From d8423a5909a5bbac9b17761a1ea844cb2ca401a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bladen Martin
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 11:45:06 +0530
Subject: OS - independent with Windows compatability
src/ | 543 +++++-----
src/ | 2564 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
src/ | 32 +-
3 files changed, 1403 insertions(+), 1736 deletions(-)
(limited to 'src')
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 966c9d6..2b3e7d7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,269 +1,274 @@
-from Appconfig import Appconfig
-import re
-import os
-import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
-class AutoSchematic(QtGui.QWidget):
- def __init__(self, modelname):
- QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self)
- self.modelname = modelname.split('.')[0]
- self.template = Appconfig.kicad_lib_template.copy()
- self.xml_loc = Appconfig.xml_loc
- self.lib_loc = Appconfig.lib_loc
- self.kicad_nghdl_lib = '/usr/share/kicad/library/eSim_Nghdl.lib'
- self.parser = Appconfig.parser_nghdl
- def createKicadLibrary(self):
- xmlFound = None
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.xml_loc):
- if (str(self.modelname) + '.xml') in files:
- xmlFound = root
- print(xmlFound)
- if xmlFound is None:
- self.getPortInformation()
- self.createXML()
- self.createLib()
- elif (xmlFound == self.xml_loc + '/Nghdl'):
- print('Library already exists...')
- ret = QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(
- self, "Warning", '''Library files for this model ''' +
- '''already exist. Do you want to overwrite it?
- If yes press ok, else cancel it and ''' +
- '''change the name of your vhdl file.''',
- QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel
- )
- if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok:
- print("Overwriting existing libraries")
- self.getPortInformation()
- self.createXML()
- self.removeOldLibrary() # Removes the exisitng library
- self.createLib()
- else:
- print("Exiting Nghdl")
- quit()
- else:
- print('Pre existing library...')
- ret = QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(
- self, "Error", '''A standard library already exists ''' +
- '''with this name.
Please change the name ''' +
- '''of your vhdl file and upload it again''',
- QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok
- )
- # quit()
- def getPortInformation(self):
- portInformation = PortInfo(self)
- portInformation.getPortInfo()
- self.portInfo = portInformation.bit_list
- self.input_length = portInformation.input_len
- def createXML(self):
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- xmlDestination = os.path.join(self.xml_loc, 'Nghdl')
- self.splitText = ""
- for bit in self.portInfo[:-1]:
- self.splitText += bit + "-V:"
- self.splitText += self.portInfo[-1] + "-V"
- print("changing directory to ", xmlDestination)
- os.chdir(xmlDestination)
- root = ET.Element("model")
- ET.SubElement(root, "name").text = self.modelname
- ET.SubElement(root, "type").text = "Nghdl"
- ET.SubElement(root, "node_number").text = str(len(self.portInfo))
- ET.SubElement(root, "title").text = (
- "Add parameters for " + str(self.modelname))
- ET.SubElement(root, "split").text = self.splitText
- param = ET.SubElement(root, "param")
- ET.SubElement(param, "rise_delay", default="1.0e-9").text = (
- "Enter Rise Delay (default=1.0e-9)")
- ET.SubElement(param, "fall_delay", default="1.0e-9").text = (
- "Enter Fall Delay (default=1.0e-9)")
- ET.SubElement(param, "input_load", default="1.0e-12").text = (
- "Enter Input Load (default=1.0e-12)")
- ET.SubElement(param, "instance_id", default="1").text = (
- "Enter Instance ID (Between 0-99)")
- tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
- tree.write(str(self.modelname) + '.xml')
- print("Leaving the directory ", xmlDestination)
- os.chdir(cwd)
- # Calculates the maximum between input and output ports
- def findBlockSize(self):
- ind = self.input_length
- return max(
- self.char_sum(self.portInfo[:ind]),
- self.char_sum(self.portInfo[ind:])
- )
- def char_sum(self, ls):
- return sum([int(x) for x in ls])
- def removeOldLibrary(self):
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(self.lib_loc)
- print("Changing directory to ", self.lib_loc)
- f = open(self.kicad_nghdl_lib)
- lines = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- output = []
- line_reading_flag = False
- for line in lines:
- if line.startswith("DEF"):
- if line.split()[1] == self.modelname:
- line_reading_flag = True
- if not line_reading_flag:
- output.append(line)
- if line.startswith("ENDDEF"):
- line_reading_flag = False
- f = open(self.kicad_nghdl_lib, 'w')
- for line in output:
- f.write(line)
- os.chdir(cwd)
- print("Leaving directory, ", self.lib_loc)
- def createLib(self):
- self.dist_port = 100 # Distance between two ports
- self.inc_size = 100 # Increment size of a block
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(self.lib_loc)
- print("Changing directory to ", self.lib_loc)
- lib_file = open(self.kicad_nghdl_lib, "a")
- line1 = self.template["start_def"]
- line1 = line1.split()
- line1 = [w.replace('comp_name', self.modelname) for w in line1]
- self.template["start_def"] = ' '.join(line1)
- if os.stat(self.kicad_nghdl_lib).st_size == 0:
- lib_file.write("EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.3" + "\n\n")
- # lib_file.write("#encoding utf-8"+ "\n"+ "#"+ "\n" +
- # "#test_compo" + "\n"+ "#"+ "\n")
- lib_file.write(
- self.template["start_def"] + "\n" + self.template["U_field"]+"\n"
- )
- line3 = self.template["comp_name_field"]
- line3 = line3.split()
- line3 = [w.replace('comp_name', self.modelname) for w in line3]
- self.template["comp_name_field"] = ' '.join(line3)
- lib_file.write(self.template["comp_name_field"] + "\n")
- line4 = self.template["blank_field"]
- line4_1 = line4[0]
- line4_2 = line4[1]
- line4_1 = line4_1.split()
- line4_1 = [w.replace('blank_quotes', '""') for w in line4_1]
- line4_2 = line4_2.split()
- line4_2 = [w.replace('blank_quotes', '""') for w in line4_2]
- line4[0] = ' '.join(line4_1)
- line4[1] = ' '.join(line4_2)
- self.template["blank_qoutes"] = line4
- lib_file.write(
- line4[0] + "\n" + line4[1] + "\n" +
- self.template["start_draw"] + "\n"
- )
- draw_pos = self.template["draw_pos"]
- draw_pos = draw_pos.split()
- draw_pos[4] = str(
- int(draw_pos[4]) - self.findBlockSize() * self.inc_size)
- self.template["draw_pos"] = ' '.join(draw_pos)
