#! /usr/bin/env python import sys import os import re import string from xml.dom import minidom from volk_regexp import * from make_cpuid_c import make_cpuid_c from make_cpuid_h import make_cpuid_h from make_set_simd import make_set_simd from make_config_fixed import make_config_fixed from make_typedefs import make_typedefs from make_environment_init_c import make_environment_init_c from make_environment_init_h import make_environment_init_h from make_makefile_am import make_makefile_am from make_machines_h import make_machines_h from make_machines_c import make_machines_c from make_each_machine_c import make_each_machine_c from make_c import make_c from make_h import make_h import copy #set srcdir and gendir srcdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: gendir = sys.argv[1] except: gendir = os.path.dirname(__file__) #ensure directories exist for dir in ( (os.path.join(gendir, 'include', 'volk')), (os.path.join(gendir, 'lib')), (os.path.join(gendir, 'config')) ): if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) outfile_set_simd = open(os.path.join(gendir, "config/lv_set_simd_flags.m4"), "w") outfile_h = open(os.path.join(gendir, "include/volk/volk.h"), "w") outfile_c = open(os.path.join(gendir, "lib/volk.c"), "w") outfile_typedefs = open(os.path.join(gendir, "include/volk/volk_typedefs.h"), "w") outfile_init_h = open(os.path.join(gendir, "lib/volk_init.h"), "w") outfile_cpu_h = open(os.path.join(gendir, "include/volk/volk_cpu.h"), "w") outfile_cpu_c = open(os.path.join(gendir, "lib/volk_cpu.c"), "w") #outfile_config_in = open(os.path.join(gendir, "include/volk/volk_config.h.in"), "w") outfile_config_fixed = open(os.path.join(gendir, "include/volk/volk_config_fixed.h"), "w") outfile_environment_c = open(os.path.join(gendir, "lib/volk_environment_init.c"), "w") outfile_environment_h = open(os.path.join(gendir, "lib/volk_environment_init.h"), "w") outfile_makefile_am = open(os.path.join(gendir, "lib/Makefile.am"), "w") outfile_machines_h = open(os.path.join(gendir, "lib/volk_machines.h"), "w") outfile_machines_c = open(os.path.join(gendir, "lib/volk_machines.c"), "w") infile = open(os.path.join(srcdir, "include/volk/Makefile.am"), "r") mfile = infile.readlines(); datatypes = []; functions = []; for line in mfile: subline = re.search(".*_(a16|u)\.h.*", line); if subline: subsubline = re.search("(?<=volk_).*", subline.group(0)); if subsubline: dtype = remove_after_underscore.sub("", subsubline.group(0)); subdtype = re.search("[0-9]+[A-z]+", dtype); if subdtype: datatypes.append(subdtype.group(0)); datatypes = set(datatypes); for line in mfile: for dt in datatypes: if dt in line: subline = re.search("(volk_" + dt +"_.*(a16|u).*\.h)", line); if subline: subsubline = re.search(".+(?=\.h)", subline.group(0)); functions.append(subsubline.group(0)); archs = []; afile = minidom.parse(os.path.join(srcdir, "gen/archs.xml")) filearchs = afile.getElementsByTagName("arch"); for filearch in filearchs: archs.append(str(filearch.attributes["name"].value)); for arch in archs: a_var = re.search("^\$", arch); if a_var: archs.remove(arch); archflags_dict = {} for filearch in filearchs: archflags_dict[str(filearch.attributes["name"].value)] = str(filearch.getElementsByTagName("flag")[0].firstChild.data) archs_or = "(" for arch in archs: archs_or = archs_or + string.upper(arch) + "|"; archs_or = archs_or[0:len(archs_or)-1]; archs_or = archs_or + ")"; #get machine list and parse to a list of machines, each with a list of archs (none of this DOM crap) machine_str_dict = {} mfile = minidom.parse(os.path.join(srcdir, "gen/machines.xml")) filemachines = mfile.getElementsByTagName("machine") for filemachine in filemachines: machine_str_dict[str(filemachine.attributes["name"].value)] = str(filemachine.getElementsByTagName("archs")[0].firstChild.data).split() #all right now you have a dict of arch lists #next we expand it #this is an expanded list accounting for the OR syntax #TODO: make this work for multiple "|" machines machines = {} already_done = False for machine_name in machine_str_dict: already_done = False marchlist = machine_str_dict[machine_name] for march in marchlist: or_marchs = march.split("|") if len(or_marchs) > 1: marchlist.remove(march) for or_march in or_marchs: tempmarchlist = copy.deepcopy(marchlist) tempmarchlist.append(or_march) machines[machine_name + "_" + or_march] = tempmarchlist already_done = True if not already_done: machines[machine_name] = marchlist #for machine_name in machines: # print machine_name + ": " + str(machines[machine_name]) #ok, now we have all the machines we're going to build. next step is to generate a Makefile.am where they're all laid out and compiled taglist = []; fcountlist = []; arched_arglist = []; retlist = []; my_arglist = []; my_argtypelist = []; for func in functions: tags = []; fcount = []; infile_source = open(os.path.join(srcdir, 'include', 'volk', func + ".h")) begun_name = 0; begun_paren = 0; sourcefile = infile_source.readlines(); infile_source.close(); for line in sourcefile: #FIXME: make it work for multiple #if define()s archline = re.search("^\#if.*?LV_HAVE_" + archs_or + ".*", line); if archline: arch = archline.group(0); archline = re.findall(archs_or + "(?=( |\n|&))", line); if archline: archsublist = []; for tup in archline: archsublist.append(tup[0]); fcount.append(archsublist); testline = re.search("static inline.*?" + func, line); if (not testline): continue tagline = re.search(func + "_.+", line); if tagline: tag = re.search("(?<=" + func + "_)\w+(?= *\()",line); if tag: tag = re.search("\w+", tag.group(0)); if tag: tags.append(tag.group(0)); if begun_name == 0: retline = re.search(".+(?=" + func + ")", line); if retline: ret = retline.group(0); subline = re.search(func + ".*", line); if subline: subsubline = re.search("\(.*?\)", subline.group(0)); if subsubline: args = subsubline.group(0); else: begun_name = 1; subsubline = re.search("\(.*", subline.group(0)); if subsubline: args = subsubline.group(0); begun_paren = 1; else: if begun_paren == 1: subline = re.search(".*?\)", line); if subline: args = args + subline.group(0); begun_name = 0; begun_paren = 0; else: subline = re.search(".*", line); args = args + subline.group(0); else: subline = re.search("\(.*?\)", line); if subline: args = subline.group(0); begun_name = 0; else: subline = re.search("\(.*", line); if subline: args = subline.group(0); begun_paren = 1; replace = re.compile("static "); ret = replace.sub("", ret); replace = re.compile("inline "); ret = replace.sub("", ret); replace = re.compile("\)"); arched_args = replace.sub(", const char* arch) {", args); remove = re.compile('\)|\(|{'); rargs = remove.sub("", args); sargs = rargs.split(','); margs = []; atypes = []; for arg in sargs: temp = arg.split(" "); margs.append(temp[-1]); replace = re.compile(" " + temp[-1]); atypes.append(replace.sub("", arg)); my_args = "" arg_types = "" for arg in range(0, len(margs) - 1): this_arg = leading_space_remove.sub("", margs[arg]); my_args = my_args + this_arg + ", "; this_type = leading_space_remove.sub("", atypes[arg]); arg_types = arg_types + this_type + ", "; this_arg = leading_space_remove.sub("", margs[-1]); my_args = my_args + this_arg; this_type = leading_space_remove.sub("", atypes[-1]); arg_types = arg_types + this_type; my_argtypelist.append(arg_types); if(ret[-1] != ' '): ret = ret + ' '; arched_arglist.append(arched_args); #!!!!!!!!!!! my_arglist.append(my_args) #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! retlist.append(ret); fcountlist.append(fcount); taglist.append(tags); outfile_cpu_h.write(make_cpuid_h(filearchs)); outfile_cpu_h.close(); outfile_cpu_c.write(make_cpuid_c(filearchs)); outfile_cpu_c.close(); outfile_set_simd.write(make_set_simd(filearchs, machines)); outfile_set_simd.close(); outfile_config_fixed.write(make_config_fixed(filearchs)); outfile_config_fixed.close(); outfile_typedefs.write(make_typedefs(functions, retlist, my_argtypelist)); outfile_typedefs.close(); outfile_makefile_am.write(make_makefile_am(filearchs, machines, archflags_dict)) outfile_makefile_am.close() outfile_machines_h.write(make_machines_h(functions, machines, archs)) outfile_machines_h.close() outfile_machines_c.write(make_machines_c(machines)) outfile_machines_c.close() outfile_c.write(make_c(machines, archs, functions, arched_arglist, my_arglist)) outfile_c.close() outfile_h.write(make_h(functions, arched_arglist)) outfile_h.close() for machine in machines: machine_c_filename = os.path.join(gendir, "lib/volk_machine_" + machine + ".c") outfile_machine_c = open(machine_c_filename, "w") outfile_machine_c.write(make_each_machine_c(machine, machines[machine], functions, fcountlist, taglist)) outfile_machine_c.close()