# # Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # """ The forms module contains general purpose wx-gui forms for gnuradio apps. The forms follow a layered model: * internal layer * deals with the wxgui objects directly * implemented in event handler and update methods * translation layer * translates the between the external and internal layers * handles parsing errors between layers * external layer * provided external access to the user * set_value, get_value, and optional callback * set and get through optional pubsub and key """ EXT_KEY = 'external' INT_KEY = 'internal' import wx import sys from gnuradio.gr.pubsub import pubsub import converters EVT_DATA = wx.PyEventBinder(wx.NewEventType()) class DataEvent(wx.PyEvent): def __init__(self, data): wx.PyEvent.__init__(self, wx.NewId(), EVT_DATA.typeId) self.data = data ######################################################################## # Base Class Form ######################################################################## class _form_base(pubsub, wx.BoxSizer): def __init__(self, parent=None, sizer=None, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND, ps=None, key='', value=None, callback=None, converter=converters.identity_converter()): pubsub.__init__(self) wx.BoxSizer.__init__(self, wx.HORIZONTAL) self._parent = parent self._converter = converter self._callback = callback self._widgets = list() #add to the sizer if provided if sizer: sizer.Add(self, proportion, flag) #proxy the pubsub and key into this form if ps is not None: assert key self.proxy(EXT_KEY, ps, key) #no pubsub passed, must set initial value else: self.set_value(value) def _add_widget(self, widget, label='', flag=0): """ Add the main widget to this object sizer. If label is passed, add a label as well. Register the widget and the label in the widgets list (for enable/disable). Bind the update handler to the widget for data events. This ensures that the gui thread handles updating widgets. Setup the pusub triggers for external and internal. @param widget the main widget @param label the optional label @param flag additional flags for widget """ #setup data event widget.Bind(EVT_DATA, lambda x: self._update(x.data)) update = lambda x: wx.PostEvent(widget, DataEvent(x)) #register widget self._widgets.append(widget) #create optional label if not label: self.Add(widget, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | flag) else: label_text = wx.StaticText(self._parent, label='%s: '%label) self._widgets.append(label_text) self.Add(label_text, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALIGN_LEFT) self.Add(widget, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | flag) #initialize without triggering pubsubs self._translate_external_to_internal(self[EXT_KEY]) update(self[INT_KEY]) #subscribe all the functions self.subscribe(INT_KEY, update) self.subscribe(INT_KEY, self._translate_internal_to_external) self.subscribe(EXT_KEY, self._translate_external_to_internal) if self._callback: self.subscribe(EXT_KEY, self._callback) def _translate_external_to_internal(self, external): try: internal = self._converter.external_to_internal(external) #prevent infinite loop between internal and external pubsub keys by only setting if changed if self[INT_KEY] != internal: self[INT_KEY] = internal except Exception, e: self._err_msg(external, e) self[INT_KEY] = self[INT_KEY] #reset to last good setting def _translate_internal_to_external(self, internal): try: external = self._converter.internal_to_external(internal) #prevent infinite loop between internal and external pubsub keys by only setting if changed if self[EXT_KEY] != external: self[EXT_KEY] = external except Exception, e: self._err_msg(internal, e) self[EXT_KEY] = self[EXT_KEY] #reset to last good setting def _err_msg(self, value, e): print >> sys.stderr, 'Error translating value: "%s"\n\t%s\n\t%s'%(value, e, self._converter.help()) #override in subclasses to handle the wxgui object def _update(self, value): raise NotImplementedError def _handle(self, event): raise NotImplementedError #provide a set/get interface for this form def get_value(self): return self[EXT_KEY] def set_value(self, value): self[EXT_KEY] = value def Disable(self, disable=True): self.Enable(not disable) def Enable(self, enable=True): if enable: for widget in self._widgets: widget.Enable() else: for widget in self._widgets: widget.Disable() ######################################################################## # Static Text Form ######################################################################## class static_text(_form_base): def __init__(self, label='', width=-1, bold=False, converter=converters.str_converter(), **kwargs): _form_base.__init__(self, converter=converter, **kwargs) self._static_text = wx.StaticText(self._parent, size=wx.Size(width, -1)) if bold: font = self._static_text.GetFont() font.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD) self._static_text.SetFont(font) self._add_widget(self._static_text, label) def _update(self, label): self._static_text.SetLabel(label) ######################################################################## # Text Box Form ######################################################################## class text_box(_form_base): def __init__(self, label='', width=-1, converter=converters.eval_converter(), **kwargs): _form_base.