<<<<<<< HEAD
/* hook menu */
function job_portal_menu()
	$items = array();
	$items["jobs"] = array(
		"title" => "FOSSEE Job Portal",
		"page callback" => "job_portal_page",
		"access arguments" => array(
			"access job_portal"
		"type" => MENU_CALLBACK
	$items["jobs/apply"] = array(
		"title" => "FOSSEE Job Portal - Application Form",
		"page callback" => "job_portal_application_page",
		"access arguments" => array(
			"access job_portal"
		"type" => MENU_CALLBACK
	$items["jobs/view-applications"] = array(
		"title" => "FOSSEE Job Portal - View Applications",
		"page callback" => "job_portal_view_application_page",
		"access arguments" => array(
			"manage job_portal"
		"type" => MENU_CALLBACK
	$items["jobs/view-applications-if32ggxV747"] = array(
		"title" => "FOSSEE Job Portal - View Applications",
		"page callback" => "job_portal_view_application_page",
		"access arguments" => array(
			"access job_portal"
		"type" => MENU_CALLBACK
	$items["jobs/downloads_applications"] = array(
		"title" => "Application Download",
		"description" => "Applications Download",
		"page callback" => "job_portal_downloads_applications_page",
		"access arguments" => array(
			"access job_portal"
		"type" => MENU_CALLBACK
	$items["jobs/downloads_all_applications"] = array(
		"title" => "Application Download",
		"description" => "Applications Download",
		"page callback" => "job_portal_downloads_all_applications_page",
		"access arguments" => array(
			"access job_portal"
		"type" => MENU_CALLBACK
	$items["jobs/downloads_all_applications_spreadsheet"] = array(
		"title" => "Application Download",
		"description" => "Applications Data Download",
		"page callback" => "job_portal_downloads_all_applications_spreadsheet_page",
		"access arguments" => array(
			"access job_portal"
		"type" => MENU_CALLBACK
	$items["jobs/downloads_all_applications_doc"] = array(
		"title" => "Application Download",
		"description" => "Applications Data Download",
		"page callback" => "job_portal_downloads_all_applications_document_page",
		"access arguments" => array(
			"access job_portal"
		"type" => MENU_CALLBACK
	$items["jobs/ajax"] = array(
		"title" => "Ajax callbacks",
		"page callback" => "job_portal_ajax",
		"access arguments" => array(
			"access job_portal"
		"type" => MENU_CALLBACK
	return $items;
/* hook permission */
function job_portal_permission()
	return array(
		"access job_portal" => array(
			"title" => t("Access Job Portal"),
			"description" => t("Allows users to view job postings.")
		"manage job_portal" => array(
			"title" => t("Manage Job Portal"),
			"description" => t("Allows users to manage job postings.")
		"manage download_application" => array(
			"title" => t("Manage Download Portal"),
			"description" => t("Allows users to download job applications.")
/* job portal application form */
function job_portal_application_form($form, &$form_state, $position_id = 0)
	$form = array();
	$form["wrapper"] = array(
		"#type" => "fieldset",
		"#title" => t("Application form"),
		"#collapsible" => TRUE
	$form["wrapper"]["position"] = array(
		"#type" => "select",
		"#title" => t("Job Position"),
		"#description" => t("Select the position for which you are applying."),
		"#options" => get_jobs_available("options"),
		"#empty_option" => t("--- Select a position ---"),
		"#default_value" => $position_id,
		'#attributes' => array(
			'disabled' => 'disabled'
		"#required" => TRUE
	$form["wrapper"]["name"] = array(
		"#type" => "textfield",
		"#title" => t("Name"),
		"#description" => t("Please enter your full name."),
		"#required" => TRUE,
		"#attributes" => array(
			'style' => 'text-transform:uppercase'
	$form["wrapper"]["contact"] = array(
		"#type" => "textfield",
		"#title" => t("Contact Number"),
		"#description" => t("Please enter your contact number."),
		"#required" => TRUE
	$form["wrapper"]["email"] = array(
		"#type" => "textfield",
		"#title" => t("Email"),
		"#description" => t("Please enter your e-mail id."),
		"#required" => TRUE
	$form["wrapper"]["resume"] = array(
		"#type" => "file",
		"#title" => t("Resume" . required_star()),
		"#description" => t("Please upload your resume [pdf].")