- lib_file.write(self.template["draw_pos"]+"\n")
- input_port = self.template["input_port"]
- input_port = input_port.split()
- output_port = self.template["output_port"]
- output_port = output_port.split()
- inputs = self.portInfo[0: self.input_length]
- outputs = self.portInfo[self.input_length:]
- print(inputs)
- print(outputs)
- inputs = self.char_sum(inputs)
- outputs = self.char_sum(outputs)
- total = inputs+outputs
- port_list = []
- for i in range(total):
- if (i < inputs):
- input_port[1] = "in" + str(i + 1)
- input_port[2] = str(i + 1)
- input_port[4] = str(int(input_port[4]) - self.dist_port)
- input_list = ' '.join(input_port)
- port_list.append(input_list)
- else:
- output_port[1] = "out" + str(i - inputs + 1)
- output_port[2] = str(i + 1)
- output_port[4] = str(int(output_port[4]) - self.dist_port)
- output_list = ' '.join(output_port)
- port_list.append(output_list)
- for ports in port_list:
- lib_file.write(ports+"\n")
- lib_file.write(
- self.template["end_draw"] + "\n" +
- self.template["end_def"] + "\n\n\n"
- )
- os.chdir(cwd)
- print('Leaving directory, ', self.lib_loc)
- QtGui.QMessageBox.information(
- self, "Library added",
- '''Library details for this model is added to the ''' +
- '''eSim_Nghdl.lib in the KiCad shared directory''',
- QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok
- )
-class PortInfo:
- def __init__(self, model):
- self.modelname = model.modelname
- self.model_loc = model.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'DIGITAL_MODEL')
- self.bit_list = []
- self.input_len = 0
- def getPortInfo(self):
- info_loc = os.path.join(self.model_loc, self.modelname+'/DUTghdl/')
- input_list = []
- output_list = []
- read_file = open(info_loc + 'connection_info.txt', 'r')
- data = read_file.readlines()
- read_file.close()
- for line in data:
- if re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
- pass
- else:
- in_items = re.findall(
- "IN", line, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE
- )
- out_items = re.findall(
- )
- if in_items:
- input_list.append(line.split())
- if out_items:
- output_list.append(line.split())
- for in_list in input_list:
- self.bit_list.append(in_list[2])
- self.input_len = len(self.bit_list)
- for out_list in output_list:
- self.bit_list.append(out_list[2])
+from Appconfig import Appconfig
+import re
+import os
+import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
+from PyQt4 import QtGui
+class AutoSchematic(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def __init__(self, modelname):
+ QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self)
+ self.modelname = modelname.split('.')[0]
+ self.template = Appconfig.kicad_lib_template.copy()
+ self.xml_loc = Appconfig.xml_loc
+ self.lib_loc = Appconfig.lib_loc
+ if == 'nt':
+ eSim_src = Appconfig.src_home
+ inst_dir = eSim_src.replace('\eSim', '')
+ self.kicad_nghdl_lib = inst_dir + '/KiCad/share/kicad/library/eSim_Nghdl.lib'
+ else:
+ self.kicad_nghdl_lib = '/usr/share/kicad/library/eSim_Nghdl.lib'
+ self.parser = Appconfig.parser_nghdl
+ def createKicadLibrary(self):
+ xmlFound = None
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.xml_loc):
+ if (str(self.modelname) + '.xml') in files:
+ xmlFound = root
+ print(xmlFound)
+ if xmlFound is None:
+ self.getPortInformation()
+ self.createXML()
+ self.createLib()
+ elif (xmlFound == os.path.join(self.xml_loc, 'Nghdl')):
+ print('Library already exists...')
+ ret = QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(
+ self, "Warning", '''Library files for this model ''' +
+ '''already exist. Do you want to overwrite it?
+ If yes press ok, else cancel it and ''' +
+ '''change the name of your vhdl file.''',
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel
+ )
+ if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok:
+ print("Overwriting existing libraries")
+ self.getPortInformation()
+ self.createXML()
+ self.removeOldLibrary() # Removes the exisitng library
+ self.createLib()
+ else:
+ print("Exiting Nghdl")
+ quit()
+ else:
+ print('Pre existing library...')
+ ret = QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(
+ self, "Error", '''A standard library already exists ''' +
+ '''with this name.
Please change the name ''' +
+ '''of your vhdl file and upload it again''',
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok
+ )
+ # quit()
+ def getPortInformation(self):
+ portInformation = PortInfo(self)
+ portInformation.getPortInfo()
+ self.portInfo = portInformation.bit_list
+ self.input_length = portInformation.input_len
+ def createXML(self):
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ xmlDestination = os.path.join(self.xml_loc, 'Nghdl')
+ self.splitText = ""
+ for bit in self.portInfo[:-1]:
+ self.splitText += bit + "-V:"
+ self.splitText += self.portInfo[-1] + "-V"
+ print("changing directory to ", xmlDestination)
+ os.chdir(xmlDestination)
+ root = ET.Element("model")
+ ET.SubElement(root, "name").text = self.modelname
+ ET.SubElement(root, "type").text = "Nghdl"
+ ET.SubElement(root, "node_number").text = str(len(self.portInfo))
+ ET.SubElement(root, "title").text = (
+ "Add parameters for " + str(self.modelname))
+ ET.SubElement(root, "split").text = self.splitText
+ param = ET.SubElement(root, "param")
+ ET.SubElement(param, "rise_delay", default="1.0e-9").text = (
+ "Enter Rise Delay (default=1.0e-9)")
+ ET.SubElement(param, "fall_delay", default="1.0e-9").text = (
+ "Enter Fall Delay (default=1.0e-9)")
+ ET.SubElement(param, "input_load", default="1.0e-12").text = (
+ "Enter Input Load (default=1.0e-12)")
+ ET.SubElement(param, "instance_id", default="1").text = (
+ "Enter Instance ID (Between 0-99)")
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
+ tree.write(str(self.modelname) + '.xml')
+ print("Leaving the directory ", xmlDestination)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ # Calculates the maximum between input and output ports
+ def findBlockSize(self):
+ ind = self.input_length
+ return max(
+ self.char_sum(self.portInfo[:ind]),
+ self.char_sum(self.portInfo[ind:])
+ )
+ def char_sum(self, ls):
+ return sum([int(x) for x in ls])
+ def removeOldLibrary(self):
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.lib_loc)
+ print("Changing directory to ", self.lib_loc)
+ f = open(self.kicad_nghdl_lib)
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ output = []
+ line_reading_flag = False
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith("DEF"):
