USRP Darwin Fast USB Changes
Version 0.2 of 2006-04-27
Michael Dickens <mdickens @at@ nd .dot. edu>

The files included in this archive are:


These files allow GNURadio code for Darwin / MaxOS X to talk to the
USRP via USB 2.0 at rates up to around 30 Mega-Bytes/sec (MBps), up
from 4-8 MBps without the changes.

I implemented the buffering myself; there are probably GR buffers
available which would do the work but as this is "beta" software it's
a good place to start.  Speed improvements are made by porting
LIBUSB's non-true async bulk read and write functions into USRP's
"fusb", and upgrading them to handle -true- async transfers.
Unfortunately, the easiest way to do this is to spawn a thread or 2 to
handle the "async" part of the transfers.  This implementation uses
Darwin's pthreads to do the work for mutexes, conditions, and threads.
Previous implementations (0.1 and before) used "omni_threads" as
provided by gnuradio-core, which caused issues with compiling and
execution ... I'm glad that this is no longer the case.

As far as I have tested, there is no way to improve the throughput to
32+ MBps without moving into Darwin's "port"s ... a kernel-level data
transport method with a user/application layer for USB-specific
functions.  Unfortunately, Apple's documentation for these "port"s is
minimal; I have learned more from reading the Darwin source code
< > than by reading Apple's
documents!  This would also require -not- using LIBUSB, of which the
removal from the rest of the USRP code would be potentially tedious.

If you run into issues either compiling or testing the USRP on
OSX, please send me a note.

(1) Go through the bootstrap, configure, compile, and install as
usual (e.g. see < > for my

(2) from .../usrp/host/apps :  run the scripts

For -all- systems I've tested on thus far, both of these return
exactly 41 overruns / underruns, and -most- systems start out with a
stalled pipe.  This stall comes in a usb_control function call to
LIBUSB; one would have to change the LIBUSB code to handle this issue.

(3) from gr-build/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp :

(4) If you get to here, the try doing the FM receiver (gui or not).
If that sounds correct, then the USB is working.  Yay!