/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "usrp2_basic.h" #include <iostream> #include <complex> #include <getopt.h> #include <string.h> #include "strtod_si.h" #include <signal.h> #include <stdexcept> #include "gri_if_stats.h" #include <gr_realtime.h> typedef std::complex<float> fcomplex; static volatile bool signaled = false; static void sig_handler(int sig) { signaled = true; } static void install_sig_handler(int signum, void (*new_handler)(int)) { struct sigaction new_action; memset (&new_action, 0, sizeof (new_action)); new_action.sa_handler = new_handler; sigemptyset (&new_action.sa_mask); new_action.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction (signum, &new_action, 0) < 0){ perror ("sigaction (install new)"); throw std::runtime_error ("sigaction"); } } /* * Vectorize me! */ void convert_samples_to_complex(size_t nsamples, uint32_t *i_samples, fcomplex *c_samples) { uint32_t *p = i_samples; for (size_t i = 0; i < nsamples; i++){ int16_t si = ((int16_t) (p[i] >> 16)); int16_t sq = ((int16_t) (p[i] & 0xffff)); c_samples[i] = fcomplex((float) si, (float) sq); } } static void usage(const char *progname) { const char *p = strrchr(progname, '/'); // drop leading directory path if (p) p++; if (strncmp(p, "lt-", 3) == 0) // drop lt- libtool prefix p += 3; fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options]\n\n", p); fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -h show this message and exit\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -e ETH_INTERFACE specify ethernet interface [default=eth0]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m MAC_ADDR mac address of USRP2 HH:HH [default=first one found]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -o OUTPUT_FILE set output filename [default=NONE]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f FREQ set frequency to FREQ [default=0]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d DECIM set decimation rate to DECIM [default=32]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -N NSAMPLES total number of samples to receive [default=2.5e6]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -F SAMPLES_PER_FRAME number of samples in each frame [default=371]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -S SCALE fpga scaling factor for I & Q [default=1024]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -M DONT_LOCK|LOCK_TO_SMA|LOCK_TO_MIMO specify MIMO clock source\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -P provide clock to MIMO connector\n"); } struct pkt_info { int d_nsamples; int d_timestamp; unsigned int d_seqno; pkt_info(int nsamples, int timestamp, int seqno) : d_nsamples(nsamples), d_timestamp(timestamp), d_seqno(seqno) {} }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // options and their defaults const char *interface = "eth0"; const char *mac_addr_str = 0; const char *output_filename = 0; double freq = 0; int32_t decim = 32; int32_t nsamples = static_cast<int32_t>(2.5e6); int32_t samples_per_frame = 371; int32_t scale = 1024; int mimo_config = MC_WE_DONT_LOCK; bool provide_clock = false; int ch; double tmp; u2_mac_addr_t mac_addr; setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IOFBF, 64 * 1024); // make stdout fully buffered while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "he:m:o:f:d:N:F:S:M:P")) != EOF){ switch (ch){ case 'e': interface = optarg; break; case 'm': mac_addr_str = optarg; if (!usrp2_basic::parse_mac_addr(optarg, &mac_addr)){ std::cerr << "invalid mac addr: " << optarg << std::endl; usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } break; case 'o': output_filename = optarg; break; case 'f': if (!strtod_si(optarg, &freq)){ std::cerr << "invalid number: " << optarg << std::endl; usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } break; case 'N': if (!strtod_si(optarg, &tmp)){ std::cerr << "invalid number: " << optarg << std::endl; usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } nsamples = static_cast<int32_t>(tmp); break; case 'F': samples_per_frame = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'd': decim = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'S': if (!strtod_si(optarg, &tmp)){ std::cerr << "invalid number: " << optarg << std::endl; usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } scale = static_cast<int32_t>(tmp); break; case 'M': if (strcmp(optarg, "DONT_LOCK") == 0) mimo_config = MC_WE_DONT_LOCK; else if (strcmp(optarg, "LOCK_TO_SMA") == 0) mimo_config = MC_WE_LOCK_TO_SMA; else if (strcmp(optarg, "LOCK_TO_MIMO") == 0) mimo_config = MC_WE_LOCK_TO_MIMO; else { usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } break; case 'P': provide_clock = true; break; case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } } if (argc - optind != 0){ usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } FILE *of = 0; if (output_filename) of = fopen(output_filename, "wb"); usrp2_basic *u2 = new usrp2_basic(); if (!u2->open(interface)){ std::cerr << "couldn't open " << interface << std::endl; return 0; } install_sig_handler(SIGINT, sig_handler); if (1){ install_sig_handler(SIGALRM, sig_handler); alarm(5); } std::vector<op_id_reply_t> r = u2->find_usrps(); for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); i++){ std::cout << r[i] << std::endl; } if (r.size() == 0){ std::cerr << "No USRP2 found.\n"; return 1; } u2_mac_addr_t which = r[0].addr; // pick the first one gr_rt_status_t rt = gr_enable_realtime_scheduling(); if (rt != RT_OK) std::cerr << "failed to enable realtime scheduling\n"; if (provide_clock) mimo_config |= MC_PROVIDE_CLK_TO_MIMO; u2->config_mimo(which, mimo_confg); gri_if_stats start, stop; gri_get_if_stats(interface, &start); if (!u2->start_rx(which, freq, decim, nsamples, samples_per_frame, scale, scale)){ std::cerr << "start_rx failed\n"; return 1; } std::vector<pkt_info> history; history.reserve(64*1024); // preallocate 64K entries long total_samples_recvd = 0; while (!signaled && total_samples_recvd < nsamples){ u2_eth_samples_t pkt; // fcomplex c_samples[U2_MAX_SAMPLES]; // read samples int n = u2->read_samples(which, &pkt); if (n <= 0) break; total_samples_recvd += n; history.push_back(pkt_info(n, u2p_timestamp(&pkt.hdrs.fixed), pkt.hdrs.thdr.seqno)); // convert_samples_to_complex(n, pkt.samples, c_samples); // size_t r = fwrite(c_samples, sizeof(fcomplex), n, of); if (of){ fwrite(pkt.samples, sizeof(uint32_t), n, of); fflush(of); } } gri_get_if_stats(interface, &stop); if (!u2->stop_rx(which)){ std::cerr << "stop_rx failed\n"; return 1; } long expected_rx_packets = (nsamples + samples_per_frame - 1)/samples_per_frame; long expected_rx_bytes = expected_rx_packets * sizeof(u2_eth_packet_t) + nsamples * 4; long total_pkts_recvd = 0; total_samples_recvd = 0; int nbad_seqno = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < history.size(); i++){ total_pkts_recvd++; total_samples_recvd += history[i].d_nsamples; bool bad_seqno = history[i].d_seqno != (i & 0xff); if (bad_seqno) nbad_seqno++; printf("%3d %8d %8ld %8ld %3d %s\n", history[i].d_nsamples, history[i].d_timestamp, total_pkts_recvd, total_samples_recvd, history[i].d_seqno, bad_seqno ? "BAD SEQNO" : "" ); } if (nbad_seqno == 0) printf("\nAll sequence numbers are correct\n"); else printf("\n%d sequence numbers were INCORRECT\n", nbad_seqno); printf("\nUser space statistics:\n"); printf(" rx_samples: %8ld", total_samples_recvd); printf(" expected %8d %s\n", nsamples, nsamples - total_samples_recvd == 0 ? "OK" : "NOT OK"); printf(" rx_packets: %8ld", total_pkts_recvd); printf(" expected %8ld %s\n", expected_rx_packets, expected_rx_packets - total_pkts_recvd == 0 ? "OK" : "NOT OK"); fflush(stdout); printf("\nKernel interface statistics:\n"); long long delta; delta = stop.rx_bytes - start.rx_bytes; printf(" rx_bytes: %8Ld", delta); printf(" expected %8ld %s\n", expected_rx_bytes, expected_rx_bytes - delta == 0 ? "OK" : "NOT OK"); delta = stop.rx_packets - start.rx_packets; printf(" rx_packets: %8Ld", delta); printf(" expected %8ld %s\n", expected_rx_packets, expected_rx_packets - delta == 0 ? "OK" : "NOT OK"); printf(" rx_errs: %8Ld\n", stop.rx_errs - start.rx_errs); printf(" rx_drop: %8Ld\n", stop.rx_drop - start.rx_drop); printf(" tx_bytes: %8Ld\n", stop.tx_bytes - start.tx_bytes); printf(" tx_packets: %8Ld\n", stop.tx_packets - start.tx_packets); printf(" tx_errs: %8Ld\n", stop.tx_errs - start.tx_errs); printf(" tx_drop: %8Ld\n", stop.tx_drop - start.tx_drop); return 0; }