Thu Jul 24 14:28:06 2008 options id ber_sim _enabled True title BER Simulation author Example description Adjust the noise and constellation... see what happens! window_size 1280, 1024 generate_options wx_gui category Custom _coordinate (16, 10) _rotation 0 gr_add_vxx id gr_add_vxx _enabled True type complex num_inputs 2 vlen 1 _coordinate (652, 395) _rotation 0 wxgui_constellationsink2 id wxgui_constellationsink2 _enabled True title "Constellation: "+str(const) samp_rate samp_rate frame_decim 15 marker set_format_plus grid_pos 2, 0, 1, 1 _coordinate (907, 334) _rotation 0 gr_noise_source_x id gr_noise_source_x _enabled True type complex noise_type gr.GR_GAUSSIAN amp noise seed 42 _coordinate (235, 379) _rotation 0 gr_chunks_to_symbols_xx id gr_chunks_to_symbols_xx _enabled True in_type byte out_type complex symbol_table const dimension 1 _coordinate (360, 237) _rotation 0 wxgui_numbersink2 id wxgui_numbersink2 _enabled True type float title BER units % samp_rate samp_rate base_value 0.0 min_value 0.0 max_value 1.0 factor 100 decimal_places 4 ref_level 0 number_rate 15 avg_alpha 0 options none show_gauge False grid_pos 1, 0, 1, 1 _coordinate (1062, 11) _rotation 0 gr_throttle id gr_throttle _enabled True type byte samples_per_second samp_rate vlen 1 _coordinate (397, 27) _rotation 0 blks2_error_rate id blks2_error_rate _enabled True type "BER" win_size 1000000 bits_per_symbol int(math.log(len(const))/math.log(2)) _coordinate (670, 41) _rotation 0 gr_constellation_decoder_cb id gr_constellation_decoder_cb _enabled True sym_position const sym_value_out range(len(const)) _coordinate (708, 224) _rotation 0 random_source_x id random_source_x _enabled True type byte min 0 max len(const) num_samps 1000000 repeat False _coordinate (15, 244) _rotation 0 variable id noise _enabled True value .25 _coordinate (18, 386) _rotation 0 variable id const _enabled True value 1+1j, 1-1j, -1-1j, -1+1j _coordinate (16, 461) _rotation 0 variable id samp_rate _enabled True value 50e3 _coordinate (20, 168) _rotation 0 import id import _enabled True import import math _coordinate (138, 168) _rotation 0 blks2_error_rate wxgui_numbersink2 0 0 gr_throttle blks2_error_rate 0 0 gr_constellation_decoder_cb blks2_error_rate 0 1 gr_add_vxx gr_constellation_decoder_cb 0 0 gr_chunks_to_symbols_xx gr_add_vxx 0 0 gr_noise_source_x gr_add_vxx 0 1 gr_add_vxx wxgui_constellationsink2 0 0 random_source_x gr_throttle 0 0 random_source_x gr_chunks_to_symbols_xx 0 0