`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// tb_top.v //// //// //// //// This file is part of the Ethernet IP core project //// //// http://www.opencores.org/projects.cgi/web/ethernet_tri_mode///// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - Jon Gao (gaojon@yahoo.com) //// //// //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2001 Authors //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CVS Revision History // // $Log: tb_top.v,v $ // Revision 1.3 2006/01/19 14:07:51 maverickist // verification is complete. // // Revision 1.2 2005/12/16 06:44:13 Administrator // replaced tab with space. // passed 9.6k length frame test. // // Revision 2005/12/13 01:51:44 Administrator // no message // module tb_top; //-------------------- Instantiate Xilinx glbl module ---------------------- // - this is needed to get ModelSim to work because e.g. I/O buffer models // refer directly to glbl.GTS and similar signals wire GSR; wire GTS; xlnx_glbl glbl( .GSR( GSR ), .GTS( GTS ) ); reg VLOG_ExitSignal = 0; reg Done = 0; reg Error = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // System signals wire Reset; reg Clk_125M; reg Clk_user; reg RST_I; reg CLK_I; reg STB_I; reg CYC_I; reg [6:0] ADR_I; reg WE_I; reg [15:0] DAT_I; wire [15:0] DAT_O; wire ACK_O; // User interface (Rx) wire Rx_mac_ra; reg Rx_mac_rd = 0; wire [31:0] Rx_mac_data; wire [1:0] Rx_mac_BE; wire Rx_mac_pa; wire Rx_mac_sop; wire Rx_mac_err; wire Rx_mac_eop; // User interface (Tx) wire Tx_mac_wa; reg Tx_mac_wr = 0; reg [31:0] Tx_mac_data = 32'bx; reg [1:0] Tx_mac_BE = 2'bx; reg Tx_mac_sop = 1'bx; reg Tx_mac_eop = 1'bx; // PHY interface (GMII/MII) wire Gtx_clk; wire Rx_clk; wire Tx_clk; wire Tx_er; wire Tx_en; wire [7:0] Txd; wire Rx_er; wire Rx_dv; wire [7:0] Rxd; wire Crs; wire Col; // PHY int host interface wire Line_loop_en; wire [2:0] Speed; // MDIO interface wire Mdio; // MII Management Data In wire Mdc; // MII Management Data Clock //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generate generic reset signal from Wishbone specific one assign Reset = RST_I; MAC_top U_MAC_top( // System signals .Clk_125M ( Clk_125M ), .Clk_user ( Clk_user ), .Speed ( Speed ), // Wishbone compliant core host interface .RST_I ( RST_I ), .CLK_I ( CLK_I ), .STB_I ( STB_I ), .CYC_I ( CYC_I ), .ADR_I ( ADR_I ), .WE_I ( WE_I ), .DAT_I ( DAT_I ), .DAT_O ( DAT_O ), .ACK_O ( ACK_O ), // User (packet) interface .Rx_mac_ra ( Rx_mac_ra ), .Rx_mac_rd ( Rx_mac_rd ), .Rx_mac_data( Rx_mac_data ), .Rx_mac_BE ( Rx_mac_BE ), .Rx_mac_pa ( Rx_mac_pa ), .Rx_mac_sop ( Rx_mac_sop ), .Rx_mac_err ( Rx_mac_err ), .Rx_mac_eop ( Rx_mac_eop ), .Tx_mac_wa ( Tx_mac_wa ), .Tx_mac_wr ( Tx_mac_wr ), .Tx_mac_data( Tx_mac_data ), .Tx_mac_BE ( Tx_mac_BE ), .Tx_mac_sop ( Tx_mac_sop ), .Tx_mac_eop ( Tx_mac_eop ), // PHY interface (GMII/MII) .Gtx_clk ( Gtx_clk ), .Rx_clk ( Rx_clk ), .Tx_clk ( Tx_clk ), .Tx_er ( Tx_er ), .Tx_en ( Tx_en ), .Txd ( Txd ), .Rx_er ( Rx_er ), .Rx_dv ( Rx_dv ), .Rxd ( Rxd ), .Crs ( Crs ), .Col ( Col ), // MDIO interface (to PHY) .Mdio ( Mdio ), .Mdc ( Mdc ) ); reg [15:0] InjectError; reg InjectErrorDone; reg [15:0] TxError; wire Tx_er_Modified; wire Tx_en_Modified; wire [7:0] Txd_Modified; Phy_sim U_Phy_sim( .Gtx_clk( Gtx_clk ), .Rx_clk ( Rx_clk ), .Tx_clk ( Tx_clk ), .Tx_er ( Tx_er_Modified ), .Tx_en ( Tx_en_Modified ), .Txd ( Txd_Modified ), .Rx_er ( Rx_er ), .Rx_dv ( Rx_dv ), .Rxd ( Rxd ), .Crs ( Crs ), .Col ( Col ), .Speed ( Speed ), .Done ( Done ) ); integer TxTrackPreAmble; always @( posedge Reset or posedge Tx_clk ) if ( Reset ) TxTrackPreAmble <= 0; else if ( ~Tx_en ) TxTrackPreAmble <= 0; else TxTrackPreAmble <= TxTrackPreAmble + 1; // Asserted after the Destination MAC address in the packet wire TxInPayload = Tx_en & (TxTrackPreAmble > (7+6)); assign Tx_er_Modified = Tx_er ^ ( TxError[9] & TxInPayload ); assign Tx_en_Modified = Tx_en ^ ( TxError[8] & TxInPayload ); assign Txd_Modified = Txd ^ ( TxError[7:0] & {8{TxInPayload}} ); always @( posedge Reset or posedge Tx_clk ) if ( Reset ) begin InjectError <= 0; InjectErrorDone <= 0; TxError <= 'b0; end else if ( InjectError ) begin TxError <= InjectError; InjectError <= 0; InjectErrorDone <= TxInPayload; end else if ( TxInPayload || InjectErrorDone ) begin TxError <= 8'h00; InjectErrorDone <= 0; end //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Track pause on Tx interface reg TxEnSeenOnce; integer TxTrackPause; always @( posedge Reset or posedge Tx_clk ) if ( Reset ) begin TxEnSeenOnce <= 0; TxTrackPause <= 0; end else if ( Tx_en ) begin if ( TxEnSeenOnce && (TxTrackPause >= 64) ) // 512 bits $display( "IDLE period on Tx interface ended after %0d Tx clocks (%0d bits, tick ~ %0d)", TxTrackPause, (Speed == 4) ? TxTrackPause*8 : TxTrackPause*4, (Speed == 4) ? TxTrackPause*8/512 : TxTrackPause*4/512 ); TxEnSeenOnce <= 1; TxTrackPause <= 0; end else TxTrackPause <= TxTrackPause + 1; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Host access routines (register read & write) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- task HostInit; begin RST_I <= 1; STB_I <= 0; CYC_I <= 0; ADR_I <= 'b0; WE_I <= 0; DAT_I <= 'b0; #100 RST_I <= 0; // Wait a couple of clock edges before continuing to allow // internal logic to get out of reset repeat( 2 ) @( posedge CLK_I ); end endtask task HostWriteReg; input [6:0] Addr; input [15:0] Data; begin @( posedge CLK_I ); ADR_I <= Addr; DAT_I <= Data; WE_I <= 1; STB_I <= 1; CYC_I <= 1; @( posedge CLK_I ); while ( ~ACK_O ) @( posedge CLK_I ); STB_I <= 0; CYC_I <= 0; end endtask task HostReadReg; input [6:0] Addr; output [15:0] Data; begin @( posedge CLK_I ); ADR_I <= Addr; WE_I <= 0; STB_I <= 1; CYC_I <= 1; @( posedge CLK_I ); while ( ~ACK_O ) @( posedge CLK_I ); Data = DAT_O; STB_I <= 0; CYC_I <= 0; end endtask //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // User interface access routines (packet Tx and Rx) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- `define FIFOSIZE 10000 integer FIFO_WrPtr = 0; integer FIFO_RdPtr = 0; integer FIFO_ElementCount = 0; reg [35:0] FIFO_Data[0:`FIFOSIZE]; function FIFO_Empty; input Dummy; begin if ( FIFO_ElementCount > 0 ) FIFO_Empty = 0; else FIFO_Empty = 1; end endfunction function FIFO_Full; input Dummy; begin if ( FIFO_ElementCount < `FIFOSIZE ) FIFO_Full = 0; else FIFO_Full = 1; end endfunction task FIFO_Wr; input [35:0] Data; begin if ( !FIFO_Full(0) ) begin FIFO_Data[ FIFO_WrPtr ] = Data; FIFO_WrPtr = (FIFO_WrPtr + 1) % `FIFOSIZE; FIFO_ElementCount = FIFO_ElementCount + 1; end else begin $display( "ERROR: