#include #include "ghdlserver.h" #include "uthash.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #define MAX_NUMBER_PORT 100 //#define LOG_FILE "vhpi.log" //FILE *log_file = NULL; //FILE *log_sock_id = NULL; FILE *log_server = NULL; #define z32__ "00000000000000000000000000000000" char* Out_Port_Array[MAX_NUMBER_PORT]; int out_port_num=0; int vhpi_cycle_count =0; //server socket int server_socket_id=-1; struct my_struct { char val[1024]; char key[1024]; //Key UT_hash_handle hh; /* makes this structure hashable */ }; struct my_struct *s, *users ,*tmp = NULL; void parse_buffer(int sock_id,char* receive_buffer) { /*Taking time information for log*/ //time_t systime; //systime = time(NULL); log_server=fopen("server.log","a"); //fprintf(log_server,"Buffer came at %s \n",ctime(&systime)); fprintf(log_server,"Server-The recieved buffer is : %s \n",receive_buffer); fprintf(log_server,"Server-The socket id is : %d \n",sock_id); /*Parsing buffer to store in hash table */ char *rest; char *token; char *ptr1=receive_buffer; char *var; char *value; fprintf(stderr,"Server-The recieved buffer is : %s \n",receive_buffer); fprintf(stderr,"Server-The socket id is : %d \n",sock_id); while(token = strtok_r(ptr1,",",&rest)) { ptr1 = rest; // rest contains the left over part..assign it to ptr...and start tokenizing again. //Processing token again; while(var=strtok_r(token,":",&value)) { s = (struct my_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct)); printf("Server-Variable is %s \n",var); printf("Server-Value is %s \n",value); strncpy(s->key, var,10); strncpy(s->val,value,10); HASH_ADD_STR( users, key, s ); break; } } s = (struct my_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct)); strncpy(s->key,"sock_id",10); snprintf(s->val,10,"%d",sock_id); HASH_ADD_STR(users,key,s); fflush(log_server); fclose(log_server); } void Vhpi_Set_Port_Value(char *port_name,char *port_value,int port_width) { //char *lb; // you need to know maximum size of lb. //int I; //snprintf(lb,sizeof(char),"%s", port_value); printf("Server-Vhpi_Set_Port_value \n"); printf("Server-The port name is %s \n",port_name); //printf("Port valu is %s",port_value); s = (struct my_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct)); strncpy(s->key, port_name,10); strncpy(s->val,port_value,10); HASH_ADD_STR( users, key, s ); printf("Server-The out port value is %s \n ",port_value); log_server=fopen("server.log","a"); fprintf(log_server,"Set Port Details \n"); fprintf(log_server,"Port Name - %s And Port Value - %s \n",port_name,port_value); fflush(log_server); fclose(log_server); } void Vhpi_Get_Port_Value(char* port_name,char* port_value,int port_width) { printf("Server-Vhpi_Get_Port_Value \n"); //int I; //snprintf(port_value,1024,"1"); log_server=fopen("server.log","a"); fprintf(log_server,"Get Port Details \n"); HASH_FIND_STR(users,port_name,s); if(s) { printf("Server-The key is %s and value is %s \n",s->key,s->val); snprintf(port_value,sizeof(port_value),"%s",s->val); fprintf(log_server,"Port Name - %s And Port Value - %s \n",port_name,port_value); HASH_DEL(users, s); free(s); } else { printf("Server-Port %s Not found \n",port_name); fprintf(log_server,"Port : %s not found \n",port_name); } fflush(log_server); fclose(log_server); } /* int Copy_Value(char* dest, char* src, int width) { int ret_val = 0; char src_buf[4096]; int src_width = 0; // skip spaces while(*src == ' ') src++; while(1) { if(src[src_width] == '1' || src[src_width] == '0') { src_buf[src_width] = src[src_width]; src_width++; } else break; } src_buf[src_width] = 0; // null-terminate ret_val = src_width - width; dest[width] = 0; int i; for(i = 1; i <= width; i++) { if(i <= src_width) dest[width-i] = src[src_width-i]; else dest[width-i] = '0'; // pad with 0. } return(ret_val); } */ /* int extract_payload(char* receive_buffer,char* payload, int max_n) { int hash_pos = 0; int ret_val = 0; while(receive_buffer[hash_pos] != '#') { printf("Buffer is %c \n",receive_buffer[hash_pos]); if(receive_buffer[hash_pos] == 0) // end of string { hash_pos = -1; break; } hash_pos++; } if(hash_pos >= 0) { receive_buffer[hash_pos] = 0; ret_val = max_n - (hash_pos+1); bcopy(receive_buffer+(hash_pos+1),payload,ret_val); } return(ret_val); } */ // //Create Server to listen for message // int create_server(int port_number,int max_connections) { int sockfd; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); fprintf(stderr, "Server- Info: opening socket for server on port %d with socket id %d \n",port_number,sockfd); if (sockfd < 0) fprintf(stderr, "Server- Error: in opening socket on port %d\n", port_number); bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port_number); if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Server- Error: could not bind socket to port %d\n",port_number); close(sockfd); sockfd= -1; } else fprintf(stderr,"Server- Info: finished binding socket to port %d\n",port_number); // start listening on the server. listen(sockfd,max_connections); return sockfd; } // // ask the server to wait for a client connection // and accept one connection if possible // // uses select to make this non-blocking. // // int connect_to_client(int server_fd) { int ret_val = 1; int newsockfd = -1; socklen_t clilen; struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; fd_set c_set; struct timeval time_limit; time_limit.tv_sec = 0; time_limit.tv_usec = 1000; clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); FD_ZERO(&c_set); FD_SET(server_fd,&c_set); select(server_fd+1, &c_set,NULL,NULL,&time_limit); if(FD_ISSET(server_fd,&c_set)) { newsockfd = accept(server_fd,(struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr,&clilen); if (newsockfd >= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Server- Info: new client connection %d \n",newsockfd); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Server- Info: failed in accept()\n"); } } //else //{ // fprintf(stderr,"Server- failed to connect to client \n"); //} return(newsockfd); } // //use select to check if we can write to // the socket.. // int can_read_from_socket(int socket_id) { struct timeval time_limit; time_limit.tv_sec = 0; time_limit.tv_usec = 1000; fd_set c_set; FD_ZERO(&c_set); FD_SET(socket_id,&c_set); int npending = select(socket_id + 1, &c_set, NULL,NULL,&time_limit); return(FD_ISSET(socket_id,&c_set)); } // // use select to check if we can write to // the socket.. // int can_write_to_socket(int socket_id) { struct timeval time_limit; time_limit.tv_sec = 0; time_limit.tv_usec = 1000; fd_set c_set; FD_ZERO(&c_set); FD_SET(socket_id,&c_set); int npending = select(socket_id + 1, NULL, &c_set,NULL,&time_limit); return(FD_ISSET(socket_id,&c_set)); } //receive string from socket and put it inside buffer. int receive_string(int sock_id, char* buffer) { int nbytes = 0; while(1) { if(can_read_from_socket(sock_id)) break; else usleep(1000); } nbytes = recv(sock_id,buffer,MAX_BUF_SIZE,0); return(nbytes); } // // will establish a connection, send the // packet and block till a response is obtained. // socket will be closed after the response // is obtained.. // the buffer is used for the sent as well // as the received data. // void set_non_blocking(int sock_id) { int x; x=fcntl(sock_id,F_GETFL,0); fcntl(sock_id,F_SETFL,x | O_NONBLOCK); fprintf(stderr,"Server- Setting server to non blocking state"); } void Vhpi_Initialize() { /*Taking time info for log*/ time_t systime; systime = time(NULL); log_server=fopen("server.log","a"); //log_file=fopen("vhpi.log","a"); signal(SIGINT,Vhpi_Close); signal(SIGTERM,Vhpi_Close); int try_limit = 100; while(try_limit > 0) { server_socket_id = create_server(DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT,DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS); if(server_socket_id > 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Server- Info:Success: Started the server on port %d\n",DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT); fprintf(log_server,"Server -Started the server at port %d \n",DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT); set_non_blocking(server_socket_id); break; } else fprintf(stderr,"Server- Info:Could not start server on port %d,will try again\n",DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT); usleep(1000); try_limit--; if(try_limit==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Server- Error:Tried to start server on port %d, failed..giving up \n",DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT); exit(1); } } //fprintf(log_server,"Setup completed on server side at %s ",ctime(&systime)); fflush(log_server); fclose(log_server); // //Reading Output Port name and storing in Out_Port_Array; // char *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; ssize_t read; char *token; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("connection_info.txt","r"); while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) { if (strstr(line,"OUT") != NULL || strstr(line,"out") != NULL ) { strtok_r(line, " ",&token); Out_Port_Array[out_port_num] = line; out_port_num++; } line = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)); } fprintf(stderr,"\n Server- Vhpi_Initialize finished \n"); sleep(2); fclose(fp); } void Vhpi_Listen() { char payload[4096]; int payload_length; vhpi_cycle_count++; //#ifdef DEBUG //fprintf(log_file,"Server- Info: listening in cycle %d\n", vhpi_cycle_count); //fflush(log_file); //#endif int new_sock; while(1) { if((new_sock = connect_to_client(server_socket_id)) > 0) { char receive_buffer[MAX_BUF_SIZE]; fprintf(stderr,"Server- Info : waiting for client message \n"); //if the client has connected "just now" // it must send something! //#ifdef DEBUG //fprintf(log_file,"Server- Info: waiting for message from client %d\n", new_sock); //fflush(log_file); //#endif int n = receive_string(new_sock,receive_buffer); if(n > 0) { //payload_length = extract_payload(receive_buffer,payload,n); //#ifdef DEBUG //fprintf(log_file,"Info: received message from client %d: %s (payload-length=%d)\n",new_sock, receive_buffer,payload_length); //fprintf(log_file,"Server- Info: received message from client %d : %s \n",new_sock,receive_buffer); //fflush(log_file); //#endif if(strcmp(receive_buffer,"END")==0) { log_server=fopen("server.log","a"); fprintf(log_server,"Accept Server closing request \n"); printf("Accept server closing request \n"); fflush(log_server); fclose(log_server); Vhpi_Close(); exit(0); sleep(1); //close(server_socket_id); } else { parse_buffer(new_sock,receive_buffer); } //parse_buffer(new_sock,receive_buffer); break; } } else { break; } } //#ifdef DEBUG //fprintf(log_file,"Server- Info: finished listening in cycle %d\n", vhpi_cycle_count); //fflush(log_file); //#endif } // go down the list of finished jobs and send // out the resulting port values.. void Vhpi_Send() { int sockid; char* out; //#ifdef DEBUG //fprintf(log_file,"Server- Info: sending in cycle %d\n", vhpi_cycle_count); //fflush(log_file); //#endif log_server=fopen("server.log","a"); fprintf(stderr,"Server- Sending data to client \n"); fprintf(log_server,"Sending data from server to client \n"); HASH_FIND_STR(users,"sock_id",s); if(s) { printf("Server- The key is %s and value is %s \n",s->key,s->val); sockid=atoi(s->val); //strncpy(sockid,10,atoi(s->val)); //HASH_DEL(users, s); //free(s); } else { printf("Server- The socket id not found in table \n"); fprintf(log_server,"The socket id is not present in table \n"); } //snprintf(sockid,sizeof(sockid),"%d",s->val); int i=0; for (i=0;ikey,s->val); printf("Server- s-val %s \n",s->val); //Count Digits in number while(cpy>0) { rem[count_digits]=cpy%10; count_digits++; cpy=cpy/10; } int c=0; //adds the difference of length as 0's for(i=0;i<2-count_digits;i++) new_str[c++]='0'; //appends rest of the string for(i=count_digits-1;i>=0;i--) new_str[c++]=rem[i]+48; new_str[c++]='\0'; out=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)); snprintf(out,sizeof(out),"%s",s->val); //HASH_DEL(users, s); //free(s); while(1) { if(can_write_to_socket(sockid)) break; usleep(1000); } if ((send(sockid,out,sizeof(out),0))== -1) { perror("Server- Failure Sending Message\n"); //exit(1); } } else { printf("Server- The key %s Not found \n",s->key); } */ //#ifdef DEBUG //fprintf(log_file,"Server- Info: trying to send message %s in %d\n", send_buffer, vhpi_cycle_count); //fflush(log_file); //#endif fflush(log_server); fclose(log_server); } void Data_Send(int sockid,char* out_port) { char* out; HASH_FIND_STR(users,out_port,s); if(s) { printf("Server-Sending data has key:%s and value:%s \n",s->key,s->val); fprintf(log_server,"Sending data has key:%s and value:%s \n",s->key,s->val); out=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)); snprintf(out,sizeof(out),"%s",s->val); //HASH_DEL(users, s); //free(s); while(1) { if(can_write_to_socket(sockid)) break; usleep(1000); } if ((send(sockid,out,sizeof(out),0))== -1) { perror("Server- Failure Sending Message\n"); exit(1); } } else { printf("Server- The output port's %s value Not found \n",out_port); fprintf(log_server,"The %s's value not found in the table \n",out_port); } } void Vhpi_Close() { fprintf(stderr,"Server- Info: closing VHPI link\n"); //fclose(log_file); close(server_socket_id); } static void Vhpi_Exit(int sig) { fprintf(stderr, "Server- *** Break! ***\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Server- Info: Stopping the simulation \n"); Vhpi_Close(); exit(0); }