	$form["wrapper"]["submit"] = array(
		"#type" => "submit",
		"#value" => "Submit Application"
	return $form;
/* job portal application form validate */
function job_portal_application_form_validate($form, &$form_state)
	$file = file_save_upload('resume', array(
		// Validate extensions.
		'file_validate_extensions' => array(
	// If the file passed validation:
	if ($file)
		// Move the file into the Drupal file system.
		if ($file = file_move($file, 'public://'))
			// Save the file for use in the submit handler.
			$form_state['storage']['resume'] = $file;
		} //$file = file_move($file, 'public://')
			form_set_error('resume', t("Failed to write the uploaded file to the site's file folder."));
	} //$file
		form_set_error('resume', t('No file was uploaded.'));
	/* validating email field */
	if (!valid_email_address($form_state["values"]["email"]))
		form_set_error('email', t('Please enter an valid email address.'));
	} //!valid_email_address($form_state["values"]["email"])
/* job portal application form validate */
function job_portal_application_form_submit($form, &$form_state)
	$v = $form_state["values"];
	$resume = $form_state["storage"]["resume"];
	$display = 1;
	$dt = new DateTime();
	$current_date = $dt->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
	$query = "
            INSERT INTO job_portal_applications
            (name, contact, email, resume, position_id, date, display)
            (:name, :contact, :email, :resume, :position_id, :current_date, :display)
	$args = array(
		":name" => $v["name"],
		":contact" => $v["contact"],
		":email" => $v["email"],
		":resume" => $resume->filename,
		":position_id" => $v["position"],
		":current_date" => $current_date,
		":display" => $display
	/* storing the row id in $result */
	$result = db_query($query, $args, array(
		'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID
	/* moving the file to uploads/resumes */
	$base_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path();
	$uploads_dir = $base_path . "uploads/resumes";
	if (!file_exists($uploads_dir . "/{$result}/"))
		mkdir($uploads_dir . "/{$result}/", 0755, TRUE);
	} //!file_exists($uploads_dir . "/{$result}/")
	file_unmanaged_move($resume->uri, $uploads_dir . "/{$result}/{$resume->filename}");
	$emails = db_select("job_portal_positions")->fields("job_portal_positions", array(
	))->condition("id", $v["position"])->execute()->fetchObject();
	$emails = $emails->notify;
	$position = get_jobs_available("options");
	$position = $position[$v["position"]];
	/* preparing to send mail to the recruiters */
	$from = "jobs@fossee.in";
	$to = "jobs@fossee.in";
	$cc = $emails;
	$bcc = "prashantsinalkar@gmail.com";
	$subject = "Job Application - {$position}";
	$message = "
            <p><strong>{$v['name']}</strong> has applied for 
            the post of <strong>{$position}</strong>.</p>
            <table border='1' width='740px'>
            <p><em>Please check the resume attached to this mail.</em></p>
	$file = $uploads_dir . "/{$result}/" . $resume->filename;
	$mail_status = send_mail_attachment($from, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $message, $file);
	if (!$mail_status)
		drupal_set_message("An error occurred while sending mail.", "error");
	} //!$mail_status
		drupal_set_message("We have received your application. Thank you!", "status");
	/* cleaning up temporary storage */
	/* sending notification to the applicant */
	$subject = "Application received for {$position}";
	$message = "
Dear {$v['name']},

We have received your application for the post of {$position}.
We will get back to you shortly.