+ if line.split()[1] == self.modelname:
+ line_reading_flag = True
+ if not line_reading_flag:
+ output.append(line)
+ if line.startswith("ENDDEF"):
+ line_reading_flag = False
+ f = open(self.kicad_nghdl_lib, 'w')
+ for line in output:
+ f.write(line)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ print("Leaving directory, ", self.lib_loc)
+ def createLib(self):
+ self.dist_port = 100 # Distance between two ports
+ self.inc_size = 100 # Increment size of a block
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.lib_loc)
+ print("Changing directory to ", self.lib_loc)
+ lib_file = open(self.kicad_nghdl_lib, "a")
+ line1 = self.template["start_def"]
+ line1 = line1.split()
+ line1 = [w.replace('comp_name', self.modelname) for w in line1]
+ self.template["start_def"] = ' '.join(line1)
+ if os.stat(self.kicad_nghdl_lib).st_size == 0:
+ lib_file.write("EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.3" + "\n\n")
+ # lib_file.write("#encoding utf-8"+ "\n"+ "#"+ "\n" +
+ # "#test_compo" + "\n"+ "#"+ "\n")
+ lib_file.write(
+ self.template["start_def"] + "\n" + self.template["U_field"]+"\n"
+ )
+ line3 = self.template["comp_name_field"]
+ line3 = line3.split()
+ line3 = [w.replace('comp_name', self.modelname) for w in line3]
+ self.template["comp_name_field"] = ' '.join(line3)
+ lib_file.write(self.template["comp_name_field"] + "\n")
+ line4 = self.template["blank_field"]
+ line4_1 = line4[0]
+ line4_2 = line4[1]
+ line4_1 = line4_1.split()
+ line4_1 = [w.replace('blank_quotes', '""') for w in line4_1]
+ line4_2 = line4_2.split()
+ line4_2 = [w.replace('blank_quotes', '""') for w in line4_2]
+ line4[0] = ' '.join(line4_1)
+ line4[1] = ' '.join(line4_2)
+ self.template["blank_qoutes"] = line4
+ lib_file.write(
+ line4[0] + "\n" + line4[1] + "\n" +
+ self.template["start_draw"] + "\n"
+ )
+ draw_pos = self.template["draw_pos"]
+ draw_pos = draw_pos.split()
+ draw_pos[4] = str(
+ int(draw_pos[4]) - self.findBlockSize() * self.inc_size)
+ self.template["draw_pos"] = ' '.join(draw_pos)
+ lib_file.write(self.template["draw_pos"]+"\n")
+ input_port = self.template["input_port"]
+ input_port = input_port.split()
+ output_port = self.template["output_port"]
+ output_port = output_port.split()
+ inputs = self.portInfo[0: self.input_length]
+ outputs = self.portInfo[self.input_length:]
+ print(inputs)
+ print(outputs)
+ inputs = self.char_sum(inputs)
+ outputs = self.char_sum(outputs)
+ total = inputs+outputs
+ port_list = []
+ for i in range(total):
+ if (i < inputs):
+ input_port[1] = "in" + str(i + 1)
+ input_port[2] = str(i + 1)
+ input_port[4] = str(int(input_port[4]) - self.dist_port)
+ input_list = ' '.join(input_port)
+ port_list.append(input_list)
+ else:
+ output_port[1] = "out" + str(i - inputs + 1)
+ output_port[2] = str(i + 1)
+ output_port[4] = str(int(output_port[4]) - self.dist_port)
+ output_list = ' '.join(output_port)
+ port_list.append(output_list)
+ for ports in port_list:
+ lib_file.write(ports+"\n")
+ lib_file.write(
+ self.template["end_draw"] + "\n" +
+ self.template["end_def"] + "\n\n\n"
+ )
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ print('Leaving directory, ', self.lib_loc)
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.information(
+ self, "Library added",
+ '''Library details for this model is added to the ''' +
+ '''eSim_Nghdl.lib in the KiCad shared directory''',
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok
+ )
+class PortInfo:
+ def __init__(self, model):
+ self.modelname = model.modelname
+ self.model_loc = model.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'DIGITAL_MODEL')
+ self.bit_list = []
+ self.input_len = 0
+ def getPortInfo(self):
+ info_loc = os.path.join(self.model_loc, self.modelname+'/DUTghdl/')
+ input_list = []
+ output_list = []
+ read_file = open(info_loc + 'connection_info.txt', 'r')
+ data = read_file.readlines()
+ read_file.close()
+ for line in data:
+ if re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
+ pass
+ else:
+ in_items = re.findall(
+ "IN", line, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE
+ )
+ out_items = re.findall(
+ )
+ if in_items:
+ input_list.append(line.split())
+ if out_items:
+ output_list.append(line.split())
+ for in_list in input_list:
+ self.bit_list.append(in_list[2])
+ self.input_len = len(self.bit_list)
+ for out_list in output_list:
+ self.bit_list.append(out_list[2])
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 305ced8..7baecc1 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,1450 +1,1114 @@
-import re
-import os
-from configparser import SafeConfigParser
-class ModelGeneration:
- def __init__(self, file):
- # Script starts from here
- print("Arguement is : ", file)
- self.fname = os.path.basename(file)
- print("VHDL filename is : ", self.fname)
- self.home = os.path.expanduser("~")
- self.parser = SafeConfigParser()
- self.home, os.path.join('.nghdl', 'config.ini')))
- self.ngspice_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'NGSPICE_HOME')
- self.release_dir = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'RELEASE')
- self.src_home = self.parser.get('SRC', 'SRC_HOME')
- self.licensefile = self.parser.get('SRC', 'LICENSE')
- # #### Creating connection_info.txt file from vhdl file #### #
- read_vhdl = open(file, 'r')
- vhdl_data = read_vhdl.readlines()
- read_vhdl.close()
- start_flag = -1 # Used for scaning part of data
- scan_data = []
- #'port(.*?)end',read_vhdl,re.M|re.I|re.DOTALL).group()
- for item in vhdl_data:
- if'port', item, re.I):
- start_flag = 1
- elif"end", item, re.I):
- start_flag = 0
- if start_flag == 1:
- item = re.sub("port", " ", item, flags=re.I)
- item = re.sub("\(", " ", item, flags=re.I) # noqa
- item = re.sub("\)", " ", item, flags=re.I) # noqa
- item = re.sub(";", " ", item, flags=re.I)
- scan_data.append(item.rstrip())
- scan_data = [_f for _f in scan_data if _f]
- elif start_flag == 0:
- break
- port_info = []
- self.port_vector_info = []
- for item in scan_data:
- print("Scan Data :", item)
- if"in", item, flags=re.I):
- if"std_logic_vector", item, flags=re.I):
- temp = re.compile(r"\s*std_logic_vector\s*", flags=re.I)
- elif"std_logic", item, flags=re.I):
- temp = re.compile(r"\s*std_logic\s*", flags=re.I)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Please check your vhdl " +
- "code for datatype of input port")
- elif"out", item, flags=re.I):
- if"std_logic_vector", item, flags=re.I):
- temp = re.compile(r"\s*std_logic_vector\s*", flags=re.I)