__init__(self, converter=converter, **kwargs) self._text_box = wx.TextCtrl(self._parent, size=wx.Size(width, -1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self._text_box.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self._handle) self._add_widget(self._text_box, label) def _handle(self, event): self[INT_KEY] = self._text_box.GetValue() def _update(self, value): self._text_box.SetValue(value) ######################################################################## # Slider Form ######################################################################## class _slider_base(_form_base): """ Base class for linear and log slider. @param length the length of the slider in px @param style wx.SL_HORIZONTAL or wx.SL_VERTICAL """ def __init__(self, label='', length=-1, converter=None, num_steps=100, style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL, **kwargs): _form_base.__init__(self, converter=converter, **kwargs) if style & wx.SL_HORIZONTAL: slider_size = wx.Size(length, -1) elif style & wx.SL_VERTICAL: slider_size = wx.Size(-1, length) else: raise NotImplementedError self._slider = wx.Slider(self._parent, minValue=0, maxValue=num_steps, size=slider_size, style=style) self._slider.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self._handle) self._add_widget(self._slider, label, flag=wx.EXPAND) def _handle(self, event): self[INT_KEY] = self._slider.GetValue() def _update(self, value): self._slider.SetValue(value) class slider(_slider_base): """ A generic linear slider. @param cast a cast function, int, or float (default=float) """ def __init__(self, minimum=-100, maximum=100, num_steps=100, step_size=None, cast=float, **kwargs): assert step_size or num_steps if step_size is not None: num_steps = (maximum - minimum)/step_size converter = converters.slider_converter(minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, num_steps=num_steps, cast=cast) _slider_base.__init__(self, converter=converter, num_steps=num_steps, **kwargs) class log_slider(_slider_base): """ A generic log slider. """ def __init__(self, min_exp=0, max_exp=1, base=10, num_steps=100, step_size=None, **kwargs): assert step_size or num_steps if step_size is not None: num_steps = (max_exp - min_exp)/step_size converter = converters.log_slider_converter(min_exp=min_exp, max_exp=max_exp, num_steps=num_steps, base=base) _slider_base.__init__(self, converter=converter, num_steps=num_steps, **kwargs) ######################################################################## # Check Box Form ######################################################################## class check_box(_form_base): def __init__(self, label='', true=True, false=False, **kwargs): _form_base.__init__(self, converter=converters.bool_converter(true=true, false=false), **kwargs) self._check_box = wx.CheckBox(self._parent, style=wx.CHK_2STATE, label=label) self._check_box.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self._handle) self._add_widget(self._check_box) def _handle(self, event): self[INT_KEY] = self._check_box.IsChecked() def _update(self, checked): self._check_box.SetValue(checked) ######################################################################## # Base Class Chooser Form ######################################################################## class _chooser_base(_form_base): def __init__(self, choices=[], labels=None, **kwargs): _form_base.__init__(self, converter=converters.chooser_converter(choices), **kwargs) self._choices = choices self._labels = map(str, labels or choices) ######################################################################## # Drop Down Chooser Form ######################################################################## class drop_down(_chooser_base): def __init__(self, label='', **kwargs): _chooser_base.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._drop_down = wx.Choice(self._parent, choices=self._labels) self._drop_down.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self._handle) self._add_widget(self._drop_down, label) def _handle(self, event): self[INT_KEY] = self._drop_down.GetSelection() def _update(self, i): self._drop_down.SetSelection(i) ######################################################################## # Button Chooser Form # Circularly move through the choices with each click. # Can be a single-click button with one choice. # Can be a 2-state button with two choices. ######################################################################## class button(_chooser_base): def __init__(self, label='', style=0, width=-1, **kwargs): _chooser_base.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._button = wx.Button(self._parent, size=wx.Size(width, -1), style=style) self._button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._handle) self._add_widget(self._button, label) def _handle(self, event): self[INT_KEY] = (self[INT_KEY] + 1)%len(self._choices) #circularly increment index def _update(self, i): self._button.SetLabel(self._labels[i]); self.Layout() class toggle_button(button): """ Create a dual state button. This button will alternate between True and False when clicked. """ def __init__(self, true_label='On (click to stop)', false_label='Off (click to start)', **kwargs): button.