	send_mail("jobs@fossee.in", $v["email"], $subject, $message);
/* job portal page */
function job_portal_page()
	$output = "";
	$quick_links = "";
	$i = 1;
	$result = get_jobs_available();
	foreach ($result as $row)
		$collapser_header = "#{$i} - {$row->project} - Job Details";
		$collapser_content = "
                <strong>Position</strong>: {$row->position}<br>
                <strong>Specialization</strong>: {$row->specialization}<br>
                <strong>Salary</strong>: {$row->salary}<br>
                <strong>Qualification</strong>: {$row->qualification}
                <strong>Skills</strong>: {$row->skills}
                <strong>Job Responsibilities</strong>: {$row->responsibilities}
                <strong>Location</strong>: {$row->location}<br><br>
		$collapser_content .= "<center>";
		$collapser_content .= l("<i class='icon icon-white icon-briefcase'></i> Apply Now", "jobs/apply/{$row->id}", array(
			"attributes" => array(
				"class" => "btn btn-success btn-large"
			"html" => TRUE
		$collapser_content .= "</center>";
		$output .= collapser($collapser_header, $collapser_content, "", $i);
		$quick_links .= "<a class='badge quick' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='right' title='{$row->project}' href='#fieldset-id-{$i}'>{$i}</a><br>";
	} //$result as $row
	$output .= "<p style='color:#000'></br> If your interest is to work on any other FOSS such as Python, OpenFOAM, Osdag, Sandhi, OpenModelica, eSim, Scilab, SBHS, DWSIM, FOSSEE-Netbook, etc, you may email your resumes to <a href='mailto:jobs@fossee.in'>jobs[at]fossee[dot]in</a></p>The email subject should contain:</p><ul><li>Your name</li><li>Position that you are applying for</li><li>FOSS that you wish to work on</li></ul>
<p style='color:#000'>
<h3 class='page-title'>Semester Internships</h3>

FOSSEE group at IIT Bombay aims to improve the quality of education with the use of open source software tools such as Scilab, Python, eSim, and Sandhi amongst others.
We have semester internships available with the following groups-
<p style='color:#000'>
<li> Scilab Signal Processing & DSP toolbox </li>
<li> Scilab Computer Vision toolbox </li>
<li> Scilab Image Processing toolbox </li>
<li> Scilab Communication Systems toolbox </li>
<li> IoT with RaspberryPi and Arduino </li>
We invite coders/testers from any background to participate and contribute to this project as part of FOSSEE semester internship. To know more about the internship requirements, please read- <a href='https://goo.gl/OuHa2H' target='_blank'>https://goo.gl/OuHa2H</a>. If you have any doubts, please email <a href='mailto:toolbox@scilab.in'>toolbox[at]scilab[dot]in</a>.
	$output = array(
		"quick_links" => array(
			"#prefix" => "<div id='quick-links'>",
			"#markup" => $quick_links,
			"#suffix" => "</div>"
		"job_description" => array(
			"#prefix" => "<div id='job-description'>",
			"#markup" => $output,
			"#suffix" => "</div>"
	return $output;
function job_portal_application_page($position_id = 0)
	$application_form = "";
	$form_job = drupal_get_form("job_portal_application_form", $position_id);
	$job_form = drupal_get_form("job_portal_application_form");
	if ($position_id)
		$application_form = drupal_render($form_job);
	} //$position_id
		$application_form = drupal_render($job);
	$output = array(
		"application_form" => array(
			"#prefix" => "<div id='job-application'>",
			"#markup" => $application_form,
			"#suffix" => "</div>"
	return $output;
function job_portal_view_application_page($position_id = 0)
	$markup = "";
	if (array_key_exists("saved", $_GET))
		drupal_set_message("Selections saved successfully.", "success");
	} //array_key_exists("saved", $_GET)
	if ($position_id)
		$result = db_select("job_portal_applications")->fields("job_portal_applications")->condition("position_id", $position_id)->condition("display", 1)->execute()->fetchAll();
		$headers = array(
		$rows = array();
		$i = 1;
		foreach ($result as $row)
			$item = array(
				l(str_replace('.', '_', str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower("{$row->id}_{$row->name}"))) . '.pdf', "uploads/resumes/{$row->id}/{$row->resume}", array(
					"attributes" => array(
						"target" => "_blank"
			if ($row->selected)
