/* * Copyright 2011-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "volk_machines.h" #include #include #include "volk_rank_archs.h" #include #include #include #include static size_t __alignment = 0; static intptr_t __alignment_mask = 0; struct volk_machine *get_machine(void) { extern struct volk_machine *volk_machines[]; extern unsigned int n_volk_machines; static struct volk_machine *machine = NULL; if(machine != NULL) return machine; else { unsigned int max_score = 0; unsigned int i; for(i=0; icaps & (~volk_get_lvarch()))) { if(volk_machines[i]->caps > max_score) { max_score = volk_machines[i]->caps; machine = volk_machines[i]; } } } printf("Using Volk machine: %s\n", machine->name); __alignment = machine->alignment; __alignment_mask = (intptr_t)(__alignment-1); return machine; } } size_t volk_get_alignment(void) { get_machine(); //ensures alignment is set return __alignment; } bool volk_is_aligned(const void *ptr) { return ((intptr_t)(ptr) & __alignment_mask) == 0; } #define LV_HAVE_GENERIC #define LV_HAVE_DISPATCHER #for $kern in $kernels #if $kern.has_dispatcher #include //pulls in the dispatcher #end if static inline void __$(kern.name)_d($kern.arglist_full) { #if $kern.has_dispatcher $(kern.name)_dispatcher($kern.arglist_names); return; #end if if (volk_is_aligned( #set $num_open_parens = 0 #for $arg_type, $arg_name in $kern.args #if '*' in $arg_type VOLK_OR_PTR($arg_name, #set $num_open_parens += 1 #end if #end for 0$(')'*$num_open_parens) )){ $(kern.name)_a($kern.arglist_names); } else{ $(kern.name)_u($kern.arglist_names); } } static inline void __init_$(kern.name)(void) { const char *name = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_name; const char **impl_names = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impl_names; const int *impl_deps = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impl_deps; const bool *alignment = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impl_alignment; const size_t n_impls = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_n_impls; const size_t index_a = volk_rank_archs(name, impl_names, impl_deps, alignment, n_impls, true/*aligned*/); const size_t index_u = volk_rank_archs(name, impl_names, impl_deps, alignment, n_impls, false/*unaligned*/); $(kern.name)_a = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impls[index_a]; $(kern.name)_u = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impls[index_u]; assert($(kern.name)_a); assert($(kern.name)_u); $(kern.name) = &__$(kern.name)_d; } static inline void __$(kern.name)_a($kern.arglist_full) { __init_$(kern.name)(); $(kern.name)_a($kern.arglist_names); } static inline void __$(kern.name)_u($kern.arglist_full) { __init_$(kern.name)(); $(kern.name)_u($kern.arglist_names); } static inline void __$(kern.name)($kern.arglist_full) { __init_$(kern.name)(); $(kern.name)($kern.arglist_names); } $kern.pname $(kern.name)_a = &__$(kern.name)_a; $kern.pname $(kern.name)_u = &__$(kern.name)_u; $kern.pname $(kern.name) = &__$(kern.name); void $(kern.name)_manual($kern.arglist_full, const char* impl_name) { const int index = volk_get_index( get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impl_names, get_machine()->$(kern.name)_n_impls, impl_name ); get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impls[index]( $kern.arglist_names ); } volk_func_desc_t $(kern.name)_get_func_desc(void) { const char **impl_names = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impl_names; const int *impl_deps = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impl_deps; const bool *alignment = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_impl_alignment; const size_t n_impls = get_machine()->$(kern.name)_n_impls; volk_func_desc_t desc = { impl_names, impl_deps, alignment, n_impls }; return desc; } #end for