- elif"std_logic", item, flags=re.I):
- temp = re.compile(r"\s*std_logic\s*", flags=re.I)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Please check your vhdl " +
- "code for datatype of output port")
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- "Please check the in/out direction of your port"
- )
- lhs = temp.split(item)[0]
- rhs = temp.split(item)[1]
- bit_info = re.compile(r"\s*downto\s*", flags=re.I).split(rhs)[0]
- if bit_info:
- port_info.append(lhs + ":" + str(int(bit_info) + int(1)))
- self.port_vector_info.append(1)
- else:
- port_info.append(lhs + ":" + str(int(1)))
- self.port_vector_info.append(0)
- print("Port Info :", port_info)
- # Open connection_info.txt file
- con_ifo = open('connection_info.txt', 'w')
- for item in port_info:
- word = item.split(':')
- con_ifo.write(
- word[0].strip() + ' ' + word[1].strip() + ' ' + word[2].strip()
- )
- con_ifo.write("\n")
- con_ifo.close()
- def readPortInfo(self):
- # ############## Reading connection/port information ############## #
- # Declaring input and output list
- input_list = []
- output_list = []
- # Reading connection_info.txt file for port infomation
- read_file = open('connection_info.txt', 'r')
- data = read_file.readlines()
- read_file.close()
- # Extracting input and output port list from data
- print("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
- for line in data:
- print(line)
- if re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
- pass
- else:
- in_items = re.findall(
- "IN", line, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE
- )
- out_items = re.findall(
- )
- if in_items:
- input_list.append(line.split())
- if out_items:
- output_list.append(line.split())
- print("Inout List :", input_list)
- print("Output list", output_list)
- self.input_port = []
- self.output_port = []
- # creating list of input and output port with its weight
- for input in input_list:
- self.input_port.append(input[0]+":"+input[2])
- for output in output_list:
- self.output_port.append(output[0]+":"+output[2])
- print("Output Port List : ", self.output_port)
- print("Input Port List : ", self.input_port)
-#08.June.2020 - BM - If OS is Windows, write Windows socket version of cfunc.mod, else write Linux(BSD) socket version
- if == 'nt':
- def createCfuncModFile(self):
- # ## Creating content for cfunc.mod file ## #
- print("Starting With cfunc.mod file")
- cfunc = open('cfunc.mod', 'w')
- print("Building content for cfunc.mod file")
- comment = '''/* This is cfunc.mod file auto generated by
- Developed by Fahim, Rahul at IIT Bombay */\n
- '''
- header = '''
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #undef BOOLEAN
- #include
- '''
- function_open = (
- '''void cm_''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''(ARGS) \n{''')
- digital_state_output = []
- for item in self.output_port:
- digital_state_output.append(
- "Digital_State_t *_op_" + item.split(':')[0] +
- ", *_op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "_old;"
- )
- var_section = '''
- // Declaring components of Client
- FILE *log_client = NULL;
- log_client=fopen("client.log","a");
- int bytes_recieved;
- char send_data[1024];
- char recv_data[1024];
- char *key_iter;
- struct hostent *host;
- struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
- int sock_port = 5000+PARAM(instance_id);
- '''
- temp_input_var = []
- for item in self.input_port:
- temp_input_var.append(
- "char temp_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[1024];"
- )
- # Start of INIT function
- init_start_function = '''
- if(INIT)
- {
- /* Allocate storage for output ports ''' \
- '''and set the load for input ports */
- '''
- cm_event_alloc = []
- cm_count_output = 0
- for item in self.output_port:
- cm_event_alloc.append(
- "cm_event_alloc(" +
- str(cm_count_output) + "," + item.split(':')[1] +
- "*sizeof(Digital_State_t));"
- )
- cm_count_output = cm_count_output + 1
- load_in_port = []
- for item in self.input_port:
- load_in_port.append(
- "for(Ii=0;Iih_addr);
- bzero(&(server_addr.sin_zero),8);
- '''
- connect_server = '''
- fprintf(log_client,"Client-Connecting to server \\n");
- //Connecting to server
- int try_limit=10;
- while(try_limit>0)
- {
- if (connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&server_addr,''' \
- '''sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
- {
- sleep(1);
- try_limit--;
- if(try_limit==0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Connect- Error:Tried to connect server on port,''' \
- ''' up \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Connect- Error:Tried to connect server on ''' \
- '''port, up \\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Client-Connected to server \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Client-Connected to server \\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- '''
- # Assign bit value to every input
- assign_data_to_input = []
- for item in self.input_port:
- assign_data_to_input.append("\tfor(Ii=0;Ii
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- '''
- function_open = (
- '''void cm_''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''(ARGS) \n{''')
- digital_state_output = []
- for item in self.output_port:
- digital_state_output.append(
- "Digital_State_t *_op_" + item.split(':')[0] +
- ", *_op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "_old;"
- )
- var_section = '''
- // Declaring components of Client
- FILE *log_client = NULL;
- log_client=fopen("client.log","a");
- int socket_fd, bytes_recieved;
- char send_data[1024];
- char recv_data[1024];
- char *key_iter;
- struct hostent *host;
- struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
- int sock_port = 5000+PARAM(instance_id);
- '''
- temp_input_var = []
- for item in self.input_port:
- temp_input_var.append(
- "char temp_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[1024];"
- )
- # Start of INIT function
- init_start_function = '''
- if(INIT)
- {
- /* Allocate storage for output ports ''' \
- '''and set the load for input ports */
- '''
- cm_event_alloc = []
- cm_count_output = 0
- for item in self.output_port:
- cm_event_alloc.append(
- "cm_event_alloc(" +
- str(cm_count_output) + "," + item.split(':')[1] +
- "*sizeof(Digital_State_t));"
- )
- cm_count_output = cm_count_output + 1
- load_in_port = []
- for item in self.input_port:
- load_in_port.append(
- "for(Ii=0;Iih_addr);
- bzero(&(server_addr.sin_zero),8);
- '''
- connect_server = '''
