#!/usr/bin/env python ######################################################## ##Cheetah template - gnuradio_python ## ##@param imports the import statements ##@param flow_graph the flow_graph ##@param variables the variable blocks ##@param notebooks a list of notebook blocks ##@param controls the variables with gui controls ##@param parameters the paramater blocks ##@param blocks the signal blocks ##@param connections the connections ##@param messages the msg type connections ##@param generate_options the type of flow graph ##@param var_id2cbs variable id map to callback strings ######################################################## #def indent($code) #set $code = '\n\t\t'.join(str($code).splitlines()) $code#slurp #end def #import time #set $DIVIDER = '#'*50 $DIVIDER # Gnuradio Python Flow Graph # Title: $title #if $flow_graph.get_option('author') # Author: $flow_graph.get_option('author') #end if #if $flow_graph.get_option('description') # Description: $flow_graph.get_option('description') #end if # Generated: $time.ctime() $DIVIDER ######################################################## ##Create Imports ######################################################## #for $imp in $imports $imp #end for ######################################################## ##Create Class ## Write the class declaration for a top or hier block. ## The parameter names are the arguments to __init__. ## Determine the absolute icon path (wx gui only). ## Setup the IO signature (hier block only). ######################################################## #set $class_name = $flow_graph.get_option('id') #set $param_str = ', '.join(['self'] + ['%s=%s'%(param.get_id(), param.get_make()) for param in $parameters]) #if $generate_options == 'wx_gui' #import gtk #set $icon = gtk.IconTheme().lookup_icon('gnuradio-grc', 32, 0) class $(class_name)(grc_wxgui.top_block_gui): def __init__($param_str): grc_wxgui.top_block_gui.__init__(self, title="$title") #if $icon _icon_path = "$icon.get_filename()" self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(_icon_path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) #end if #elif $generate_options == 'no_gui' class $(class_name)(gr.top_block): def __init__($param_str): gr.top_block.__init__(self, "$title") #elif $generate_options == 'hb' #set $in_sig = $flow_graph.get_input_signature() #set $out_sig = $flow_graph.get_output_signature() class $(class_name)(gr.hier_block2): def __init__($param_str): gr.hier_block2.__init__( self, "$title", gr.io_signature($in_sig.nports, $in_sig.nports, $in_sig.size*$in_sig.vlen), gr.io_signature($out_sig.nports, $out_sig.nports, $out_sig.size*$out_sig.vlen), ) #end if ######################################################## ##Create Parameters ## Set the parameter to a property of self. ######################################################## #if $parameters $DIVIDER # Parameters $DIVIDER #end if #for $param in $parameters $indent($param.get_var_make()) #end for ######################################################## ##Create Variables ######################################################## #if $variables $DIVIDER # Variables $DIVIDER #end if #for $var in $variables $indent($var.get_var_make()) #end for ######################################################## ##Create Notebooks ######################################################## #if $notebooks $DIVIDER # Notebooks $DIVIDER #end if #for $notebook in $notebooks $indent($notebook.get_make()) #end for ######################################################## ##Create Controls ######################################################## #if $controls $DIVIDER # Controls $DIVIDER #end if #for $ctrl in $controls $indent($ctrl.get_make()) #end for ######################################################## ##Create Message Queues ######################################################## #if $messages $DIVIDER # Message Queues $DIVIDER #end if #for $msg in $messages $(msg.get_source().get_parent().get_id())_msgq = $(msg.get_sink().get_parent().get_id())_msgq = gr.msg_queue(2) #end for ######################################################## ##Create Blocks ######################################################## #if $blocks $DIVIDER # Blocks $DIVIDER #end if #for $blk in filter(lambda b: b.get_make(), $blocks) self.$blk.get_id() = $indent($blk.get_make()) #end for ######################################################## ##Create Connections ## The port name should be the id of the parent block. ## However, port names for IO pads should be self. ######################################################## #def make_port_name($port) #if $port.get_parent().get_key().startswith('pad_') self#slurp #else self.$port.get_parent().get_id()#slurp #end if #end def #if $connections $DIVIDER # Connections $DIVIDER #end if #for $con in $connections #set $source = $con.get_source() #set $sink = $con.get_sink() ##resolve virtual sources to the actual sources #if $source.is_virtual_source() #set $source = $source.resolve_virtual_source() #end if ##do not generate connections with virtual sinks #if not $sink.is_virtual_sink() self.connect(($make_port_name($source), $source.get_key()), ($make_port_name($sink), $sink.get_key())) #end if #end for ######################################################## ##Create Callbacks ## Write a set method for this variable that calls the callbacks ######################################################## #for $var in $parameters + $variables #set $id = $var.get_id() def set_$(id)(self, $id): self.$id = $id #for $callback in $var_id2cbs[$id] $indent($callback) #end for #end for ######################################################## ##Create Main ## For top block code, generate a main routine. ## Instantiate the top block and run as gui or cli. ######################################################## #def make_default($type, $param) #if $type == 'eng_float' eng_notation.num_to_str($param.get_make())#slurp #else $param.get_make()#slurp #end if #end def #def make_short_id($param) #set $short_id = $param.get_param('short_id').get_evaluated() #if $short_id #set $short_id = '-' + $short_id #end if $short_id#slurp #end def #if $generate_options != 'hb' if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage="%prog: [options]") #set $params_eq_list = list() #for $param in $parameters #set $type = $param.get_param('type').get_value() #if $type #silent $params_eq_list.append('%s=options.%s'%($param.get_id(), $param.get_id())) parser.add_option("$make_short_id($param)", "--$param.get_id().replace('_', '-')", dest="$param.get_id()", type="$type", default=$make_default($type, $param), help="Set $($param.get_param('label').get_evaluated() or $param.get_id()) [default=%default]") #end if #end for (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #if $flow_graph.get_option('realtime_scheduling') if gr.enable_realtime_scheduling() != gr.RT_OK: print "Error: failed to enable realtime scheduling." #end if tb = $(class_name)($(', '.join($params_eq_list))) #if $generate_options == 'wx_gui' tb.Run($flow_graph.get_option('run')) #elif $generate_options == 'no_gui' tb.start() raw_input('Press Enter to quit: ') tb.stop() #end if #end if