/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <mb_runtime_thread_per_block.h> #include <mblock/mblock.h> #include <mb_mblock_impl.h> #include <mblock/class_registry.h> #include <mblock/exception.h> #include <mb_worker.h> #include <gnuradio/omnithread.h> #include <iostream> #include <mb_msg_accepter_msgq.h> static pmt_t s_halt = pmt_intern("%halt"); static pmt_t s_sys_port = pmt_intern("%sys-port"); static pmt_t s_shutdown = pmt_intern("%shutdown"); static pmt_t s_request_shutdown = pmt_intern("%request-shutdown"); static pmt_t s_worker_state_changed = pmt_intern("%worker-state-changed"); static pmt_t s_timeout = pmt_intern("%timeout"); static pmt_t s_request_timeout = pmt_intern("%request-timeout"); static pmt_t s_cancel_timeout = pmt_intern("%cancel-timeout"); static pmt_t s_send_halt = pmt_intern("send-halt"); static pmt_t s_exit_now = pmt_intern("exit-now"); static void send_sys_msg(mb_msg_queue &msgq, pmt_t signal, pmt_t data = PMT_F, pmt_t metadata = PMT_F, mb_pri_t priority = MB_PRI_BEST) { mb_message_sptr msg = mb_make_message(signal, data, metadata, priority); msg->set_port_id(s_sys_port); msgq.insert(msg); } mb_runtime_thread_per_block::mb_runtime_thread_per_block() : d_shutdown_in_progress(false), d_shutdown_result(PMT_T) { d_accepter = mb_msg_accepter_sptr(new mb_msg_accepter_msgq(&d_msgq)); } mb_runtime_thread_per_block::~mb_runtime_thread_per_block() { // FIXME iterate over workers and ensure that they are dead. if (!d_workers.empty()) std::cerr << "\nmb_runtime_thread_per_block: dtor (# workers = " << d_workers.size() << ")\n"; } void mb_runtime_thread_per_block::request_shutdown(pmt_t result) { (*accepter())(s_request_shutdown, result, PMT_F, MB_PRI_BEST); } bool mb_runtime_thread_per_block::run(const std::string &instance_name, const std::string &class_name, pmt_t user_arg, pmt_t *result) { if (result) // set it to something now, in case we throw *result = PMT_F; // reset the shutdown state d_shutdown_in_progress = false; d_shutdown_result = PMT_T; assert(d_workers.empty()); while (!d_timer_queue.empty()) // ensure timer queue is empty d_timer_queue.pop(); /* * Create the top-level component, and recursively all of its * subcomponents. */ d_top = create_component(instance_name, class_name, user_arg); try { run_loop(); } catch (...){ d_top.reset(); throw; } if (result) *result = d_shutdown_result; d_top.reset(); return true; } void mb_runtime_thread_per_block::run_loop() { while (1){ mb_message_sptr msg; if (d_timer_queue.empty()) // Any timeouts pending? msg = d_msgq.get_highest_pri_msg(); // Nope. Block forever. else { mb_timeout_sptr to = d_timer_queue.top(); // Yep. Get earliest timeout. // wait for a msg or the timeout... msg = d_msgq.get_highest_pri_msg_timedwait(to->d_when); if (!msg){ // We timed out. d_timer_queue.pop(); // Remove timeout from timer queue. // send the %timeout msg (*to->d_accepter)(s_timeout, to->d_user_data, to->handle(), MB_PRI_BEST); if (to->d_is_periodic){ to->d_when = to->d_when + to->d_delta; // update time of next firing d_timer_queue.push(to); // push it back into the queue } continue; } } pmt_t signal = msg->signal(); if (pmt_eq(signal, s_worker_state_changed)){ // %worker-state-changed omni_mutex_lock l1(d_workers_mutex); reap_dead_workers(); if (d_workers.empty()) // no work left to do... return; } else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_request_shutdown)){ // %request-shutdown if (!d_shutdown_in_progress){ d_shutdown_in_progress = true; d_shutdown_result = msg->data(); // schedule a timeout for ourselves... schedule_one_shot_timeout(mb_time::time(0.100), s_send_halt, d_accepter); send_all_sys_msg(s_shutdown); } } else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_request_timeout)){ // %request-timeout mb_timeout_sptr to = boost::any_cast<mb_timeout_sptr>(pmt_any_ref(msg->data())); d_timer_queue.push(to); } else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_cancel_timeout)){ // %cancel-timeout d_timer_queue.cancel(msg->data()); } else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_timeout) && pmt_eq(msg->data(), s_send_halt)){ // %timeout, send-halt // schedule another timeout for ourselves... schedule_one_shot_timeout(mb_time::time(0.100), s_exit_now, d_accepter); send_all_sys_msg(s_halt); } else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_timeout) && pmt_eq(msg->data(), s_exit_now)){ // %timeout, exit-now // We only get here if we've sent all workers %shutdown followed // by %halt, and one or more of them is still alive. They must // be blocked in the kernel. FIXME We could add one more step: // pthread_kill(...) but for now, we'll just ignore them... return; } else { std::cerr << "mb_runtime_thread_per_block: unhandled msg: " << msg << std::endl; } } } void mb_runtime_thread_per_block::reap_dead_workers() { // Already holding mutex // omni_mutex_lock l1(d_workers_mutex); for (worker_iter_t wi = d_workers.begin(); wi != d_workers.end(); ){ bool is_dead; // We can't join while holding the worker mutex, since that would // attempt to destroy the mutex we're holding (omnithread's join // deletes the omni_thread object after the pthread_join // completes) Instead, we lock just long enough to figure out if // the worker is dead. { omni_mutex_lock l2((*wi)->d_mutex); is_dead = (*wi)->d_state == mb_worker::TS_DEAD; } if (is_dead){ if (0) std::cerr << "\nruntime: " << "(" << (*wi)->id() << ") " << (*wi)->d_mblock->instance_name() << " is TS_DEAD\n"; void *ignore; (*wi)->join(&ignore); wi = d_workers.erase(wi); continue; } ++wi; } } // // Create the thread, then create the component in the thread. // Return a pointer to the created mblock. // // Can be invoked from any thread // mb_mblock_sptr mb_runtime_thread_per_block::create_component(const std::string &instance_name, const std::string &class_name, pmt_t user_arg) { mb_mblock_maker_t maker; if (!mb_class_registry::lookup_maker(class_name, &maker)) throw mbe_no_such_class(0, class_name + " (in " + instance_name + ")"); // FIXME here's where we'd lookup NUMA placement requests & mblock // priorities and communicate them to the worker we're creating... // Create the worker thread mb_worker *w = new mb_worker(this, maker, instance_name, user_arg); w->start_undetached(); // start it // Wait for it to reach TS_RUNNING or TS_DEAD bool is_dead; mb_worker::cause_of_death_t why_dead; { omni_mutex_lock l(w->d_mutex); while (!(w->d_state == mb_worker::TS_RUNNING || w->d_state == mb_worker::TS_DEAD)) w->d_state_cond.wait(); is_dead = w->d_state == mb_worker::TS_DEAD; why_dead = w->d_why_dead; } // If the worker failed to init (constructor or initial_transition // raised an exception), reap the worker now and raise an exception. if (is_dead && why_dead != mb_worker::RIP_EXIT){ void *ignore; w->join(&ignore); // FIXME with some work we ought to be able to propagate the // exception from the worker. throw mbe_mblock_failed(0, instance_name); } assert(w->d_mblock); // Add w to the vector of workers, and return the mblock. { omni_mutex_lock l(d_workers_mutex); d_workers.push_back(w); } if (0) std::cerr << "\nruntime: created " << "(" << w->id() << ") " << w->d_mblock->instance_name() << "\n"; return w->d_mblock; } void mb_runtime_thread_per_block::send_all_sys_msg(pmt_t signal, pmt_t data, pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority) { omni_mutex_lock l1(d_workers_mutex); for (worker_iter_t wi = d_workers.begin(); wi != d_workers.end(); ++wi){ send_sys_msg((*wi)->d_mblock->impl()->msgq(), signal, data, metadata, priority); } } // // Can be invoked from any thread. // Sends a message to the runtime. // pmt_t mb_runtime_thread_per_block::schedule_one_shot_timeout (const mb_time &abs_time, pmt_t user_data, mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter) { mb_timeout_sptr to(new mb_timeout(abs_time, user_data, accepter)); (*d_accepter)(s_request_timeout, pmt_make_any(to), PMT_F, MB_PRI_BEST); return to->handle(); } // // Can be invoked from any thread. // Sends a message to the runtime. // pmt_t mb_runtime_thread_per_block::schedule_periodic_timeout (const mb_time &first_abs_time, const mb_time &delta_time, pmt_t user_data, mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter) { mb_timeout_sptr to(new mb_timeout(first_abs_time, delta_time, user_data, accepter)); (*d_accepter)(s_request_timeout, pmt_make_any(to), PMT_F, MB_PRI_BEST); return to->handle(); } // // Can be invoked from any thread. // Sends a message to the runtime. // void mb_runtime_thread_per_block::cancel_timeout(pmt_t handle) { (*d_accepter)(s_cancel_timeout, handle, PMT_F, MB_PRI_BEST); }