- fprintf(log_client,"Client-Connecting to server \\n");
- //Connecting to server
- int try_limit=10;
- while(try_limit>0)
- {
- if (connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&server_addr,''' \
- '''sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
- {
- sleep(1);
- try_limit--;
- if(try_limit==0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Connect- Error:Tried to connect server on port,''' \
- ''' up \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Connect- Error:Tried to connect server on ''' \
- '''port, up \\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Client-Connected to server \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Client-Connected to server \\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- '''
- # Assign bit value to every input
- assign_data_to_input = []
- for item in self.input_port:
- assign_data_to_input.append("\tfor(Ii=0;Ii " + item.split(':')[0] + ",\n")
- for item in self.output_port:
- if self.output_port.index(item) == len(self.output_port) - 1:
- map.append("\t\t\t\t" + item.split(':')[0] +
- " => " + item.split(':')[0] + "\n")
- else:
- map.append("\t\t\t\t" + item.split(':')[0] +
- " => " + item.split(':')[0] + ",\n")
- map.append("\t\t\t);")
- # Testbench Clock
- tb_clk = "clk_s <= not clk_s after 5 us;\n\n"
- # Adding Process block for Vhpi
- process_Vhpi = []
- process_Vhpi.append(
- "process\n\t\tvariable sock_port : integer;" +
- "\n\t\ttype string_ptr is access string;" +
- "\n\t\tvariable sock_ip : string_ptr;" +
- "\n\t\tbegin\n\t\tsock_port := sock_port_fun;" +
- "\n\t\tsock_ip := new string'(sock_ip_fun);" +
- "\n\t\tVhpi_Initialize(sock_port," +
- "Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String(sock_ip.all));" +
- "\n\t\twait until clk_s = '1';" +
- "\n\t\twhile true loop\n\t\t\twait until clk_s = '0';" +
- "\n\t\t\tVhpi_Listen;\n\t\t\twait for 1 us;\n\t\t\t" +
- "Vhpi_Send;" +
- "\n\t\tend loop;\n\t\twait;\n\tend process;\n\n"
- )
- # Adding process block
- process = []
- process.append("\tprocess\n")
- process.append("\t\tvariable count : integer:=0;\n")
- for item in self.input_port:
- process.append(
- "\t\tvariable " + item.split(':')[0] + "_v : VhpiString;\n"
- )
- for item in self.output_port:
- process.append(
- "\t\tvariable " + item.split(':')[0] + "_v : VhpiString;\n"
- )
- process.append("\t\tvariable obj_ref : VhpiString;\n")
- process.append("\tbegin\n")
- process.append("\t\twhile true loop\n")
- process.append("\t\t\twait until clk_s = '0';\n\n")
- port_vector_count = 0
- for item in self.input_port:
- process.append(
- '\t\t\tobj_ref := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String("' +
- item.split(':')[0] + '");\n'
- )
- process.append(
- '\t\t\tVhpi_Get_Port_Value(obj_ref,' +
- item.split(':')[0] + '_v,' + item.split(':')[1] + ');\n'
- )
- if self.port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
- process.append(
- '\t\t\t' + item.split(':')[0] +
- ' <= Unpack_String(' + item.split(':')[0] + '_v,' +
- item.split(':')[1] + ');\n'
- )
- else:
- process.append(
- '\t\t\t' + item.split(':')[0] +
- ' <= To_Std_Logic('+item.split(':')[0]+'_v'+');\n'
- )
- port_vector_count += 1
- process.append("\n")
- process.append('\t\t\twait for 1 us;\n')
- for item in self.output_port:
- if self.port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
- process.append(
- '\t\t\t' + item.split(':')[0] +
- '_v := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String' +
- '(Convert_SLV_To_String(' +
- item.split(':')[0]+'));\n'
- )
- else:
- process.append(
- '\t\t\t' + item.split(':')[0] +
- '_v := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String(To_String(' +
- item.split(':')[0]+'));\n'
- )
- port_vector_count += 1
- process.append(
- '\t\t\tobj_ref := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String("' +
- item.split(':')[0]+'");\n'
- )
- process.append(
- '\t\t\tVhpi_Set_Port_Value(obj_ref,' +
- item.split(':')[0] + '_v,' + item.split(':')[1] + ');\n'
- )
- process.append("\n")
- process.append(
- '\t\t\treport "Iteration - "' +
- "& integer'image(count) severity note;\n"
- )
- process.append('\t\t\tcount := count + 1;\n')
- process.append("\t\tend loop;\n")
- process.append("\tend process;\n\n")
- process.append("end architecture;")
- # Writing all the components to testbench file
- testbench.write(comment_vhdl)
- testbench.write(tb_header)
- testbench.write(tb_entity)
- testbench.write(arch)
- for item in components:
- testbench.write(item)
- for item in signals:
- testbench.write(item)
- testbench.write("\n\n")
- testbench.write("begin\n\n")
- for item in map:
- testbench.write(item)
- testbench.write("\n\t"+tb_clk)
- for item in process_Vhpi:
- testbench.write(item)
- for item in process:
- testbench.write(item)
- testbench.close()
- def createServerScript(self):
- # ####### Creating and writing components in ####### #
- self.digital_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'DIGITAL_MODEL')
- start_server = open('', 'w')
- start_server.write("#!/bin/bash\n\n")
- start_server.write(
- "###This server run ghdl testebench for infinite time till " +
- "ngspice send END signal to stop it\n\n"
- )
- #08.June.2020 - BM - Use correct path with respect to particular OS
- if == 'nt':
- pathstr = self.digital_home + "/" + \
- self.fname.split('.')[0] + "/DUTghdl/"
- pathstr = pathstr.replace("\\", "/")
- start_server.write("cd "+pathstr+"\n")
- else:
- start_server.write("cd "+self.digital_home +
- "/" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "/DUTghdl/\n")
- start_server.write("chmod 775 &&\n")
- start_server.write("./ $1 $2 &&\n")
- start_server.write("ghdl -i *.vhdl &&\n")
- start_server.write("ghdl -a *.vhdl &&\n")
- start_server.write("ghdl -a "+self.fname+" &&\n")
- start_server.write(
- "ghdl -a "+self.fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb.vhdl &&\n"
- )
- #08.June.2020 - BM - If OS i Windows, link server with libws2_32.a
- if == 'nt':
- start_server.write("ghdl -e -Wl,ghdlserver.o " +
- "-Wl,libws2_32.a " + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "_tb &&\n")
- start_server.write("./"+self.fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb.exe")
- else:
- start_server.write("ghdl -e -Wl,ghdlserver.o " +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] + "_tb &&\n")
- start_server.write("./"+self.fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb")
- start_server.close()
- def createSockScript(self):