__init__(self, choices=[True, False], labels=[true_label, false_label], **kwargs) class single_button(toggle_button): """ Create a single state button. This button will callback() when clicked. For use when state holding is not important. """ def __init__(self, label='click for callback', **kwargs): toggle_button.__init__(self, true_label=label, false_label=label, value=True, **kwargs) ######################################################################## # Radio Buttons Chooser Form ######################################################################## class radio_buttons(_chooser_base): """ Create a radio button form. @param parent the parent widget @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional) @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0) @param ps the pubsub object (optional) @param key the pubsub key (optional) @param value the default value (optional) @param choices list of possible values @param labels list of labels for each choice (default=choices) @param major_dimension the number of rows/cols (default=auto) @param label title label for this widget (optional) @param style useful style args: wx.RA_HORIZONTAL, wx.RA_VERTICAL, wx.NO_BORDER (default=wx.RA_HORIZONTAL) """ def __init__(self, style=wx.RA_HORIZONTAL, label='', major_dimension=0, **kwargs): _chooser_base.__init__(self, **kwargs) #create radio buttons self._radio_buttons = wx.RadioBox(self._parent, choices=self._labels, style=style, label=label, majorDimension=major_dimension) self._radio_buttons.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBOX, self._handle) self._add_widget(self._radio_buttons) def _handle(self, event): self[INT_KEY] = self._radio_buttons.GetSelection() def _update(self, i): self._radio_buttons.SetSelection(i) ######################################################################## # Notebook Chooser Form # The notebook pages/tabs are for selecting between choices. # A page must be added to the notebook for each choice. ######################################################################## class notebook(_chooser_base): def __init__(self, pages, notebook, **kwargs): _chooser_base.__init__(self, **kwargs) assert len(pages) == len(self._choices) self._notebook = notebook self._notebook.Bind(wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self._handle) #add pages, setting the label on each tab for i, page in enumerate(pages): self._notebook.AddPage(page, self._labels[i]) self._add_widget(self._notebook) def _handle(self, event): self[INT_KEY] = self._notebook.GetSelection() def _update(self, i): self._notebook.SetSelection(i) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Stand-alone test application # ---------------------------------------------------------------- import wx from gnuradio.wxgui import gui class app_gui (object): def __init__(self, frame, panel, vbox, top_block, options, args): def callback(v): print v radio_buttons( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, choices=[2, 4, 8, 16], labels=['two', 'four', 'eight', 'sixteen'], value=4, style=wx.RA_HORIZONTAL, label='test radio long string', callback=callback, #major_dimension = 2, ) radio_buttons( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, choices=[2, 4, 8, 16], labels=['two', 'four', 'eight', 'sixteen'], value=4, style=wx.RA_VERTICAL, label='test radio long string', callback=callback, #major_dimension = 2, ) radio_buttons( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, choices=[2, 4, 8, 16], labels=['two', 'four', 'eight', 'sixteen'], value=4, style=wx.RA_VERTICAL | wx.NO_BORDER, callback=callback, #major_dimension = 2, ) button( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, choices=[2, 4, 8, 16], labels=['two', 'four', 'eight', 'sixteen'], value=2, label='button value', callback=callback, #width=100, ) drop_down( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, choices=[2, 4, 8, 16], value=2, label='Choose One', callback=callback, ) check_box( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, value=False, label='check me', callback=callback, ) text_box( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, value=3, label='text box', callback=callback, width=200, ) static_text( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, value='bob', label='static text', width=-1, bold=True, ) slider( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, value=12, label='slider', callback=callback, ) log_slider( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, value=12, label='slider', callback=callback, ) slider( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, value=12, label='slider', callback=callback, style=wx.SL_VERTICAL, length=30, ) toggle_button( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, value=True, label='toggle it', callback=callback, ) single_button( sizer=vbox, parent=panel, label='sig test', callback=callback, ) if __name__ == "__main__": try: # Create the GUI application app = gui.app( gui=app_gui, # User interface class title="Test Forms", # Top window title ) # And run it app.MainLoop() except RuntimeError, e: print e sys.exit(1)