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Call for Papers

We invite papers on Chemical Process Modelling, Simulation and Optimization. Time duration for oral presentation will be 15 minutes. Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings. Award will be given to best paper and best poster.

Paper submission starts on September 15 2018.

General guidelines for paper submission:

  • Papers are invited on chemical process, modelling, simulation, and optimization.
  • Use of open source software such as DWSIM and OpenModelica will be preferred.
  • Authors must submit the manuscript up to 6 pages of length including tables, figures and references in the required 2-column format as described in the template below.
  • Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and presentation.
  • Authors should ensure that their work doesn’t contain plagiarized content and not under copyright elsewhere.
  • Please download the appropriate file for structure of the paper. We encourage use of LaTeX for creating paper.(Click for LaTeX/ Word template)

Suggested Contents of a paper

  • Selection of a topic
  • Importance of a topic
  • Any difficulties while solving with open source software.
  • The methodology followed to overcome these difficulties(any assumptions, data regression, custom modelling, etc.)
  • Validation of the results with published papers/experimentation/commercial simulators like CHEMCAD, Aspen Plus, UniSim etc.
  • Sensitivity studies, adjust, some tricks used for faster calculation etc done to optimize results and reduce simulation time.
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