- # ########### Creating and writing in ########### #
- sock_pkg_create = open('', 'w')
- sock_pkg_create.write("#!/bin/bash\n\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write(
- "##This file creates sock_pkg.vhdl file and sets the port " +
- "and ip from parameters passed to it\n\n"
- )
- sock_pkg_create.write("echo \"library ieee;\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("package sock_pkg is\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\tfunction sock_port_fun return integer;\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\tfunction sock_ip_fun return string;\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("end;\n\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("package body sock_pkg is\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\tfunction sock_port_fun return integer is\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\tvariable sock_port : integer;\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\tbegin\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\t\tsock_port := $1;\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\t\treturn sock_port;\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\tend function;\n\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\tfunction sock_ip_fun return string is\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\ttype string_ptr is access string;\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\tvariable sock_ip : string_ptr;\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\tbegin\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write('\t\t\t\tsock_ip := new string\'(\\"$2\\");\n')
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\t\treturn sock_ip.all;\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\tend function;\n\n")
- sock_pkg_create.write("\t\tend package body;\" > sock_pkg.vhdl")
+import re
+import os
+from configparser import SafeConfigParser
+class ModelGeneration:
+ def __init__(self, file):
+ # Script starts from here
+ print("Arguement is : ", file)
+ self.fname = os.path.basename(file)
+ print("VHDL filename is : ", self.fname)
+ self.home = os.path.expanduser("~")
+ self.parser = SafeConfigParser()
+ self.home, os.path.join('.nghdl', 'config.ini')))
+ self.ngspice_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'NGSPICE_HOME')
+ self.release_dir = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'RELEASE')
+ self.src_home = self.parser.get('SRC', 'SRC_HOME')
+ self.licensefile = self.parser.get('SRC', 'LICENSE')
+ # #### Creating connection_info.txt file from vhdl file #### #
+ read_vhdl = open(file, 'r')
+ vhdl_data = read_vhdl.readlines()
+ read_vhdl.close()
+ start_flag = -1 # Used for scaning part of data
+ scan_data = []
+ #'port(.*?)end',read_vhdl,re.M|re.I|re.DOTALL).group()
+ for item in vhdl_data:
+ if'port', item, re.I):
+ start_flag = 1
+ elif"end", item, re.I):
+ start_flag = 0
+ if start_flag == 1:
+ item = re.sub("port", " ", item, flags=re.I)
+ item = re.sub("\(", " ", item, flags=re.I) # noqa
+ item = re.sub("\)", " ", item, flags=re.I) # noqa
+ item = re.sub(";", " ", item, flags=re.I)
+ scan_data.append(item.rstrip())
+ scan_data = [_f for _f in scan_data if _f]
+ elif start_flag == 0:
+ break
+ port_info = []
+ self.port_vector_info = []
+ for item in scan_data:
+ print("Scan Data :", item)
+ if"in", item, flags=re.I):
+ if"std_logic_vector", item, flags=re.I):
+ temp = re.compile(r"\s*std_logic_vector\s*", flags=re.I)
+ elif"std_logic", item, flags=re.I):
+ temp = re.compile(r"\s*std_logic\s*", flags=re.I)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Please check your vhdl " +
+ "code for datatype of input port")
+ elif"out", item, flags=re.I):
+ if"std_logic_vector", item, flags=re.I):
+ temp = re.compile(r"\s*std_logic_vector\s*", flags=re.I)
+ elif"std_logic", item, flags=re.I):
+ temp = re.compile(r"\s*std_logic\s*", flags=re.I)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Please check your vhdl " +
+ "code for datatype of output port")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Please check the in/out direction of your port"
+ )
+ lhs = temp.split(item)[0]
+ rhs = temp.split(item)[1]
+ bit_info = re.compile(r"\s*downto\s*", flags=re.I).split(rhs)[0]
+ if bit_info:
+ port_info.append(lhs + ":" + str(int(bit_info) + int(1)))
+ self.port_vector_info.append(1)
+ else:
+ port_info.append(lhs + ":" + str(int(1)))
+ self.port_vector_info.append(0)
+ print("Port Info :", port_info)
+ # Open connection_info.txt file
+ con_ifo = open('connection_info.txt', 'w')
+ for item in port_info:
+ word = item.split(':')
+ con_ifo.write(
+ word[0].strip() + ' ' + word[1].strip() + ' ' + word[2].strip()
+ )
+ con_ifo.write("\n")
+ con_ifo.close()
+ def readPortInfo(self):
+ # ############## Reading connection/port information ############## #
+ # Declaring input and output list
+ input_list = []
+ output_list = []
+ # Reading connection_info.txt file for port infomation
+ read_file = open('connection_info.txt', 'r')
+ data = read_file.readlines()
+ read_file.close()
+ # Extracting input and output port list from data
+ print("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
+ for line in data:
+ print(line)
+ if re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
+ pass
+ else:
+ in_items = re.findall(
+ "IN", line, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE
+ )
+ out_items = re.findall(
+ )
+ if in_items:
+ input_list.append(line.split())
+ if out_items:
+ output_list.append(line.split())
+ print("Inout List :", input_list)
+ print("Output list", output_list)
+ self.input_port = []
+ self.output_port = []
+ # creating list of input and output port with its weight
+ for input in input_list:
+ self.input_port.append(input[0]+":"+input[2])
+ for output in output_list:
+ self.output_port.append(output[0]+":"+output[2])
+ print("Output Port List : ", self.output_port)
+ print("Input Port List : ", self.input_port)
+ def createCfuncModFile(self):
+ # ############## Creating content for cfunc.mod file ############## #
+ print("Starting With cfunc.mod file")
+ cfunc = open('cfunc.mod', 'w')
+ print("Building content for cfunc.mod file")
+ comment = '''/* This is cfunc.mod file auto generated by
+ Developed by Fahim, Rahul at IIT Bombay */\n
+ '''
+ header = '''
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ '''
+ if == 'nt':
+ header += '''
+ #undef BOOLEAN
+ #include
+ '''
+ else:
+ header += '''
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ '''
