Tutorial 1: Introduction ============================= [Demonstration time: 6 mins (0.751 ~ 75%) | Total time: 8 mins 41 s] ------------- Slide 1 [00:08 | 00:08] ------------- **Introduction to Django** Slide 2 [00:09 | 00:17] -------------- **Learning Objectives** In this tutorial, we will learn: - What is Django? - How to use a virtual environment - How to install Django Slide 3 [00:11 | 00:28] --------------- **System Requirements** - Ubuntu 16.10 - Python 3.5 or higher version - python3.4-venv (Install using *apt-get install python3.4-venv*) Slide 4 [00:12 | 00:40] --------------- **Pre-requisites** In order to follow this tutorial, you need; - to know Python - to know Object Oriented Programming - If not, see the tutorials on http://spoken-tutorial.org Slide 5 [00:10 | 00:50] ---------------- **What is Django** - Free and open source - Web application framework - Written in Python - Very popular [Image of Django logo] Slide 6 [00:13 | 01:03] ------------------- **Why Django** - easy to start - rapid development - has a lot of pre-built features - supports various database backends - supports multilingual websites - provides a user interface for administrative activities Slide 7 [00:06 | 01:09] -------------- **Where is Django used** - Pinterest - A social image and web resource sharing site - [Add Screenshot] Slide 8 [00:03 | 01:12] -------------- **Where is Django used** - Instagram - A social photo sharing site - [Add Screenshot] Slide 9 [00:03 | 01:15] -------------- **Where is Django used** - Disqus - A commenting system that can be integrated on any web page - [Add Screenshot] Slide 10 [00:12 | 01:27] --------------- **What is a virtual environment** - Create 'isolated' environment - Does not require root access - Install Python packages from PyPI Demonstration [02:00 | 03:27] ---------------- **Working with virtual environments** - Creating a virtual environment in Python 3 - *python3 -m venv myapp_env* - Activate the environment - *source myapp_env/bin/activate* - Shell prompt will be *(myapp_env)user1:~$* - Deactivate the environment - deactivate Demonstration [02:00 | 05:27] --------------- **Install Django** - Let us reactivate the virtual environment - *source myapp_env/bin/activate* - Check if django is installed using; - Command: *python -m django --version* - If not installed then we see "No module named django" - pip install django - Again we check and now we see the django version - We can also update the django version in future - pip install -U django - For more help: - pip --help or pip --help Demonstration [ 02:30 | 07:57] --------------- - Now we will run few commands to see how django works. - We will learn about them in later tutorials. - Type the following command: - django-admin.py startproject demo-project - This creates a project directory with all the necessary files. - cd demo-project - Now run: - python manage.py runserver - This may give migrations warning at the start, we ignore them for now. - We see that the server is running now. - Go to the address shown, mostly will be - So in a web browser we see the django index page. - Go back to the terminal. - We can quit the server with CONTROL-C - You can also delete the virtual environment by deleting it's directory - *rm -rf myapp_env* Slide 11 [00:12 | 08:09] --------------- ** Assignment ** - Create a new virtual environment. - Activate it. - Install other version of django ** Followed by standard concluding slides ** [00:30 | 08:39]