				$check = "<input class='shortlist' type='checkbox' data-aid='{$row->id}' checked>";
			} //$row->selected
				$check = "<input class='shortlist' type='checkbox' data-aid='{$row->id}'>";
			array_push($item, $check);
			array_push($rows, $item);
		} //$result as $row
		$job = db_select("job_portal_positions")->fields("job_portal_positions")->condition("id", $position_id)->condition("display", 1)->execute()->fetchObject();
		$markup .= l("<< Back to the list of open positions", "jobs/view-applications-if32ggxV747");
		$markup .= "<div style='float:right'>";
		$markup .= l("Download all applications", "jobs/downloads_all_applications/{$position_id}");
		$markup .= "<br>";
		$markup .= l("Download selected applications", "jobs/downloads_selected_applications/{$position_id}", array(
			"attributes" => array(
				"id" => "d_app"
		$markup .= "<br>";
		$markup .= l("Download applications data in document", "jobs/downloads_all_applications_doc/{$position_id}", array(
			"attributes" => array(
				"id" => "d_aaps"
		$markup .= "<br>";
		$markup .= l("Download applications data in spreadsheet", "jobs/downloads_all_applications_spreadsheet/{$position_id}", array(
			"attributes" => array(
				"id" => "d_aaps"
		$markup .= "</div>";
		$markup .= "<h5><u>{$job->position} ({$job->specialization}) - List of applications</u></h5>";
		$markup .= bootstrap_table($headers, $rows);
		$markup .= l("Save Selections", "jobs/view-applications-if32ggxV747/", array(
			"query" => array(
				"saved" => "true"
			"attributes" => array(
				"class" => "btn btn-primary"
	} //$position_id
		/* List all the job positions.
		 * Change the condition later based on end date.
		$result = db_select("job_portal_positions")->fields("job_portal_positions")->condition("status", 0, '<>')->condition("display", 1)->execute()->fetchAll();
		$headers = array(
		$rows = array();
		$i = 1;
		foreach ($result as $row)
			$item = array(
				"{$row->position} [ <strong>{$row->project}</strong> ]",
				l("View applications", "jobs/view-applications-if32ggxV747/{$row->id}")
			array_push($rows, $item);
		} //$result as $row
		$markup .= "<h5><u>List of job openings</u></h5>";
		$markup .= bootstrap_table($headers, $rows);
	$output = array(
		"positions_list" => array(
			"#prefix" => "<div id='positions-list'>",
			"#markup" => $markup,
			"#suffix" => "</div>"
	return $output;
/* job portal application download page */
function job_portal_downloads_applications_page($position_id)
	if ($position_id)
		$result = db_select("job_portal_applications")->fields("job_portal_applications")->condition("position_id", $position_id)->condition("selected", 1)->condition("display", 1)->execute()->fetchAll();
		$i = 1;
		$rows = array();
		$dt = new DateTime();
		$current_date = $dt->format("Y-m-d");
		foreach ($result as $row)
			$job = db_select("job_portal_positions")->fields("job_portal_positions")->condition("id", $position_id)->execute()->fetchObject();
			$base_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path();
			$downloads_dir = "uploads/resumes/{$row->id}/{$row->resume}";
			$files = $downloads_dir;
			$zipname = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($job->project . '_' . $job->position . '_' . $current_date . '.zip'));
			$zip = new ZipArchive;
			$zip->open($zipname, ZipArchive::CREATE);
			$zip->addFile($files, str_replace('.', '_', str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower("{$row->id} {$row->name}"))) . ".pdf");
		} //$result as $row
		$base_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path();
		$zipname = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($job->project . '_' . $job->position . '_' . $current_date . '.zip'));
		header('Content-Type: application/zip');
		header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename= "' . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($job->project . '_' . $job->position . '_' . $current_date . '.zip')));
		header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zipname));
	} //$position_id
/* job portal application download all page */
function job_portal_downloads_all_applications_page($position_id)
	if ($position_id)
		$result = db_select("job_portal_applications")->fields("job_portal_applications")->condition("position_id", $position_id)->condition("display", 1)->execute()->fetchAll();