+ function_open = (
+ '''void cm_''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''(ARGS) \n{''')
+ digital_state_output = []
+ for item in self.output_port:
+ digital_state_output.append(
+ "Digital_State_t *_op_" + item.split(':')[0] +
+ ", *_op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "_old;"
+ )
+ var_section = '''
+ // Declaring components of Client
+ FILE *log_client = NULL;
+ log_client=fopen("client.log","a");
+ int bytes_recieved;
+ char send_data[1024];
+ char recv_data[1024];
+ char *key_iter;
+ struct hostent *host;
+ struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
+ int sock_port = 5000+PARAM(instance_id);
+ '''
+ if != 'nt':
+ var_section += '''
+ int socket_fd;
+ '''
+ temp_input_var = []
+ for item in self.input_port:
+ temp_input_var.append(
+ "char temp_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[1024];"
+ )
+ # Start of INIT function
+ init_start_function = '''
+ if(INIT)
+ {
+ /* Allocate storage for output ports ''' \
+ '''and set the load for input ports */
+ '''
+ cm_event_alloc = []
+ cm_count_output = 0
+ for item in self.output_port:
+ cm_event_alloc.append(
+ "cm_event_alloc(" +
+ str(cm_count_output) + "," + item.split(':')[1] +
+ "*sizeof(Digital_State_t));"
+ )
+ cm_count_output = cm_count_output + 1
+ load_in_port = []
+ for item in self.input_port:
+ load_in_port.append(
+ "for(Ii=0;Iih_addr);
+ bzero(&(server_addr.sin_zero),8);
+ '''
+ connect_server = '''
+ fprintf(log_client,"Client-Connecting to server \\n");
+ //Connecting to server
+ int try_limit=10;
+ while(try_limit>0)
+ {
+ if (connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&server_addr,''' \
+ '''sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
+ {
+ sleep(1);
+ try_limit--;
+ if(try_limit==0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Connect- Error:Tried to connect server on port,''' \
+ ''' up \\n");
+ fprintf(log_client,"Connect- Error:Tried to connect server on ''' \
+ '''port, up \\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Client-Connected to server \\n");
+ fprintf(log_client,"Client-Connected to server \\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ '''
+ # Assign bit value to every input
+ assign_data_to_input = []
+ for item in self.input_port:
+ assign_data_to_input.append("\tfor(Ii=0;Ii " + item.split(':')[0] + ",\n")
+ for item in self.output_port:
+ if self.output_port.index(item) == len(self.output_port) - 1:
+ map.append("\t\t\t\t" + item.split(':')[0] +
+ " => " + item.split(':')[0] + "\n")
+ else:
+ map.append("\t\t\t\t" + item.split(':')[0] +
+ " => " + item.split(':')[0] + ",\n")
+ map.append("\t\t\t);")
+ # Testbench Clock
+ tb_clk = "clk_s <= not clk_s after 5 us;\n\n"
+ # Adding Process block for Vhpi
+ process_Vhpi = []
+ process_Vhpi.append(
+ "process\n\t\tvariable sock_port : integer;" +
+ "\n\t\ttype string_ptr is access string;" +
+ "\n\t\tvariable sock_ip : string_ptr;" +
+ "\n\t\tbegin\n\t\tsock_port := sock_port_fun;" +
+ "\n\t\tsock_ip := new string'(sock_ip_fun);" +
+ "\n\t\tVhpi_Initialize(sock_port," +
+ "Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String(sock_ip.all));" +
+ "\n\t\twait until clk_s = '1';" +
+ "\n\t\twhile true loop\n\t\t\twait until clk_s = '0';" +
+ "\n\t\t\tVhpi_Listen;\n\t\t\twait for 1 us;\n\t\t\t" +
+ "Vhpi_Send;" +
+ "\n\t\tend loop;\n\t\twait;\n\tend process;\n\n"
+ )
+ # Adding process block
+ process = []
+ process.append("\tprocess\n")
+ process.append("\t\tvariable count : integer:=0;\n")
+ for item in self.input_port:
+ process.append(
+ "\t\tvariable " + item.split(':')[0] + "_v : VhpiString;\n"
+ )
+ for item in self.output_port:
+ process.append(
+ "\t\tvariable " + item.split(':')[0] + "_v : VhpiString;\n"
+ )
+ process.append("\t\tvariable obj_ref : VhpiString;\n")
+ process.append("\tbegin\n")
+ process.append("\t\twhile true loop\n")
+ process.append("\t\t\twait until clk_s = '0';\n\n")
+ port_vector_count = 0
+ for item in self.input_port:
+ process.append(
+ '\t\t\tobj_ref := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String("' +
+ item.split(':')[0] + '");\n'
+ )
+ process.append(
+ '\t\t\tVhpi_Get_Port_Value(obj_ref,' +
+ item.split(':')[0] + '_v,' + item.split(':')[1] + ');\n'
+ )
+ if self.port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
+ process.append(
+ '\t\t\t' + item.split(':')[0] +
+ ' <= Unpack_String(' + item.split(':')[0] + '_v,' +
+ item.split(':')[1] + ');\n'
+ )
+ else:
+ process.append(
+ '\t\t\t' + item.split(':')[0] +
+ ' <= To_Std_Logic('+item.split(':')[0]+'_v'+');\n'
+ )
+ port_vector_count += 1
+ process.append("\n")
+ process.append('\t\t\twait for 1 us;\n')
+ for item in self.output_port:
+ if self.port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
+ process.append(
+ '\t\t\t' + item.split(':')[0] +
+ '_v := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String' +
+ '(Convert_SLV_To_String(' +
+ item.split(':')[0]+'));\n'
+ )
+ else:
+ process.append(
+ '\t\t\t' + item.split(':')[0] +
+ '_v := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String(To_String(' +
+ item.split(':')[0]+'));\n'
+ )
+ port_vector_count += 1
+ process.append(
+ '\t\t\tobj_ref := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String("' +
+ item.split(':')[0]+'");\n'
+ )
+ process.append(
+ '\t\t\tVhpi_Set_Port_Value(obj_ref,' +
+ item.split(':')[0] + '_v,' + item.split(':')[1] + ');\n'
+ )
+ process.append("\n")
+ process.append(
+ '\t\t\treport "Iteration - "' +
+ "& integer'image(count) severity note;\n"
+ )
+ process.append('\t\t\tcount := count + 1;\n')
+ process.append("\t\tend loop;\n")
+ process.append("\tend process;\n\n")
+ process.append("end architecture;")
+ # Writing all the components to testbench file
+ testbench.write(comment_vhdl)
+ testbench.write(tb_header)
+ testbench.write(tb_entity)
+ testbench.write(arch)
+ for item in components:
+ testbench.write(item)
+ for item in signals:
+ testbench.write(item)
+ testbench.write("\n\n")
+ testbench.write("begin\n\n")
+ for item in map:
+ testbench.write(item)
+ testbench.write("\n\t"+tb_clk)
+ for item in process_Vhpi:
+ testbench.write(item)
+ for item in process:
+ testbench.write(item)
+ testbench.close()
+ def createServerScript(self):
+ # ####### Creating and writing components in ####### #
+ self.digital_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'DIGITAL_MODEL')
+ start_server = open('', 'w')
+ start_server.write("#!/bin/bash\n\n")