FIFO_Wr() - FIFO overflow!" ); Error = 1; $finish; end end endtask task FIFO_Rd; output [35:0] Data; begin if ( !FIFO_Empty(0) ) begin Data = FIFO_Data[ FIFO_RdPtr ]; FIFO_RdPtr = (FIFO_RdPtr + 1) % `FIFOSIZE; FIFO_ElementCount = FIFO_ElementCount - 1; end else begin $display( "ERROR: FIFO_Rd() - Reading from empty FIFO!" ); Error = 1; $finish; end end endtask //------------------------------------------------------------------------- `define TXDATALEN 8000 reg [7:0] TxData[0:`TXDATALEN-1]; reg [7:0] TxAltData[0:`TXDATALEN-1]; // By default change payload after Ethernet Header reg [15:0] TxHeaderLength = 14; real TxStartTime; integer TxPacketCount = 0; integer TxByteCount; task SendPacket; input [15:0] Length; // 0: Don't write to FIFO, 1: Write to FIFO, 2: Write Alternate to FIFO, 3: Write IGNORE to FIFO input [1:0] Wr2FIFO; reg [15:0] Counter; integer TxIndex; integer i; reg [31:0] Tx_fifo_data; begin @( posedge Clk_user ); #1; TxPacketCount = TxPacketCount + 1; TxByteCount = TxByteCount + Length; Counter=Length; TxIndex = 0; Tx_mac_sop = 1; // First time if ( TxStartTime == 0 ) TxStartTime = $realtime; while ( Counter>0 ) begin while ( !Tx_mac_wa ) begin Tx_mac_wr = 0; @( posedge Clk_user ); #1; end Tx_mac_data[31:24] = TxData[ TxIndex ]; Tx_mac_data[23:16] = TxData[ TxIndex+1 ]; Tx_mac_data[15:8] = TxData[ TxIndex+2 ]; Tx_mac_data[ 7:0] = TxData[ TxIndex+3 ]; // Default take data from regular tx buffer Tx_fifo_data = Tx_mac_data; if ( Wr2FIFO==2 ) begin // Put content of Alternate Tx buffer on Rx expectancy queue if ( (TxIndex+0)<TxHeaderLength ) Tx_fifo_data[31:24] = TxAltData[ TxIndex ]; if ( (TxIndex+1)<TxHeaderLength ) Tx_fifo_data[23:16] = TxAltData[ TxIndex+1 ]; if ( (TxIndex+2)<TxHeaderLength ) Tx_fifo_data[15:8] = TxAltData[ TxIndex+2 ]; if ( (TxIndex+3)<TxHeaderLength ) Tx_fifo_data[ 7:0] = TxAltData[ TxIndex+3 ]; end for ( i=0; i<4; i=i+1 ) begin if ( TxIndex >= TxHeaderLength ) TxData[ TxIndex ] = TxData[ TxIndex ] + 1; TxIndex = TxIndex+1; end if ( Counter<=4 ) begin // Indicate how many bytes are valid if ( Counter==4 ) Tx_mac_BE = 2'b00; else Tx_mac_BE = Counter; Tx_mac_eop = 1; end else begin Tx_mac_BE = 2'b00; Tx_mac_eop = 0; end casez ( Wr2FIFO ) 1, 2: FIFO_Wr( { Tx_mac_sop, Tx_mac_eop, Tx_mac_BE, Tx_fifo_data } ); 3: // Ignore begin FIFO_Wr( { 2'b11, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); Wr2FIFO = 0; end endcase Tx_mac_wr = 1; if ( Counter >= 4 ) Counter = Counter - 4; else Counter = 0; @( posedge Clk_user ); #1; Tx_mac_sop = 0; end Tx_mac_sop = 1'bx; Tx_mac_eop = 1'bx; Tx_mac_wr = 0; Tx_mac_data = 32'bx; Tx_mac_BE = 2'bx; end endtask //------------------------------------------------------------------------- reg Negate_Rx_mac_rd; always @( posedge Clk_user or posedge Reset ) if ( Reset ) Rx_mac_rd <= 0; else if ( Rx_mac_ra & ~Negate_Rx_mac_rd ) Rx_mac_rd <= 1; else Rx_mac_rd <= 0; real RxStartTime; integer RxPacketCount; integer RxByteCount; reg InPacket; integer RxPacketLength; reg IgnoreUntilNextERR; always @( posedge Clk_user or posedge Reset ) if ( Reset ) begin InPacket = 0; RxPacketCount = 0; Negate_Rx_mac_rd <= 0; IgnoreUntilNextERR = 0; end else begin Negate_Rx_mac_rd <= 0; if ( Rx_mac_pa ) begin : RxWord reg [35:0] RxData; reg [35:0] Expected; reg [35:0] Mask; RxData = { Rx_mac_sop, Rx_mac_eop, Rx_mac_BE, Rx_mac_data }; casez ( Rx_mac_BE ) 2'b01: Mask = 36'hfff000000; 2'b10: Mask = 36'hfffff0000; 2'b11: Mask = 36'hfffffff00; default: Mask = 36'hfffffffff; endcase // Retrieve expected packet data if ( !IgnoreUntilNextERR ) begin FIFO_Rd( Expected ); if ( Expected[35] & Expected[34] ) begin // Both SOP & EOP are asserted in expectancy data // - this means that we should ignore all data received until next EOP $display( "The payload of this packet will be IGNORED - and an ERROR must be signalled!" ); IgnoreUntilNextERR = 1; end end if ( IgnoreUntilNextERR ) Mask = 36'h000000000; //$display( "DEBUG: RxData=0x%0x, Expected=0x%0x", RxData, Expected ); if ( (RxData & Mask) !== (Expected & Mask) ) begin $display( "ERROR: Receiving unexpected packet data: Got 0x%0x, expected 0x%0x (Mask=0x%0x)", RxData, Expected, Mask ); Error = 1; end if ( InPacket ) begin if ( Rx_mac_eop ) begin // Ensure Rx_mac_rd is negated for one clock Negate_Rx_mac_rd <= 1; if ( Rx_mac_BE==2'b00 ) RxPacketLength = RxPacketLength + 4; else RxPacketLength = RxPacketLength + Rx_mac_BE; $display( "Rx packet #%0d of length %0d ends", RxPacketCount, RxPacketLength ); RxPacketCount = RxPacketCount + 1; RxByteCount = RxByteCount + RxPacketLength; InPacket = 0; end else RxPacketLength = RxPacketLength + 4; end else begin if ( Rx_mac_sop ) begin RxPacketLength = 4; $display( "Rx packet #%0d begins: 0x%08x", RxPacketCount, Rx_mac_data ); InPacket = 1; if ( RxStartTime == 0 ) RxStartTime = $realtime; end else begin $display( "ERROR: Unexpectedly reading from Rx FIFO while not receiving a packet!" ); Error = 1; end end if ( Rx_mac_err ) begin if ( !Rx_mac_eop ) begin $display( "ERROR: Rx_mac_err was asserted without Rx_mac_eop also being asserted!" ); Error = 1; end if ( IgnoreUntilNextERR ) $display( "Info: Rx_mac_err was asserted as expected!" ); else begin $display( "ERROR: Rx_mac_err was unexpectedly asserted!" ); Error = 1; end IgnoreUntilNextERR = 0; end end end //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Script handling //------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer PC; task ScriptWriteReg; input [15:0] Addr; input [15:0] Data; begin $display( "WriteReg( 0x%04x, 0x%04x )", Addr, Data ); HostWriteReg( Addr, Data ); end endtask task ScriptReadReg; input [15:0] Addr; reg [15:0] Data; begin $write( "ReadReg( 0x%04x ): ", Addr ); HostReadReg( Addr, Data ); $display( "0x%04x", Data ); end endtask task ScriptReadRegAndMatch; input [15:0] Addr; input [15:0] Data; input [15:0] Mask; reg [15:0] Read; begin $write( "ReadRegAndMatch( 0x%04x, 0x%04x, 0x%04x ): ", Addr, Data, Mask ); HostReadReg( Addr, Read ); $display( "0x%04x, masked=0x%04x", Read, Read & Mask ); if ( Data !== (Read & Mask) ) begin $display( "Error: Unexpected data read" ); Error = 1; end end endtask integer RxExpectPacketCount = 0; task ScriptSendPacket; input [15:0] Length; // 0: Don't receive, 1: Receive & match, 2: Receive & match alternate, 3: Receive & ignore input [1:0] ExpectToRx; begin $display( "ScriptSendPacket( 0x%04x, %0d )", Length, ExpectToRx ); SendPacket( Length, ExpectToRx ); if ( ExpectToRx != 0 ) RxExpectPacketCount = RxExpectPacketCount + 1; end endtask `define SCRIPTLEN 10000 integer i; reg [7:0] Script[0:`SCRIPTLEN-1]; function [15:0] Get16bit; input Dummy; reg [15:0] Data; begin Data[15:8] = Script[PC]; Data[7:0] = Script[PC+1]; PC = PC+2; Get16bit = Data; end endfunction task ExecuteScript; reg [7:0] OpCode; reg [15:0] Addr; reg [15:0] Data; reg [15:0] Length; reg [15:0] Count; reg [15:0] Mask; reg ScriptDone; begin ScriptDone = 0; Error = 0; PC = 0; while ( !ScriptDone ) begin OpCode = Script[PC]; //$write( "PC=%0d, OpCode=%02x: ", PC, OpCode ); PC = PC+1; casez ( OpCode ) 8'h00: // NOP begin // $display( "NOP" ); #10; end 8'h01: // Write begin Addr = Get16bit(i); Data = Get16bit(i); ScriptWriteReg( Addr, Data ); end 8'h02: // Read begin Addr = Get16bit(i); ScriptReadReg( Addr ); end 8'h03: // Read & match begin Addr = Get16bit(i); Data = Get16bit(i); Mask = Get16bit(i); ScriptReadRegAndMatch( Addr, Data, Mask ); end 8'h0f: // Delay begin Count = Get16bit(i); $display( "Delay %0d", Count ); while ( Count > 0 ) begin #10; Count = Count - 1; end end 8'h10: // Setup Tx Data begin Addr = Get16bit(i); Length = Get16bit(i); $write( "TxData( 0x%04x ), length=%0d: ", Addr, Length ); while ( Length != 0 ) begin TxData[Addr] = Script[PC]; $write( " 0x%02x", Script[PC] ); PC = PC + 1; Addr = Addr + 1; Length = Length - 1; end $display( "" ); end 8'h11: // Setup Alternative Tx Data begin Addr = Get16bit(i); Length = Get16bit(i); $write( "TxAltData( 0x%04x ), length=%0d: ", Addr, Length ); while ( Length != 0 ) begin TxAltData[Addr] = Script[PC]; $write( " 0x%02x", Script[PC] ); PC = PC + 1; Addr = Addr + 1; Length = Length - 1; end $display( "" ); end 8'h20: // Transmit packet - and put it on Rx expectancy queue begin Length = Get16bit(i); // Length in bytes Count = Get16bit(i); // Number of times while ( Count != 0 ) begin ScriptSendPacket( Length, 1 ); Count = Count - 1; end end 8'h21: // Transmit packet - but DON'T put it on Rx expectancy queue begin Length = Get16bit(i); // Length in bytes Count = Get16bit(i); // Number of times while ( Count != 0 ) begin ScriptSendPacket( Length, 0 ); Count = Count - 1; end end 8'h22: // Wait begin : OpCode22 reg NoTimeOut; Count = Get16bit(i); // Timeout in ns if ( Count==0 ) NoTimeOut = 1; else NoTimeOut = 0; $display( "Waiting for # of Rx packets = # of Tx packets..." ); $display( "Timeout = %0d ns - Current # Rx =%0d, Expected=%0d", Count, RxPacketCount, RxExpectPacketCount ); while( (NoTimeOut || (Count != 0)) && ( RxExpectPacketCount != RxPacketCount ) && !Error ) begin #1; if ( !NoTimeOut ) Count = Count - 1; //$display( "NoTimeOut=%0d, Count=%0d", NoTimeOut, Count ); end if ( !Error ) if ( RxExpectPacketCount != RxPacketCount ) begin $display( "ERROR: Timeout waiting for Rx packet(s)!" ); ScriptDone = 1; Error = 1; end else $display( "...Done waiting (time remaining = %0d ns)!", Count ); end 8'h23: // Inject bit error in Tx packet begin InjectError = Get16bit(i); // Get bit error pattern $display( "Injecting a single bit-error in Tx packet: TxEr=%0d, TxEn=%0d, TxD=0x%02h (0x%03h)", InjectError[9], InjectError[8], InjectError[7:0], InjectError ); end 8'h24: // Store internally generated PAUSE frame in Rx expect queue begin Count = Get16bit(i); // Timeout in ns $display( "Generating PAUSE frame (tick=%0d) on Rx expect queue", Count ); RxExpectPacketCount = RxExpectPacketCount + 1; FIFO_Wr( { 