AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-08-22Arrange in progress table in descending orderSashi20
2022-02-15Merge pull request #19 from Saketh1499/developmentSaketh1499
Arranging serial number in descending order
2022-02-15Arranging serial number in descending orderSaketh1499
2020-10-07Merge pull request #18 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Update FPDF version, headers to download file
2020-10-07Update functions w.r.t fpdf version and update headers to download fileSashi20
2020-10-07Update FPDF versionSashi20
2020-07-22Merge pull request #17 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Display message for blank contact number in status
2020-07-22Display message for blank contact number in statusSashi20
2020-07-22Merge pull request #16 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Show contributors contact number in the proposal status
2020-07-22Show contributors contact number in the proposal statusSashi20
2020-06-29Merge pull request #15 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Resize qr code image
2020-06-29Resize qr code imageSashi20
2020-03-20Merge pull request #14 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Provision to download mentor certificate by the reviewer
2020-03-20Modify the downloadable file nameSashi20
2020-03-20Modify the condition to check id of the proposal in list of mentor certificatesSashi20
2020-03-19Comment code to display errorsSashi20
2020-03-19Add mentor certificateSashi20
2020-02-11Merge pull request #13 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Modify table header
2020-02-11Modify table headerSashi20
2020-02-11Merge pull request #12 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Move download abstract link to download codes page
2020-02-11Move link to download abstract to download codes pageSashi20
2019-11-14Modify url to download abstract file submitted during project submissionSashi20
2019-09-25Merge pull request #11 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Modify number of contributors in proposal form
2019-09-25Modify number of contributors in proposal formSashi20
2019-09-25Merge pull request #10 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Interface to download certificate, download abstract file in status interface
2019-09-25Modify font from cmr to timesSashi20
2019-09-11Modify code to display abstract file in status interfaceSashi20
2019-08-07Modify url displayed in error messageSashi20
2019-08-07Add background image for certificateSashi20
2019-08-07Enable link to download certificateSashi20
2019-05-08Merge pull request #9 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Update the description field while editing proposal
2019-05-08Update the description field while editing proposalSashi20
2019-04-04Merge pull request #8 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Modify the order of completed proposals
2019-04-04Modify the order of completed proposalsSashi20
2019-02-26Merge pull request #7 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Path of the resource file updated when proposal is edited
2019-02-26Path of the resource file updated when proposal is editedSashi20
2019-01-09Merge pull request #6 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Validated project title field for same title as approved/completed pr…
2019-01-08Validated project title field for same title as approved/completed projectsSashi20
2019-01-04Merge pull request #5 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Modifications in the proposal and manage proposal interface
2019-01-04Modified description textfor the contributor's name fieldSashi20
2019-01-04Added description field to the manage proposal formSashi20
2019-01-04Modified the character limit for project description in proposal formSashi20
2019-01-03Added validation to project title field to check for same project titleSashi20
2019-01-02Merge pull request #4 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Minor changes to proposal form and manage proposal
2019-01-02Populating country field other than India in manage proposalSashi20
2019-01-01Modified the year of degree field in manage proposalSashi20
2018-12-31Fixed form validation for state and city fields in proposal formSashi20
2018-12-26Merge pull request #3 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Fixed typos in the project download page
2018-12-26Fixed typos in the project download pageSashi20
2018-12-19Merge pull request #2 from Sashi20/masterSashi20
Modified fields in proposal form to mandatory