{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static %} {% block content %} <section id="proposal" class="section proposal"> <div class="container"> <center> {% if user and not user.is_anonymous %} <h2>Submit paper</h2> {% else %} <h2>Login</h2> {% endif %} </center> {% if proposal_submit %} <center> <table> <tr> <td> <p>Thank You for your submission. Your proposal has been saved successfully and is under review. You can check the status of submission <a href="">here </a>! </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> {% endif %} {% if registration_complete %} <center> <p>Thank You for your registration. You can now log in by clicking <a href="">here </a>! </p> <br/><br/> </center> {% endif %} {% if user and not user.is_anonymous and not login_required %} <p class="text-justify">We invite papers on Chemical Process Modelling, Simulation and Optimization. Time duration for oral presentation will be 15 minutes. Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings. Award will be given to best paper and best poster.</p> <span> <h2> <u>Important Dates</u> </h2> </span> <ul> <li>Last date for paper submission: <b> 28/09/2018</b></li> <li>Notification of acceptance: <b>22/10/2018</b></li> <li>Last date for final paper submission: <b>02/11/2018</b></li> </ul> <br/> {% if user.is_superuser %} <center> <a href="{% url 'website:view_abstracts' %}" class="btn btn-info">View Proposals</a> <a href="{% url 'website:submitcfp' %}" class ="btn btn-info" role="button"> Submit paper </a> <!-- <a href="{{SITE_URL}}/#registration" class ="btn btn-info" role="button">Book your ticket </a> --> </center> {% else %} <center> <a href="{% url 'website:view_abstracts' %}" class="btn btn-info">View Proposals</a> <a href="{% url 'website:submitcfp' %}" class ="btn btn-info" role="button"> Submit paper </a> <!-- <a href="{{SITE_URL}}/#registration" class ="btn btn-info" role="button">Book your ticket</a> --> </center> {% endif %} {% else %} </div> {% endif %} </section> {% endblock %}