
if current_question.type in ['code', 'upload']:
if paper.time_left() <= 0 and not paper.question_paper.quiz.is_exercise:
- url = 'http://localhost:%s' % SERVER_POOL_PORT
+ url = '{0}:{1}'.format(SERVER_HOST_NAME, SERVER_POOL_PORT)
result_details = get_result_from_code_server(url, uid, block=True)
result = json.loads(result_details.get('result'))
next_question, error_message, paper = _update_paper(request, uid,
@@ -807,7 +808,7 @@ def check(request, q_id, attempt_num=None, questionpaper_id=None,
def get_result(request, uid, course_id, module_id):
result = {}
- url = 'http://localhost:%s' % SERVER_POOL_PORT
+ url = '{0}:{1}'.format(SERVER_HOST_NAME, SERVER_POOL_PORT)
result_state = get_result_from_code_server(url, uid)
result['status'] = result_state.get('status')
if result['status'] == 'done':