/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <vector> #include <pmt.h> #include "pmt_int.h" pmt_base::~pmt_base() { // nop -- out of line virtual destructor } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Exceptions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pmt_exception::pmt_exception(const char *msg, pmt_t obj) : d_msg(msg), d_obj(obj) { } pmt_wrong_type::pmt_wrong_type(const char *msg, pmt_t obj) : pmt_exception(msg, obj) { } pmt_out_of_range::pmt_out_of_range(const char *msg, pmt_t obj) : pmt_exception(msg, obj) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dynamic Casts //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static pmt_symbol * _symbol(pmt_t x) { return dynamic_cast<pmt_symbol*>(x.get()); } static pmt_integer * _integer(pmt_t x) { return dynamic_cast<pmt_integer*>(x.get()); } static pmt_real * _real(pmt_t x) { return dynamic_cast<pmt_real*>(x.get()); } static pmt_complex * _complex(pmt_t x) { return dynamic_cast<pmt_complex*>(x.get()); } static pmt_pair * _pair(pmt_t x) { return dynamic_cast<pmt_pair*>(x.get()); } static pmt_vector * _vector(pmt_t x) { return dynamic_cast<pmt_vector*>(x.get()); } static pmt_uniform_vector * _uniform_vector(pmt_t x) { return dynamic_cast<pmt_uniform_vector*>(x.get()); } static pmt_dict * _dict(pmt_t x) { return dynamic_cast<pmt_dict*>(x.get()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Booleans //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const pmt_t PMT_BOOL_T = pmt_t(new pmt_bool()); // singleton const pmt_t PMT_BOOL_F = pmt_t(new pmt_bool()); // singleton pmt_bool::pmt_bool(){} bool pmt_is_true(pmt_t obj) { return obj != PMT_BOOL_F; } bool pmt_is_false(pmt_t obj) { return obj == PMT_BOOL_F; } bool pmt_is_bool(pmt_t obj) { return obj->is_bool(); } pmt_t pmt_from_bool(bool val) { return val ? PMT_BOOL_T : PMT_BOOL_F; } bool pmt_to_bool(pmt_t val) { if (val == PMT_BOOL_T) return true; if (val == PMT_BOOL_F) return false; throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_to_bool", val); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Symbols //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const unsigned int SYMBOL_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 701; static std::vector<pmt_t> s_symbol_hash_table(SYMBOL_HASH_TABLE_SIZE); pmt_symbol::pmt_symbol(const std::string &name) : d_name(name){} static unsigned int hash_string(const std::string &s) { unsigned int h = 0; unsigned int g = 0; for (std::string::const_iterator p = s.begin(); p != s.end(); p++){ h = (h << 4) + (*p & 0xff); g = h & 0xf0000000; if (g){ h = h ^ (g >> 24); h = h ^ g; } } return h; } bool pmt_is_symbol(pmt_t obj) { return obj->is_symbol(); } pmt_t pmt_string_to_symbol(const std::string &name) { unsigned hash = hash_string(name) % SYMBOL_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; // Does a symbol with this name already exist? for (pmt_t sym = s_symbol_hash_table[hash]; sym; sym = _symbol(sym)->next()){ if (name == _symbol(sym)->name()) return sym; // Yes. Return it } // Nope. Make a new one. pmt_t sym = pmt_t(new pmt_symbol(name)); _symbol(sym)->set_next(s_symbol_hash_table[hash]); s_symbol_hash_table[hash] = sym; return sym; } const std::string pmt_symbol_to_string(pmt_t sym) { if (!sym->is_symbol()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_symbol_to_string", sym); return _symbol(sym)->name(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Number //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool pmt_is_number(pmt_t x) { return x->is_number(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Integer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pmt_integer::pmt_integer(long value) : d_value(value) {} bool pmt_is_integer(pmt_t x) { return x->is_integer(); } pmt_t pmt_from_long(long x) { return pmt_t(new pmt_integer(x)); } long pmt_to_long(pmt_t x) { if (x->is_integer()) return _integer(x)->value(); throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_to_long", x); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Real //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pmt_real::pmt_real(double value) : d_value(value) {} bool pmt_is_real(pmt_t x) { return x->is_real(); } pmt_t pmt_from_double(double x) { return pmt_t(new pmt_real(x)); } double pmt_to_double(pmt_t x) { if (x->is_real()) return _real(x)->value(); if (x->is_integer()) return _integer(x)->value(); throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_to_double", x); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Complex //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pmt_complex::pmt_complex(std::complex<double> value) : d_value(value) {} bool pmt_is_complex(pmt_t x) { return x->is_complex(); } pmt_t pmt_make_rectangular(double re, double im) { return pmt_t(new pmt_complex(std::complex<double>(re, im))); } std::complex<double> pmt_to_complex(pmt_t x) { if (x->is_complex()) return _complex(x)->value(); if (x->is_real()) return _real(x)->value(); if (x->is_integer()) return _integer(x)->value(); throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_to_complex", x); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pairs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const pmt_t PMT_NIL = pmt_t(new pmt_null()); // singleton pmt_null::pmt_null() {} pmt_pair::pmt_pair(pmt_t car, pmt_t cdr) : d_car(car), d_cdr(cdr) {} bool pmt_is_null(pmt_t x) { return x == PMT_NIL; } bool pmt_is_pair(pmt_t obj) { return obj->is_pair(); } pmt_t pmt_cons(pmt_t x, pmt_t y) { return pmt_t(new pmt_pair(x, y)); } pmt_t pmt_car(pmt_t pair) { if (pair->is_pair()) return _pair(pair)->car(); throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_car", pair); } pmt_t pmt_cdr(pmt_t pair) { if (pair->is_pair()) return _pair(pair)->cdr(); throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_cdr", pair); } void pmt_set_car(pmt_t pair, pmt_t obj) { if (pair->is_pair()) _pair(pair)->set_car(obj); else throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_set_car", pair); } void pmt_set_cdr(pmt_t pair, pmt_t obj) { if (pair->is_pair()) _pair(pair)->set_cdr(obj); else throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_set_cdr", pair); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vectors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pmt_vector::pmt_vector(size_t len, pmt_t fill) : d_v(len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) d_v[i] = fill; } pmt_t pmt_vector::ref(size_t k) const { if (k >= length()) throw pmt_out_of_range("pmt_vector_ref", pmt_from_long(k)); return d_v[k]; } void pmt_vector::set(size_t k, pmt_t obj) { if (k >= length()) throw pmt_out_of_range("pmt_vector_set", pmt_from_long(k)); d_v[k] = obj; } void pmt_vector::fill(pmt_t obj) { for (size_t i = 0; i < length(); i++) d_v[i] = obj; } bool pmt_is_vector(pmt_t obj) { return obj->is_vector(); } pmt_t pmt_make_vector(size_t k, pmt_t fill) { return pmt_t(new pmt_vector(k, fill)); } pmt_t pmt_vector_ref(pmt_t vector, size_t k) { if (!vector->is_vector()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_vector_ref", vector); return _vector(vector)->ref(k); } void pmt_vector_set(pmt_t vector, size_t k, pmt_t obj) { if (!vector->is_vector()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_vector_set", vector); _vector(vector)->set(k, obj); } void pmt_vector_fill(pmt_t vector, pmt_t obj) { if (!vector->is_vector()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_vector_set", vector); _vector(vector)->fill(obj); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Uniform Numeric Vectors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool pmt_is_uniform_vector(pmt_t x) { return x->is_uniform_vector(); } const void * pmt_uniform_vector_elements(pmt_t vector, size_t &len) { if (!vector->is_uniform_vector()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_uniform_vector_elements", vector); return _uniform_vector(vector)->uniform_elements(len); } void * pmt_uniform_vector_writeable_elements(pmt_t vector, size_t &len) { if (!vector->is_uniform_vector()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_uniform_vector_writeable_elements", vector); return _uniform_vector(vector)->uniform_writeable_elements(len); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dictionaries //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pmt_dict::pmt_dict() : d_alist(PMT_NIL) { } void pmt_dict::set(pmt_t key, pmt_t value) { pmt_t p = pmt_assv(key, d_alist); // look for (key . value) pair if (pmt_is_pair(p)){ // found existing pair... pmt_set_cdr(p, value); // overrwrite cdr with new value } else { // not in the dict d_alist = pmt_cons(pmt_cons(key, value), d_alist); // add new (key . value) pair } } pmt_t pmt_dict::ref(pmt_t key, pmt_t