<?php // om Flowsheet display completed proposals function om_flowsheet_completed_proposals_all() { $output = ""; $query = db_select('om_flowsheet_proposal'); $query->fields('om_flowsheet_proposal'); $query->condition('approval_status', 3); $query->orderBy('actual_completion_date', 'ASC'); //$query->condition('is_completed', 1); $result = $query->execute(); if ($result->rowCount() == 0) { $output .= "Work has been completed for the following flow sheets. We welcome your contributions. For more details, please visit ".l("https://om.fossee.in/chemical/flowsheeting-project","https://om.fossee.in/chemical/flowsheeting-project", array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank')))."<hr>"; } //$result->rowCount() == 0 else { $output .= "Work has been completed for the following flow sheets. We welcome your contributions. For more details, please visit ".l("https://om.fossee.in/chemical/flowsheeting-project","https://om.fossee.in/chemical/flowsheeting-project", array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank')))."<hr>"; $preference_rows = array(); $i = 1; while ($row = $result->fetchObject()) { $completion_date = date("Y", $row->actual_completion_date); $preference_rows[] = array( $i, l($row->project_title, "chemical/flowsheeting-project/om-flowsheet-run/" . $row->id, array('attributes' => array('title' => 'This is a zip file containing a pdf (abstract) and a dwxml/dwxmz file which is the om flow sheet which is to be viewed by right clicking on the file and opening with om.'))), $row->contributor_name, $row->university, $completion_date ); $i++; } //$row = $result->fetchObject() $preference_header = array( 'No', 'Flowsheet Project', 'Contributor Name', 'Institution', 'Year' ); $output .= theme('table', array( 'header' => $preference_header, 'rows' => $preference_rows )); } return $output; } // om Flowsheet display in progress proposals function om_flowsheet_progress_all() { $page_content = ""; $query = db_select('om_flowsheet_proposal'); $query->fields('om_flowsheet_proposal'); $query->condition('approval_status', 1); $query->condition('is_completed', 0); $result = $query->execute(); if ($result->rowCount() == 0) { $page_content .= "Work is in progress for the following flowsheets under Flowsheeting Project<hr>"; } //$result->rowCount() == 0 else { $page_content .= "Work is in progress for the following flowsheets under Flowsheeting Project<hr>";; $preference_rows = array(); $i = 1; while ($row = $result->fetchObject()) { $approval_date = date("Y", $row->approval_date); $preference_rows[] = array( $i, $row->project_title, $row->contributor_name, $row->university, $approval_date ); $i++; } //$row = $result->fetchObject() $preference_header = array( 'No', 'Flowsheet Project', 'Contributor Name', 'Institution', 'Year' ); $page_content .= theme('table', array( 'header' => $preference_header, 'rows' => $preference_rows )); } return $page_content; }