-- author: Madhav P. Desai -- modified: Rahul Paknikar -- -changed procedure of Vhpi_Initialize - 26.Sept.2019 -- -removed procedure Vhpi_Close - 15.Oct.2019 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library work; use work.Utility_Package.all; package Vhpi_Foreign is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- foreign Vhpi function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Vhpi_Initialize(sock_port : in integer; sock_ip : in VhpiString); attribute foreign of Vhpi_Initialize : procedure is "VHPIDIRECT Vhpi_Initialize"; procedure Vhpi_Listen; attribute foreign of Vhpi_Listen : procedure is "VHPIDIRECT Vhpi_Listen"; procedure Vhpi_Send; attribute foreign of Vhpi_Send : procedure is "VHPIDIRECT Vhpi_Send"; procedure Vhpi_Set_Port_Value(port_name: in VhpiString; port_value: in VhpiString; port_width: in integer); attribute foreign of Vhpi_Set_Port_Value: procedure is "VHPIDIRECT Vhpi_Set_Port_Value"; procedure Vhpi_Get_Port_Value(port_name: in VhpiString; port_value : out VhpiString; port_width: in integer); attribute foreign of Vhpi_Get_Port_Value : procedure is "VHPIDIRECT Vhpi_Get_Port_Value"; procedure Vhpi_Log(message_string: in VhpiString); attribute foreign of Vhpi_Log : procedure is "VHPIDIRECT Vhpi_Log"; end Vhpi_Foreign; package body Vhpi_Foreign is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- subprogram bodies for foreign vhpi routines. will never be called ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Vhpi_Initialize(sock_port: in integer; sock_ip : in VhpiString) is begin assert false report "fatal: this should never be called" severity failure; end Vhpi_Initialize; procedure Vhpi_Listen is begin assert false report "fatal: this should never be called" severity failure; end Vhpi_Listen; procedure Vhpi_Send is begin assert false report "fatal: this should never be called" severity failure; end Vhpi_Send; procedure Vhpi_Set_Port_Value(port_name: in VhpiString; port_value: in VhpiString; port_width: in integer) is begin assert false report "fatal: this should never be called" severity failure; end Vhpi_Set_Port_Value; procedure Vhpi_Get_Port_Value(port_name : in VhpiString; port_value: out VhpiString; port_width: in integer)is begin assert false report "fatal: this should never be called" severity failure; end Vhpi_Get_Port_Value; procedure Vhpi_Log(message_string: in VhpiString) is begin assert false report "fatal: this should never be called" severity failure; end Vhpi_Log; end Vhpi_Foreign;