not_found) const { pmt_t p = pmt_assv(key, d_alist); // look for (key . value) pair if (pmt_is_pair(p)) return pmt_cdr(p); else return not_found; } bool pmt_dict::has_key(pmt_t key) const { return pmt_is_pair(pmt_assv(key, d_alist)); } pmt_t pmt_dict::items() const { return d_alist; } pmt_t pmt_dict::keys() const { return pmt_map(pmt_car, d_alist); } pmt_t pmt_dict::values() const { return pmt_map(pmt_cdr, d_alist); } bool pmt_is_dict(pmt_t obj) { return obj->is_dict(); } pmt_t pmt_make_dict() { return pmt_t(new pmt_dict()); } void pmt_dict_set(pmt_t dict, pmt_t key, pmt_t value) { if (!dict->is_dict()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_dict_set", dict); _dict(dict)->set(key, value); } bool pmt_dict_has_key(pmt_t dict, pmt_t key) { if (!dict->is_dict()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_dict_has_key", dict); return _dict(dict)->has_key(key); } pmt_t pmt_dict_ref(pmt_t dict, pmt_t key, pmt_t not_found) { if (!dict->is_dict()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_dict_ref", dict); return _dict(dict)->ref(key, not_found); } pmt_t pmt_dict_items(pmt_t dict) { if (!dict->is_dict()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_dict_items", dict); return _dict(dict)->items(); } pmt_t pmt_dict_keys(pmt_t dict) { if (!dict->is_dict()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_dict_keys", dict); return _dict(dict)->keys(); } pmt_t pmt_dict_values(pmt_t dict) { if (!dict->is_dict()) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_dict_values", dict); return _dict(dict)->values(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool pmt_eq(pmt_t x, pmt_t y) { return x == y; } bool pmt_eqv(pmt_t x, pmt_t y) { if (x == y) return true; if (x->is_integer() && y->is_integer()) return _integer(x)->value() == _integer(y)->value(); if (x->is_real() && y->is_real()) return _real(x)->value() == _real(y)->value(); if (x->is_complex() && y->is_complex()) return _complex(x)->value() == _complex(y)->value(); return false; } bool pmt_equal(pmt_t x, pmt_t y) { if (pmt_eqv(x, y)) return true; if (x->is_pair() && y->is_pair()) return pmt_equal(pmt_car(x), pmt_car(y)) && pmt_equal(pmt_cdr(x), pmt_cdr(y)); if (x->is_vector() && y->is_vector()){ pmt_vector *xv = _vector(x); pmt_vector *yv = _vector(y); if (xv->length() != yv->length()) return false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < xv->length(); i++) if (!pmt_equal(xv->_ref(i), yv->_ref(i))) return false; return true; } if (x->is_uniform_vector() && y->is_uniform_vector()){ pmt_uniform_vector *xv = _uniform_vector(x); pmt_uniform_vector *yv = _uniform_vector(y); if (xv->length() != yv->length()) return false; size_t len_x, len_y; if (memcmp(xv->uniform_elements(len_x), yv->uniform_elements(len_y), len_x) == 0) return true; return true; } // FIXME add other cases here... return false; } size_t pmt_length(pmt_t x) { if (x->is_vector()) return _vector(x)->length(); if (x->is_uniform_vector()) return _uniform_vector(x)->length(); // FIXME list length // FIXME dictionary length (number of entries) throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_length", x); } pmt_t pmt_assq(pmt_t obj, pmt_t alist) { while (pmt_is_pair(alist)){ pmt_t p = pmt_car(alist); if (!pmt_is_pair(p)) // malformed alist return PMT_BOOL_F; if (pmt_eq(obj, pmt_car(p))) return p; alist = pmt_cdr(alist); } return PMT_BOOL_F; } pmt_t pmt_assv(pmt_t obj, pmt_t alist) { while (pmt_is_pair(alist)){ pmt_t p = pmt_car(alist); if (!pmt_is_pair(p)) // malformed alist return PMT_BOOL_F; if (pmt_eqv(obj, pmt_car(p))) return p; alist = pmt_cdr(alist); } return PMT_BOOL_F; } pmt_t pmt_assoc(pmt_t obj, pmt_t alist) { while (pmt_is_pair(alist)){ pmt_t p = pmt_car(alist); if (!pmt_is_pair(p)) // malformed alist return PMT_BOOL_F; if (pmt_equal(obj, pmt_car(p))) return p; alist = pmt_cdr(alist); } return PMT_BOOL_F; } pmt_t pmt_map(pmt_t proc(pmt_t), pmt_t list) { pmt_t r = PMT_NIL; while(pmt_is_pair(list)){ r = pmt_cons(proc(pmt_car(list)), r); list = pmt_cdr(list); } return pmt_reverse_x(r); } pmt_t pmt_reverse(pmt_t listx) { pmt_t list = listx; pmt_t r = PMT_NIL; while(pmt_is_pair(list)){ r = pmt_cons(pmt_car(list), r); list = pmt_cdr(list); } if (pmt_is_null(list)) return r; else throw pmt_wrong_type("pmt_reverse", listx); } pmt_t pmt_reverse_x(pmt_t list) { // FIXME do it destructively return pmt_reverse(list); }