FIFO and Buffer Interface Spec

Buffer Interface Data Wires -- matches fifo36
     Bit 0	SOP
     Bit 1	EOP
	If SOP=1 && EOP=1, OCC contains error flags
     Bits 3:2	OCC[1:0] --> 00 = all 4 bytes
		     01 = 1 byte
		     10 = 2 bytes
		     11 = 3 bytes

fifo36 -->  {OCC[1:0],EOP,SOP,DATA[31:0]}
       OCC same as buffer interface

fifo19 -->  {OCC,EOP,SOP,DATA[15:0]}    
       Doesn't fit well into BRAM, dist RAM ok
       OCC = 1 means last word is half full
	   = 0 means last word is full

fifo18 -->  {EOP,SOP,DATA[15:0]}
       No half-word capability?  Should we drop sop instead?

Control Wires - Data into FIFO
	SRC_RDY_i    Upstream has data for me
	DST_RDY_o    I have space
		     Transfer occurs if SRC_RDI_i && DST_RDY_o
Control Wires - Data out of FIFO
	SRC_RDY_o    I have data for downstream
	DST_RDY_i    Downstream has space
		     Transfer occurs if SRC_RDI_o && DST_RDY_i