+ start_server.write(
+ "###This server run ghdl testebench for infinite time till " +
+ "ngspice send END signal to stop it\n\n"
+ )
+ if == 'nt':
+ pathstr = self.digital_home + "/" + \
+ self.fname.split('.')[0] + "/DUTghdl/"
+ pathstr = pathstr.replace("\\", "/")
+ start_server.write("cd "+pathstr+"\n")
+ else:
+ start_server.write("cd "+self.digital_home +
+ "/" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "/DUTghdl/\n")
+ start_server.write("chmod 775 &&\n")
+ start_server.write("./ $1 $2 &&\n")
+ start_server.write("ghdl -i *.vhdl &&\n")
+ start_server.write("ghdl -a *.vhdl &&\n")
+ start_server.write("ghdl -a "+self.fname+" &&\n")
+ start_server.write(
+ "ghdl -a "+self.fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb.vhdl &&\n"
+ )
+ if == 'nt':
+ start_server.write("ghdl -e -Wl,ghdlserver.o " +
+ "-Wl,libws2_32.a " + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "_tb &&\n")
+ start_server.write("./"+self.fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb.exe")
+ else:
+ start_server.write("ghdl -e -Wl,ghdlserver.o " +
+ self.fname.split('.')[0] + "_tb &&\n")
+ start_server.write("./"+self.fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb")
+ start_server.close()
+ def createSockScript(self):
+ # ########### Creating and writing in ########### #
+ sock_pkg_create = open('', 'w')
+ sock_pkg_create.write("#!/bin/bash\n\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write(
+ "##This file creates sock_pkg.vhdl file and sets the port " +
+ "and ip from parameters passed to it\n\n"
+ )
+ sock_pkg_create.write("echo \"library ieee;\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("package sock_pkg is\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\tfunction sock_port_fun return integer;\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\tfunction sock_ip_fun return string;\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("end;\n\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("package body sock_pkg is\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\tfunction sock_port_fun return integer is\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\tvariable sock_port : integer;\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\tbegin\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\t\tsock_port := $1;\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\t\treturn sock_port;\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\tend function;\n\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\tfunction sock_ip_fun return string is\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\ttype string_ptr is access string;\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\tvariable sock_ip : string_ptr;\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\tbegin\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write('\t\t\t\tsock_ip := new string\'(\\"$2\\");\n')
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\t\treturn sock_ip.all;\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\tend function;\n\n")
+ sock_pkg_create.write("\t\tend package body;\" > sock_pkg.vhdl")
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 06921ad..e873555 100755
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2,15 +2,14 @@
# This file create the gui to install code model in the ngspice.
-#08.June.2020 - Bladen Martin - Added if-else constructs to make code OS independent#
import os
+import sys
import shutil
import subprocess
-import sys
-from configparser import SafeConfigParser
-from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui
+from PyQt4 import QtCore
+from configparser import SafeConfigParser
from Appconfig import Appconfig
from createKicadLibrary import AutoSchematic
from model_generation import ModelGeneration
@@ -141,7 +140,6 @@ class Mainwindow(QtGui.QWidget):
if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok:
print("Overwriting existing model " + self.modelname)
- #08.June.2020 - BM - Delete existing model directory
if == 'nt':
cmd = "rmdir " + self.modelname + "/s /q"
@@ -219,16 +217,18 @@ class Mainwindow(QtGui.QWidget):
"/src/ghdlserver/Utility_Package.vhdl", path + "/DUTghdl/")
shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.home, self.src_home) +
"/src/ghdlserver/Vhpi_Package.vhdl", path + "/DUTghdl/")
- #08.June.2020 - BM - If OS is Windows, copy C library libws2_32.a to DUTghl be linked with server by GHDL
if == 'nt':
shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.home, self.src_home) +
"/src/ghdlserver/libws2_32.a", path + "/DUTghdl/")
for file in self.file_list:
shutil.copy(str(file), path + "/DUTghdl/")
os.chdir(path + "/DUTghdl")
- #08.June.2020 - BM - Run following commands as per OS. Use bash.exe provided by MSYS for Windows
if == 'nt':
- self.msys_bin = self.parser.get('COMPILER', 'MSYS_HOME') #path to msys bin directory where bash is located
+ # path to msys bin directory where bash is located
+ self.msys_bin = self.parser.get('COMPILER', 'MSYS_HOME')"/bash.exe " +
path + "/DUTghdl/", shell=True)"/bash.exe -c " +
@@ -239,11 +239,9 @@ class Mainwindow(QtGui.QWidget):"bash " + path + "/DUTghdl/", shell=True)"chmod a+x", shell=True)"chmod a+x", shell=True)
- # os.remove("ghdlserver.h")
- # os.remove("Utility_Package.vhdl")
- # os.remove("Vhpi_Package.vhdl")
# Slot to redirect stdout and stderr to window console
@@ -259,17 +257,17 @@ class Mainwindow(QtGui.QWidget):
def runMake(self):
print("run Make Called")
self.release_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'RELEASE')
- #08.June.2020 - BM - Changed make location to .../ngspice-nghdl/release/src/xspice/icm
path_icm = os.path.join(self.release_home, "src/xspice/icm")
- print(path_icm)
- #08.June.2020 - BM - Use make.exe provided by MSYS for Windows
if == 'nt':
- self.msys_bin = self.parser.get('COMPILER', 'MSYS_HOME') #path to msys bin directory where make is located
- cmd = self.msys_bin+"\make.exe"
+ # path to msys bin directory where make is located
+ self.msys_bin = self.parser.get('COMPILER', 'MSYS_HOME')
+ cmd = self.msys_bin+"\\make.exe"
cmd = " make"
print("Running Make command in " + path_icm)
path = os.getcwd() # noqa
self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self)
@@ -284,7 +282,7 @@ class Mainwindow(QtGui.QWidget):
if == 'nt':
self.msys_bin = self.parser.get('COMPILER', 'MSYS_HOME')
- cmd = self.msys_bin+"\make.exe install"
+ cmd = self.msys_bin+"\\make.exe install"
cmd = " make install"
print("Running Make Install")