// Package : omnithread // omnithread/solaris.cc Created : 7/94 tjr // // Copyright (C) 1994-1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge // // This file is part of the omnithread library // // The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA // 02110-1301, USA // // // Implementation of OMNI thread abstraction for solaris threads. // #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <omnithread.h> #define DB(x) // x // #include <iostream> or #include <iostream.h> if DB is on. #define THROW_ERRORS(x) { int rc = (x); \ if (rc != 0) throw omni_thread_fatal(rc); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Mutex // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// omni_mutex::omni_mutex(void) { THROW_ERRORS(mutex_init(&sol_mutex, USYNC_THREAD, 0)); } omni_mutex::~omni_mutex(void) { THROW_ERRORS(mutex_destroy(&sol_mutex)); } void omni_mutex::lock(void) { THROW_ERRORS(mutex_lock(&sol_mutex)); } void omni_mutex::unlock(void) { THROW_ERRORS(mutex_unlock(&sol_mutex)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Condition variable // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// omni_condition::omni_condition(omni_mutex* m) : mutex(m) { THROW_ERRORS(cond_init(&sol_cond, USYNC_THREAD, 0)); } omni_condition::~omni_condition(void) { THROW_ERRORS(cond_destroy(&sol_cond)); } void omni_condition::wait(void) { THROW_ERRORS(cond_wait(&sol_cond, &mutex->sol_mutex)); } int omni_condition::timedwait(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs) { timespec rqts = { secs, nanosecs }; again: int rc = cond_timedwait(&sol_cond, &mutex->sol_mutex, &rqts); if (rc == 0) return 1; if (rc == EINTR) goto again; if (rc == ETIME) return 0; throw omni_thread_fatal(rc); } void omni_condition::signal(void) { THROW_ERRORS(cond_signal(&sol_cond)); } void omni_condition::broadcast(void) { THROW_ERRORS(cond_broadcast(&sol_cond)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Counting semaphore // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore(unsigned int initial) { THROW_ERRORS(sema_init(&sol_sem, initial, USYNC_THREAD, NULL)); } omni_semaphore::~omni_semaphore(void) { THROW_ERRORS(sema_destroy(&sol_sem)); } void omni_semaphore::wait(void) { THROW_ERRORS(sema_wait(&sol_sem)); } void omni_semaphore::post(void) { THROW_ERRORS(sema_post(&sol_sem)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Thread // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Static variables // int omni_thread::init_t::count = 0; omni_mutex* omni_thread::next_id_mutex; int omni_thread::next_id = 0; static thread_key_t self_key; static size_t stack_size = 0; // // Initialisation function (gets called before any user code). // omni_thread::init_t::init_t(void) { if (count++ != 0) // only do it once however many objects get created. return; DB(cerr << "omni_thread::init: solaris implementation initialising\n"); THROW_ERRORS(thr_keycreate(&self_key, NULL)); next_id_mutex = new omni_mutex; // // Create object for this (i.e. initial) thread. // omni_thread* t = new omni_thread; t->_state = STATE_RUNNING; t->sol_thread = thr_self(); DB(cerr << "initial thread " << t->id() << " sol_thread " << t->sol_thread << endl); THROW_ERRORS(thr_setspecific(self_key, (void*)t)); THROW_ERRORS(thr_setprio(t->sol_thread, sol_priority(PRIORITY_NORMAL))); } // // Wrapper for thread creation. // extern "C" void* omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr) { omni_thread* me = (omni_thread*)ptr; DB(cerr << "omni_thread::wrapper: thread " << me->id() << " started\n"); THROW_ERRORS(thr_setspecific(self_key, me)); // // Now invoke the thread function with the given argument. // if (me->fn_void != NULL) { (*me->fn_void)(me->thread_arg); omni_thread::exit(); } if (me->fn_ret != NULL) { void* return_value = (*me->fn_ret)(me->thread_arg); omni_thread::exit(return_value); } if (me->detached) { me->run(me->thread_arg); omni_thread::exit(); } else { void* return_value = me->run_undetached(me->thread_arg); omni_thread::exit(return_value); } // should never get here. return NULL; } // // Constructors for omni_thread - set up the thread object but don't // start it running. // // construct a detached thread running a given function. omni_thread::omni_thread(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri) { common_constructor(arg, pri, 1); fn_void = fn; fn_ret = NULL; } // construct an undetached thread running a given function. omni_thread::omni_thread(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri) { common_constructor(arg, pri, 0); fn_void = NULL; fn_ret = fn; } // construct a thread which will run either run() or run_undetached(). omni_thread::omni_thread(void* arg, priority_t pri) { common_constructor(arg, pri, 1); fn_void = NULL; fn_ret = NULL; } // common part of all constructors. void omni_thread::common_constructor(void* arg, priority_t pri, int det) { _state = STATE_NEW; _priority = pri; next_id_mutex->lock(); _id = next_id++; next_id_mutex->unlock(); thread_arg = arg; detached = det; // may be altered in start_undetached() _dummy = 0; _values = 0; _value_alloc = 0; // sol_thread is set up in initialisation routine or start(). } // // Destructor for omni_thread. // omni_thread::~omni_thread(void) { DB(cerr << "destructor called for thread " << id() << endl); if (_values) { for (key_t i=0; i < _value_alloc; i++) { if (_values[i]) { delete _values[i]; } } delete [] _values; } } // // Start the thread // void omni_thread::start(void) { long flags = 0; if (detached) flags |= THR_DETACHED; omni_mutex_lock l(mutex); if (_state != STATE_NEW) throw omni_thread_invalid(); THROW_ERRORS(thr_create(0, stack_size, omni_thread_wrapper, (void*)this, flags, &sol_thread)); _state = STATE_RUNNING; THROW_ERRORS(thr_setprio(sol_thread, sol_priority(_priority))); } // // Start a thread which will run the member function run_undetached(). // void omni_thread::start_undetached(void) { if ((fn_void != NULL) || (fn_ret != NULL)) throw omni_thread_invalid(); detached = 0; start(); } // // join - simply check error conditions & call thr_join. // void omni_thread::join(void** status) { mutex.lock(); if ((_state != STATE_RUNNING) && (_state != STATE_TERMINATED)) { mutex.unlock(); throw omni_thread_invalid(); } mutex.unlock(); if (this == self()) throw omni_thread_invalid(); if (detached) throw omni_thread_invalid(); DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: doing thr_join\n"); THROW_ERRORS(thr_join(sol_thread, (thread_t *)NULL, status)); DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: thr_join succeeded\n"); delete this; } // // Change this thread's priority. // void omni_thread::set_priority(priority_t pri) { omni_mutex_lock l(mutex); if (_state != STATE_RUNNING) throw omni_thread_invalid(); _priority = pri; THROW_ERRORS(thr_setprio(sol_thread, sol_priority(pri))); } // // create - construct a new thread object and start it running. Returns thread // object if successful, null pointer if not. // // detached version omni_thread* omni_thread::create(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri) { omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri); t->start(); return t; } // undetached version omni_thread* omni_thread::create(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri) { omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri); t->start(); return t; } // // exit() _must_ lock the mutex even in the case of a detached thread. This is // because a thread may run to completion before the thread that created it has // had a chance to get out of start(). By locking the mutex we ensure that the // creating thread must have reached the end of start() before we delete the // thread object. Of course, once the call to start() returns, the user can // still incorrectly refer to the thread object, but that's their problem. // void omni_thread::exit(void* return_value) { omni_thread* me = self(); if (me) { me->mutex.lock(); me->_state = STATE_TERMINATED; me->mutex.unlock(); DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: thread " << me->id() << " detached " << me->detached << " return value " << return_value << endl); if (me->detached) delete me; } else { DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: called with a non-omnithread. Exit quietly." << endl); } thr_exit(return_value); } omni_thread* omni_thread::self(void) { omni_thread* me; THROW_ERRORS(thr_getspecific(self_key, (void**)&me)); if (!me) { // This thread is not created by omni_thread::start because it // doesn't has a class omni_thread instance attached to its key. DB(cerr << "omni_thread::self: called with a non-ominthread. NULL is returned." << endl); } return me; } void omni_thread::yield(void) { thr_yield(); } void omni_thread::sleep(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs) { timespec rqts = { secs, nanosecs }; timespec remain; while (nanosleep(&rqts, &remain)) { if (errno == EINTR) { rqts.tv_sec = remain.tv_sec; rqts.tv_nsec = remain.tv_nsec; continue; } else throw omni_thread_fatal(errno); } } void omni_thread::get_time(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec, unsigned long rel_sec, unsigned long rel_nsec) { timespec abs; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abs); abs.tv_nsec += rel_nsec; abs.tv_sec += rel_sec + abs.tv_nsec / 1000000000; abs.tv_nsec = abs.tv_nsec % 1000000000; *abs_sec = abs.tv_sec; *abs_nsec = abs.tv_nsec; } int omni_thread::sol_priority(priority_t pri) { switch (pri) { case PRIORITY_LOW: return 0; case PRIORITY_NORMAL: return 1; case PRIORITY_HIGH: return 2; } throw omni_thread_invalid(); } void omni_thread::stacksize(unsigned long sz) { stack_size = sz; } unsigned long omni_thread::stacksize() { return stack_size; } // // Dummy thread // #error This dummy thread code is not tested. It might work if you're lucky. class omni_thread_dummy : public omni_thread { public: inline omni_thread_dummy() : omni_thread() { _dummy = 1; _state = STATE_RUNNING; sol_thread = thr_self(); THROW_ERRORS(thr_setspecific(self_key, (void*)this)); } inline ~omni_thread_dummy() { THROW_ERRORS(thr_setspecific(self_key, 0)); } }; omni_thread* omni_thread::create_dummy() { if (omni_thread::self()) throw omni_thread_invalid(); return new omni_thread_dummy; } void omni_thread::release_dummy() { omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self(); if (!self || !self->_dummy) throw omni_thread_invalid(); omni_thread_dummy* dummy = (omni_thread_dummy*)self; delete dummy; } #define INSIDE_THREAD_IMPL_CC #include "threaddata.cc" #undef INSIDE_THREAD_IMPL_CC