1'b1, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h0180c200 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 16'h0001, 16'h0000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h88080001 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, Count, 16'h0000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); FIFO_Wr( { 1'b0, 1'b1, 2'b00, 32'h00000000 } ); end 8'h25: // Transmit packet - and indicate that it must be IGNORED upon reception begin Length = Get16bit(i); // Length in bytes Count = Get16bit(i); // Number of times while ( Count != 0 ) begin ScriptSendPacket( Length, 3 ); Count = Count - 1; end end 8'h26: // Transmit packet - and put it on expectancy queue with Alternate header! begin Length = Get16bit(i); // Length in bytes Count = Get16bit(i); // Number of times while ( Count != 0 ) begin ScriptSendPacket( Length, 2 ); Count = Count - 1; end end 8'hff: // Halt begin $display( "HALT" ); ScriptDone = 1; Done = 1; end default: // Unknown opcode begin $display( "Unknown instruction encountered @ PC=%0d: OpCode=0x%02x", PC-1, OpCode ); Error = 1; end endcase if ( Error ) begin ScriptDone = 1; Done = 1; end end if ( Error ) $display( "ERROR: Test failed!"); else begin : ScriptSuccess real TxTimeElapsed; real RxTimeElapsed; real ReferenceTime; ReferenceTime = $realtime; #1; ReferenceTime = $realtime - ReferenceTime; TxTimeElapsed = $realtime - TxStartTime; RxTimeElapsed = $realtime - RxStartTime; $display( "TxStartTime=%0e, Now=%0e", TxStartTime, $realtime ); $display( "RxStartTime=%0e, Now=%0e", RxStartTime, $realtime ); $display( "Tx stats: %0d packet(s) send, total of %0d bytes in %0e ns ~ %1.2f Mbps", TxPacketCount, TxByteCount, TxTimeElapsed, TxByteCount*8*1e3/TxTimeElapsed ); $display( "Rx stats: %0d packet(s) received, total of %0d bytes in %0e ns ~ %1.2f Mbps", RxPacketCount, RxByteCount, RxTimeElapsed, RxByteCount*8*1e3/RxTimeElapsed ); $display( "Test succeeded!"); end end endtask //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generate all clocks //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GMII master clock (125 MHz) initial begin #10; while ( !Done ) begin #4 Clk_125M = 0; #4 Clk_125M = 1; end end // User (packet) interface clock (100 MHz) initial begin #10; while ( !Done ) begin #5 Clk_user = 0; #5 Clk_user = 1; end end // Wishbone host interface clock (50 MHz) initial begin #10; while ( !Done ) begin #10 CLK_I = 0; #10 CLK_I = 1; end end //------------------------------------------------------------------------- initial begin if ( $test$plusargs( "vcd" ) ) begin $display( "Turning VCD data dump on" ); $dumpfile(); $dumpvars( 0 ); // Dump all signals in entire design end end //------------------------------------------------------------------------- reg [1023:0] ScriptFile; initial begin HostInit; TxStartTime = 0; RxStartTime = 0; TxByteCount = 0; RxByteCount = 0; for ( i=0; i<`TXDATALEN; i=i+1 ) TxData[i] = (i & 8'hff); // Fill script memory with HALTs for ( i=0; i<`SCRIPTLEN; i=i+1 ) Script[i] = 8'hff; if ( !$value$plusargs( "script=%s", ScriptFile ) ) begin $display( "Using default script file" ); ScriptFile = "test.scr"; end $readmemh( ScriptFile, Script ); // for ( i=0; i<40; i=i+1 ) // $display( "Script[%0d]=0x%02x", i, Script[i] ); #10; ExecuteScript; end endmodule