		$i = 1;
		$rows = array();
		$dt = new DateTime();
		$current_date = $dt->format("Y-m-d");
		foreach ($result as $row)
			$job = db_select("job_portal_positions")->fields("job_portal_positions")->condition("id", $position_id)->execute()->fetchObject();
			$base_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path();
			$downloads_dir = "uploads/resumes/{$row->id}/{$row->resume}";
			$files = $downloads_dir;
			$zipname = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($job->project . '_' . $job->position . '_' . $current_date . '.zip'));
			$zip = new ZipArchive;
			$zip->open($zipname, ZipArchive::CREATE);
			$zip->addFile($files, str_replace('.', '_', str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower("{$row->id} {$row->name}"))) . ".pdf");
		} //$result as $row
		$base_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path();
		$zipname = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($job->project . '_' . $job->position . '_' . $current_date . '.zip'));
		header('Content-Type: application/zip');
		header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename= "' . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($job->project . '_' . $job->position . '_' . $current_date . '.zip')));
		header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zipname));
	} //$position_id
// Download application data in spreadsheet //
function job_portal_downloads_all_applications_spreadsheet_page($position_id)
	$dt = new DateTime();
	$current_date = $dt->format("Y-m-d");
	$job = db_select("job_portal_positions")->fields("job_portal_positions")->condition("id", $position_id)->execute()->fetchObject();
	header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
	header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($job->project . '_' . $job->position . '_' . $current_date . ".xls")));
	echo $job->project . "\t" . $job->position . "\t" . ' ' . "\t" . ' ' . "\t" . ' ' . "\n";
	echo 'Sr No' . "\t" . 'Name' . "\t" . 'Phone' . "\t" . 'Email' . "\t" . 'Application Date' . "\n";
	if ($position_id)
		$result = db_select("job_portal_applications")->fields("job_portal_applications")->condition("position_id", $position_id)->condition("display", 1)->execute()->fetchAll();
		$i = 1;
		foreach ($result as $row)
			echo $i . "\t" . ucfirst(strtolower($row->name)) . "\t" . $row->contact . "\t" . $row->email . "\t" . $row->date . "\n";
		} //$result as $row
	} //$position_id
// Download application data in document //
function job_portal_downloads_all_applications_document_page($position_id)
	$dt = new DateTime();
	$current_date = $dt->format("Y-m-d");
	$job = db_select("job_portal_positions")->fields("job_portal_positions")->condition("id", $position_id)->execute()->fetchObject();
	header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-word");
	header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($job->project . '_' . $job->position . '_' . $current_date . ".doc")));
	// echo $job->project . "\t" . $job->position . "\t" . ' ' . "\t" . ' ' . "\t" . ' ' . "\n";
	echo '<table width=650 align="center"><tr><th colspan="5" align="left">Advt date: ' . $job->time . '</span></th></tr><tr><th colspan="5" align ="left">Position: ' . $job->position . '</br>Specialization: ' . $job->position . '<br>Salary: ' . $job->salary . '<br>Qualification: ' . $job->qualification . '<br>Skills: ' . $job->skills . '<br>Job Responsibilities: ' . $job->skills . '<br>Location: ' . $job->location . '</span></th></tr><tr><td>Sr No</td><td>Name</td><td>Phone</td><td>Email</td><td>Application Date</td></tr>';
	//   echo '<tr><td>Sr No</td><td>Name</td><td>Phone</td><td>Email</td><td>Application Date</td></tr>';   
	//echo 'Sr No' . "\t" . 'Name' . "\t" . 'Phone' . "\t" . 'Email'. "\t" . 'Application Date' . "\n";
	if ($position_id)
		$result = db_select("job_portal_applications")->fields("job_portal_applications")->condition("position_id", $position_id)->condition("display", 1)->execute()->fetchAll();
		$i = 1;
		foreach ($result as $row)
			//$app_date = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($row->date));          
			echo '<tr><td>' . $i . '</td><td>' . ucfirst(strtolower($row->name)) . '</td><td>' . $row->contact . '</td><td>' . $row->email . '</td><td>' . $row->date . '</td></tr>';
		} //$result as $row
		echo '</table>';
	} //$position_id
/* job portal ajax fuction */
function job_portal_ajax($item = "", $key = "")
	$data = "";
	if ($item == "shortlist")
		$query = "
                UPDATE job_portal_applications
                SET selected = !selected
                WHERE id = :aid
		$args = array(
			":aid" => $key
		db_query($query, $args);
		$data = "updated";
	} //$item == "shortlist"
	echo $data;
/* job portal init fuction */
function job_portal_init()
	drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path("module", "job_portal") . '/js/main.js', array(
		'group' => JS_THEME,
		'weight' => 20,
		'every_page' => TRUE,
		'cache' => TRUE,
		'scope' => 'header'
	/* drupal_add_js(
	drupal_get_path('module', 'job_portal') . '/js/smooth_scroll.js',
	'group' => JS_THEME,
	'weight' => 20,
	'every_page' => TRUE,
	'cache' => TRUE,
	'scope' => 'header',
/* helper functions */
function collapser($title = "", $content = "", $description = "", $key = "")
	return "
            <fieldset id='fieldset-id-{$key}' class='collapsible'>
                    <a class='fieldset-title' href='#'>
                        <span class='fieldset-legend'>{$title}</span>
                    <span class='summary'></span>
                <div class='fieldset-wrapper'>
                    <div class='fieldset-description'>{$description}</div>
/* job portal required * in red function */
function required_star()
	return "<span class='form-required' title='This field is required.'> *</span>";
/* job portal send mail attachment function */
function send_mail_attachment($from, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $message, $file)
	// $file should include path and filename
	$filename = basename($file);
	$file_size = filesize($file);
	$content = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($file)));
	$uid = md5(uniqid(time()));
	$from = str_replace(array(
	), '', $from); // to prevent email injection
	$header = "From: " . $from . "\r\n" . "Cc: " . $cc . "\r\n" . "Bcc: " . $bcc . "\r\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" . $uid . "\"\r\n\r\n" . "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n" . "--" . $uid . "\r\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n" . $message . "\r\n\r\n" . "--" . $uid . "\r\n" . "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $filename . "\"\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n" . "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $filename . "\"\r\n\r\n" . $content . "\r\n\r\n" . "--" . $uid . "--";
	return mail($to, $subject, "", $header);
/* job portal send get job availabe function */
function get_jobs_available($key = "")
	$result = db_select("job_portal_positions")->fields("job_portal_positions")->condition("status", 1)->orderBy("display_order", "ASC")->execute()->fetchAll();
	if ($key == "options")
		$options = array();
		foreach ($result as $row)
			$options[$row->id] = "{$row->position} ({$row->specialization})";
		} //$result as $row
		return $options;
	} //$key == "options"
		return $result;
/* job portal bootstrap table function */
function bootstrap_table($headers, $rows)
	$thead = "";
	$tbody = "";
	foreach ($headers as $header)
		$thead .= "<th>{$header}</th>";
	} //$headers as $header
	foreach ($rows as $row)
		$tbody .= "<tr>";
		foreach ($row as $data)
			$tbody .= "<td>{$data}</td>";
		} //$row as $data
		$tbody .= "</tr>";
	} //$rows as $row
	$table = "
            <table class='table table-bordered table-hover' style='margin-left:-140px'>
	return $table;
 * Simple wrapper function for drupal_mail() to avoid extraneous code.
function send_mail($from, $to, $subject, $message)
	$my_module = 'job_portal';
	$my_mail_token = microtime();
	$message = array(
		'id' => $my_module . '_' . $my_mail_token,
		'to' => $to,
		'subject' => $subject,
		'body' => array(
		'headers' => array(
			'From' => $from,
			'Sender' => $from,
			'Return-Path' => $from,
			'Bcc' => 'prashantsinalkar@gmail.com'
	$system = drupal_mail_system($my_module, $my_mail_token);
	$message = $system->format($message);
	if ($system->mail($message))
		return TRUE;
	} //$system->mail($message)
		return FALSE;